Ok, so here we go. It's been a helluva week. But before I proceed, congratulations to Cheryl for getting a groovy job!!! I'm really happy for you :) And jealous too ;) But yeah, I think it's a great job for you and you deserve it. So go out there and change the world!!! At least the world of media anyway.
Next, lovely pic you got there Lil. Are we gonna get to see more pix of Lombok? You lucky girl, what I'd give to get out of the country now!
Ok, so SARS is back. It's a good thing we're not running around like headless chooks. And somebody tell me the 2nd anniversary of 9/11 went by relatively unnoticed on our side of the world. The other day, my editor was asking me if I read the papers everyday and I nodded an "uh-huh" (translation: I LIED). Eeep. I haven't lied outrightly in ages!! I mean, that was such a lie I swear she saw right through me. Anyway, she wants me to pitch 4 story ideas to her by Monday. 2 for I-S and 2 for The Edge. Problem - I have no idea what The Edge is and where to get it. And the last time I saw copies of I-S, they were at Coffee Club, HV. Where does one get her hands on an elusive free magazine? And I just found out that I-S stands for "In Singapore". Wow. I'm a certified idiot.
I need a tuition kid. I'm running low in resources. It breaks my heart to see my account balance everytime I withdraw money. And that's the problem. The only transactions I make are withdrawals. Nothing's going in!! I need a tuition kid. Anyone has a tuition kid to spare?
I bought this intensive conditioning thing for my hair. It's orange and lime. And it's intense alright. I ended up smelling like a fruit tree. I have a feeling I'll still be smelling like a fruit tree tomorrow. Well at least it's orange and lime and not durian. Hmm... durian shampoo... ugh.
Anyway, my horrible week has to do with arranging a photo shoot with 3 men, 2 of whom are very uncooperative. It's hell I tell ya. And one of them had the nerve to ask us to postpone the article. I mean, hello?? Who's running the magazine here? Anyway, had to cancel the photographer and makeup artist at the last minute. And I went to so much trouble to get permission from the Keppel Club to shoot on their premises too. Sigh. AND THEN, after that fiasco, I had to arrange ANOTHER photo shoot. This time for 3 ladies. I nearly fainted when I found out. BUT, I've learnt to be forceful. No more, "Would it be possible for you to make it on Thursday for the shoot? Could you try please? Saturday? Well, I'd rather not Saturday. Could you try Thursday? You'll get back to me? Thanks." NO MORE OF THAT. Now it's, "I'm sorry, we can't do the shoot on Saturday. It'll have to be Thursday. You'll take half day leave? Great." It's amazing how cooperative people can be when you assert yourself. It's never been something that I do well but I'm learning now and boy does it feel great to be in control! I figured, these people are probably dying to have their picture in the magazine. So basically, if I tell them we can't make it on their day of choice and it has to be on OUR day, they will do anything to change their schedules for us. That's the way it is. Because people are vain.
And since we're on the subject of magazines.... THE OCTOBER ISSUE IS OUT! Go buy it! I've got a feature article and a few box stories in it *beam* Cheap thrill but *beam* anyway :)
Alright mates, gotta go. Gonna watch a movie. I highly HIGHLY recommend S.W.A.T and Pirates of the Caribbean. HIGHLY recommended. They are the BEST movies I've watched this year. If you only have money to watch one, go watch Pirates. It's excellent. And it has more eye candy than S.W.A.T does ;) Ok, so Colin Farrell is drop dead gorgeous (I think he is anyway) but Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom in the same movie is TOO HOT TO HANDLE!! Go watch it. Today, I'm gonna watch Turn Left, Turn Right with the Takeshi fella. Jin Cheng Wu. I am cheenafying myself. It's more fun to learn chinese through movies, no?
Alright alright, I'm going.. byebye!
Saturday, September 13, 2003
She's feeling:

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- Ah yes, I realise I've been neglecting this blog :...
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- Isn't it crazy how the weekend just zooms past? Ev...
- The last time I saw such a storm, I was in Perth. ...
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- Early in the Morning If you haven't noticed from ...
- I want an orchid named after me too!!!
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