Yep, that's right, I'm here in Perth at last. Got my old room back (Lil, you may convey that to your cousin and all other interested parties). Missing home terribly. Imagine - just this morning, I was in Singapore having a hot chocolate and egg mayo sandwich and now I'm dead tired at the computer in Perth. What have I been doing? I watched Zoolander on the flight back. Touched down, discovered my mobile line was not yet reactivated, checked into SV, went round helping Eazy and Daphne move stuff, went to Garden City (bought a skirt!) went for dinner, went back to Queenie's to get my stuff, found out that my car was parked behind Rod's. Problem - Rod's car was in an accident apart from that, the battery was flat. Had to jumpstart the car, with little success, rolled it forward a bit so my car could inch out the side. Reconnected my battery too. Did it myself and I must say I'm mighty pleased :) So we got all the stuff into 2 cars - mine and a CRV. Went back to SV, moved stuff again, took a shower, arranged some stuff in my room, and then I couldn't resist the urge to come online so here I am. My shoulders and back are sore, my eyes are tired and I have a briefing at 10am tomorrow next to the Tavern.
Hope everyone at home is fine. I love you all lots and miss you all terribly. Know that I've taken you guys here with me. I hope you don't mind :) Tell everyone that Mel's thinking of them and missing them and wishing she didn't have to leave them. Thanks go to Cheryl for the lyrics to "Sympathique". Brought a smile to my face and a lightness to my feet.
Weather ain't too bad here. 30 degrees today but it's going to be hotter. I hope I settle in soon. There's lots to be done and time will go by so quickly I'll have no idea what hit me. Thank God for the Internet is what I have to say now.
Ok, I've yawned too many times. Need to go now. More to come in the next few days.
Friday, February 08, 2002
She's feeling:

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