Yes, I know I haven't updated in a while :) Apologies to all the voyeurs out there.. haha :)
Anyway, I have been away (not away AWAY but just not around) at a women's conference but that's another story for another day :) I'm writing this blog because I promised the Lord that I'd share what He did for me when it was complete, so here goes:
You'd all probably know I've had several problems leading up to graduation. Right from the beginning, I didn't have enough points to finish my degree. I needed a work placement and an individual study contract, both of which the Lord provided at just the right time. It was difficult getting them because I had missed the deadlines for both the placement and the study contract but the Lord provided anyway.
Following that, I had to hand in my final essay before the deadline for results to make the graduation (yes, it's all about deadlines). I did that but my unit co-ordinator didn't hand in my results on time and I missed the deadline. There was absolutely nothing I could do. I tried calling him and going to his office but he was never to be found, till one day, I walked by and he was in his office. He told me he'd handed my results in a few days ago. After much running around, I finally got confirmation from the graduations office that my results were in. I pestered them (yes, I really did pester them...) for a graduations pack and the appropriate forms I needed.
Anyhow, this is what I have to say - that the Lord was faithful, IS faithful and answers prayers ON TIME. HIS time. He's never too early or too late.
I realise I sound kinda preachy and "testimonial-like" but I know I needed to share this with anyone who'd listen, who's thinking that there isn't hope or that God doesn't answer prayers or that He only answers prayers of special people like pastors or holy people. By human standards, I'm neither. I'm just an ordinary girl who chose to put her faith in her God. Because He has never disappointed me. Because He loves me enough to want the best for me.
Take heart, people. Will talk more about the conference another day. God bless you all :)
Friday, September 06, 2002
She's feeling:

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