"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Monday, October 17, 2005

I did not like the way the interview went. I hope it's not a sign of things to come. Not having a very good feeling about this one. But it's out of my hands now and I guess I'll just have to sit and wait. And pray that the right door opens and the wrong one shuts.

Of course, things aren't always that simple. If every wrong door was shut, I'd have no problem walking through the right one because it'd be the only one I could get through. A friend gave me some very insightful views on going through doors. She said that sometimes, God gives you two open doors. Neither one is better than the other. Neither is the wrong door. Both are acceptable in His will and He will be with you whichever door you choose. The only thing is - you have to choose. You have to learn to make decisions and then live with the consequences of that decision, whether they are good or bad.

Maybe I'm at another fork in the road of my life. I could go this way or that. Frankly, I haven't got a clue. Three years ago, I might have told you that in 10 years' time, I want to be a Director of Marketing Communications. Now, I'm just grateful if I can get through the next day. Family has become so much more important to me than it was in the past. I think that's a sign that I'm getting older. I can just hear the insurance agents beating a path down to my door, trying to get me to sign on some retirement plan.

At the end of the day, I don't think I want to sweat the small stuff. There just isn't time for that. On the other hand, I wouldn't have lived my life if I didn't stop, every now and then, to gasp in wonder at the leaves falling off the trees in a willowy dance, or get my face smeared with the most sinful chocolate ice cream, or play with bubbles in the bath (I know it's strange but I love bubbles and I get all giggly and happy when I blow them off my hand and watch them float away).

You know what? I love life's little pleasures. I absolutely do.


Blogger Ribena said...

Hey Mel, been reading your blog last weekend. There is a season in time for everything.....sometimes, we are becoming better and better in character for His purpose & will. Just that we cannot see the whole cycle now.............in time to come, just be assured that HE has made everything beautiful in its time and at the end of the road here, we will see everything that HE has for us from the beginning to the end. Keep on keeping on...........proud of you!

11:59 pm

Blogger Ribena said...

for your information, im at winterslippers.blogspot.com

12:02 am

Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks for the encouragement ribena :) are you going to remain anonymous or did you forget to tell me who you are? :)

10:42 pm

Blogger Ribena said...

I'm Wen...that explains the EnW.
Do leave comments on my blog.....

12:23 am


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