"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Had a really nice dinner at Tango's tonight. The margarita was a tad strong though eh Cheryl? :) Finished off a nice dinner with a wicked brownie and ice cream at Coffee Club where the waiter was um.. how shall we put it... curt? Well, maybe not curt but he was all mumbles and jumbles. Mumblemumblemumble... Service was slow. I'm big on service. I expect a lot from service staff not just because I'm paying but because it's only professional. I don't think personal crises are excuses. Personal life and professional life are, to me, 2 different things that, as far as possible, should not mix. It's not easy hey, but it's something to aim towards.

Laughed a lot today. First with Lil, goofing around with the jukebox at Billy Bombers, crooning old melodies, fiddling with cheese fries and malt shakes... went to town and laughed at the stupid things we said. Ok fine, the stupid things I said. Got approached by this apparently pubescent boy trying to sell us Moshi Mori (whatever) wallets at half price. Laughed again this evening with Cheryl when we were relating the stuff we heard on the radio to each other. Laughed when we tried to sing a french song - confidently singing it, complete with accents and all, and then fumbling and trailing off at the parts we didn't know. And yes, we both fumbled at the same parts... hahaha.. oh, and of course, we tried to sing Alegria (Cirque du Soleil) and the only word we knew was "alegria"! We're too hilarious for our own good! Hahaha...

Ooh, 2 days to go. It's quite surreal really. I can't quite believe I'm in Singapore. Weird eh? It'll almost be like I never came back at all. I'm starting to think Perth ain't the place for me. I mean, it's gorgeous and homey and all and I'm in love with it. I could see myself right at home there. I am right at home there. Singapore, on the other hand, is almost completely devoid of charm for me. Yet there is a magnetic pull that draws me back each time. It's not the people. I severely dislike the attitude that Singaporeans have come to adopt - work your ass off, be rude to fellow dark-haired beings, push and shove in public places, and most of all, the NEED to be first in everything. Tuition at Primary One says it all, but that's another story for another time. So no, it's not the people. It's an indescribable pull that you love and hate at the same time. It's like chocolate. It's unhealthy, makes you fat, causes ruptures on your otherwise smooth skin yet you want it. You don't need it but oh boy, you want it.

I"m sleepy now. I hope I haven't been blabbing irresponsibly. That's the danger of having a blog eh? Well, like I said, I'm sleepy now so I'll er, check in again tomorr.... zzz..zzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


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