"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Thursday, October 13, 2005

2 days to go till the restaurant opening and the wedding show. I'm positively pooped. You know, I can honestly say that this is the most stressed I've ever been in my life. Ever. I mean, it's taken such a toll on my health that I've fallen sick and my (umm.. how shall we say this so that we don't offend my legions of avid male readers) female cycle is terribly terribly late!!! Which is a real bummer cos it screws up my plans (ok, like you know, if you're going for camp, it will be inconvenient... you have to plan another weekend to go to the beach... that sort of thing...).

So anyway, I thought I'd go for Pilates this evening to destress. My usual instructor wasn't around so we had this substitute. And man did she get to me. She made us do 100 reps and managed to keep her smile and talk to us while doing the reps with us. She was totally Ms Energizer Bunny!! By the end of it, I was ready to collapse in a heap and beg for a massage. I am so not fit. Maybe one day, if I ever get rich, I'll hire a personal trainer. Hah!

In totally bimbotic and random news, the mole on my cheek is getting lighter. I'm quite upset about that. Call me crazy but I like my mole and I think it gives my face character. I'm hearing a lot of sniggers at this point but I shall attribute it to my over-active imagination.

Enough for the day. I need my rest.

Ok, so I'll just give you one more anecdote for the day. I couldn't resist this one:

Today, my colleague and I were queueing in Subway at Raffles City to get some cookies. Suddenly, she tapped me and nodded to the right. There, seated at one of the tables, with an unwrapped Sub and no one with her, was a bespectacled girl, eyes shut tightly, fists clenched and mouthing her grace. Or at least that's what it appeared to be. And she went on and on and on for a good half a minute. Like she was full on praying. And not just praying but praying very emphatically, complete with furrowed brow. Ok, I know this is really mean but my colleague (who's Catholic) and I were seriously amused. We were half amused at the sight and half impressed with how seriously she took her grace. Then, out of nowhere, I just blurted out, "she must have had a really bad experience in the past with food poisoning" and that got my colleague laughing in fits. Which wasn't the best thing cos she's heavily pregnant. And then I felt really really bad cos I was making fun of her. I'm not proud of myself for that but I must say that it's taught me a lesson. Grace should be more than just a perfunctory ritual. It should be a wholehearted communion with our Father Who's blessed us with food to eat and water to drink. And we all take that for granted sometimes don't we? I think I was humbled today.

Alright, that's really it from me for now. Keep me in your prayers. I'll need all the divine help I can get to last through the week.


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