"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Had a comic moment today. Was woken up by the sound of danger. Buzzzzzzing.... Now for those of you who don't yet know, I'm terrified of living, flying objects, whether or not they have the potential to harm me. If they are harmful, well then all the more my terror detector skyrockets. As such, this would mean that I'm scared of everything from butterflies and moths to hornets and wasps. And yes, magpies and crows as well.

So anyway, I open my swollen eyes (which is always very painful each morning) and see a bee hovering above my bed. I scream but there's no sound because I'm only screaming in my head. Now, another thing about me is that I love my sleep. If I was an animal, I'd hibernate all year long. So you can imagine I don't get up from bed easily or quickly. But well, shove a bee within a 2 metre radius and HEL- LO I'm up.

So I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. Yet another thing about me - I have the crazy need to hug something when I sleep. So this particular morning, a very groggy and grumpy bolster was the victim of certain abuse. I ran to the bathroom with Childe still tucked under my arm. Of course, once out of my bedroom, I looked left and right to make sure nobody was watching, then proceeded to the bathroom. And in case you didn't know, I'm an actress at heart. Have been and always will be. So the actress (comedienne if you must) pretended nothing was amiss and calmly began the process of washing her face. With her bolster still tucked under her arm. She heard a cough, turned and saw her father standing in the hallway. Game over.

Anyway, I was too terrified to re-enter my room so I opened the door and flung Childe back onto the bed. And that is why I said she was the victim of certain abuse. Anyhow, who do I blame for the whole fiasco? My not-so-trusty AIR-CON. Yes, YOU. Somewhere in my sleep, the funny machine starts to cough and rattle. In my semi-conscious state, I'm thinking, "NOT good". So I do what any normal human being would do - turn the asthmatic machine off, open the window, go back to La-la-land. MISTAKE. I can just picture myself opening my arms, yodelling and calling out to the bees of the world to come drive me crazy. And I was having such a funky dream too... I was dreaming about driving my chronically ill car (otherwise known as Tau Huay) and somehow, Joy and Tanya (yes, the driving instructor) were in the picture. And the whole dream was sepia-toned. Quite cool huh. And we were watching a movie at Tanya's place. The movie was black and white while the dream was still sepia. And there was talk of playing pool. And Jasmine was in the dream as well. Bits and pieces everywhere.... can't remember...

So there you have it, that was how I began my day. Not with a cuppa and the morning news but with a mysterious stranger hovering over my bed. Heehee.. *giggle*


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