"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Saturday, June 07, 2003

I was inspired (ok, maybe that's not really the right word) by Liz's last 2 posts about getting over someone and I thought I'd give my 2 cents' worth. Ok, so I'm no relationship guru and I'm probably not the best person to be talking about this but I guess I just want to say my piece. Sigh. Deep breath, here goes...

I think getting over someone is easy. If that someone didn't mean anything to you. It gets a leeetle tricky if they meant something. If they meant a whole lot. But that's ok. It's not the end of the world. Because solace can always be found in chocolate ice cream!!! In fact, I'm digging my spoon into a tub right now! Chocolate is your best friend in times of extreme pain and sorrow. You know those nights when you can't sleep? When you're too tired to cry yourself to sleep again? Close your eyes and imagine a rich, dark cascading chocolate waterfall. And then if you have to go pee, GO.

Bottom line - we're all gonna get our hearts broken one time or another. I guess some just get more broken than others. Some just hurt more. Some will cry more. At the end of the day, it's not how much he/she hurt you. It's how much you want to bounce back and carry on with life. Allow yourself a grieving period (ie. the one where you bitch about how badly he/she hurt you, what a big fat idiot he/she is, how you'd like to smack him/her in the face, how you'd like to substitute their toothpaste with a tube of glue...) and then get on with your life. And yes, I know, those stupid memories with that warm, rosy glow (ie. the lens they use to shoot soap operas with) will do the naughty thing and come back to gnaw at you just when you think you're making some progress. I say the best thing to do is to ignore them. Ignore the fond memories. Cherishing them comes at a later stage. When you're well and truly over the person who let you go in the first place. But don't be surprised if one day, you find that the memories have become fuzzy and you don't really remember much about the time you spent with the person. It happens. If your memories are still crystal clear, you either have a complex and profound brain, or you're not really over the person. Which means it's time to get out the spoon and the chocolate ice cream again. And that's ok. Because chocolate is good-for-you. Repeat after me - CHOC-O-LATE EEES GOOOD FOR YOOOOOU.

So there you go - my 2 cents' worth. I could probably use some of my own advice. I'm trying to be a brave girl. I really am. I shall leave you, my readers, with some words from Ms Diva herself - Ms Mariah Carey. Here's a good song to listen to after a break up. Especially good if you're blasting it in a car, and singing it at the top of your lungs with 2 other gal pals. I learnt the chorus in the car. We screamed pretty loud. Uh, I mean, "sang" ;)

I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own, and I know
That I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel this way
I hold tight onto my faith
And I live one more day
And I know
I can make it through the rain


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