Apologies for the absence. She's been a busy girl...
Went for 2 consecutive pilates classes yesterday... at the end of it, I was like, hello, I didn't know so many parts of my body could ache. Heck, I didn't even know there were so many parts to my body. Anyway, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I'll be going for another two classes tomorrow. I am hoping to supplement this by going jogging on Sunday. 'Hoping' being the operative word.
This evening, I went to the launch of Esprit's new Spring/Summer collection. Apart from getting there late and having to squeeze with the other billion invited guests, it was an ok event. Mark Zee was the host and since this was his maiden hosting gig, I shall spare him the scrutiny. But I have to say that he struck me as very vain. Then again, that's just my opinion. The other peeve was this middle-aged rotund man standing next to me, speaking at the top of his voice in classic heartlander Hokkien and leaning back at frequent intervals to bump against me. ANNOYING. And just as annoying were his STUPID comments throughout the fashion show about how the models are definitely Russian. You can tell by their faces. And he said all this in Ah Beng Hokkien to his fellow heartlander mates. D*** bl***y f**king annoying.
Then there was the NIPPLE thing. So all the models were strutting their stuff in beachwear, walking up and down the runway right? This male model walked to the end of the catwalk and, lo and behold, we got a full frontal view of his NIPPLE RINGS. Ow Ow Ow. From what I managed to see before I started cringing, it looked like there were 2 metal rods stuck through his nipples. This guy is perfect for those Thaipusam rituals, I tell ya. He'd probably be the first ang moh to do it though. Oh, and in a totally unrelated incident, this lady fainted right in front of us. Well, near enough anyway. Ok, more like to our side. See, I told you there were too many people around. Poor lady. Must have been bimbofied by the lack of oxygen to her brain. Ok, terrible joke. I apologise.
That's all for today though. My multivitamin recovery mask is due for removal now. Yes, I am sitting in front of the computer with an orange face. Am heading to the bathroom now before my dad sees me and freaks out...
Friday, April 08, 2005
She's feeling:

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