The Bag Lady
So today, I went allll the way to Tanjong Pagar in the hopes of getting my mules. And I was not disappointed :) I am now the proud owner of a pair of mules and a new pair of sandals *BIG GRIN*. Along the way, I had to get some girl products.. shh... and so I dropped in at the pharmacy. When I was at the cashier, I realised that there was absolutely no way for me to discreetly carry my girl products.. shh... . So, I did what any girl in my situation (with a tiny bag that wouldn't fit a happy meal) would do:
Me: Um, could I have another plastic bag? Pleeease?? *insert sweet smile*
Lady: *knowing smile* (hehe, I know what you want it for). Sure!
I expected her to just shove the plastic bag in my face but instead, she very nicely bundled my purchase in the first plastic bag, then put it in the second plastic bag, with the blue of the first bag facing one side and the blue of the second bag facing the other side so that no one would be able to see through the blue-ness of the bags (you probably know which pharmacy I went to by now). I was so impressed. What great customer service :)
Strange thing I noticed today though. From my place to Tanjong pagar and back, I saw at least 3 funerals going on. Ok, I know people die everyday. But 3 funerals in a day was a bit too much for me. Um, one of them is actually at my block. And I know this is morbid but I was thinking, hey, you could do a whole cultural analysis on funerals. Heck, you can do a cultural analysis on anything.
Last thing - my vacation plans are starting to take shape. I've called the travel agent and got quotes, asked my manager about leave and my dad has asked about being quarantined when I get over there. The travel agent says she hasn't heard of any flights being quarantined but if someone on my flight looks sick, too bad. But if all goes according to plan, I should be flying pretty soon. Anyone wants me to bring anything over or bring anything back? Oh come on, don't pretend you don't know my destination. You all know where I'm gonna go ;) Give me your requests soon yah.
Friday, May 02, 2003
She's feeling:

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