Is it? It is! It's Christmas!! And as promised, here are some things I want to say to the friends who've come into my life and into this blog. If you don't find a personalised message for you below, it means I'm unaware of your regular blog presence so sign my guestbook and let me know you're a dedicated reader! :) Ok, without further ado, in alphabetical order, here goes:
Cheryl: So many things to say to you, girl. You're right. 2001 was a terrible year for you and I'm glad this year has yielded such abundant fruit. You're such a go-getter and an inspiration to me. Thank you for ALL the times you've listened when I poured out my sorrows aplenty :) Thank you for allowing your naps to be interrupted by the sound of my crying. Thank you for believing in me, in the person that I am. Your friendship has been a tremendous blessing and, in all seriousness, a lifesaver. I'm looking forward to more good years ahead :)
Clarence: You, my friend, have been MIA for ages. I still haven't met up with you since I got back. You were my first kopi kaki/buddy you know? :) I hope things are going fine for you. You know I'll try to give you a listening ear whenever I can yah. Have a really blessed Christmas and give me a call soon!
DJ: We've been through some crazy times haven't we? :) You're an amazing person. You have such a lot of energy and spirit in you. I don't know if I've ever told you this but I respect you for the person that you are. You've been extremely patient and gentle with me and I really want to thank you for that. For once, don't tell me, "what else could I do?" :) You're not expected to do anything for me but you do them anyway. I'm truly truly blessed to have you in my life and I want the best for you. I really do. Know that I will always always support you. And that support is not dependent on what your latest project is. My support will be there regardless of what project you're undertaking, what decisions you're making in life. As long as you're not going to do something morally wrong yah :) I'm glad you're a part of my life. I don't know what or how big a role I play in yours but I know that your place in my life is precious and dear. So thank you. For everything.
Kelvin a.k.a Luke a.k.a Warmsocks: The most time I've ever spent with you in person was probably the night I was at your place and we sat in your balcony and talked. I got a deeper glimpse into the person that is Kelvin Tan. I was really glad for that time, when you were open with me and I was allowed a step further into your life. That said, you're probably the person who suans me the most.. heehee :) and the only person I don't get mad at for suaning me *big grin*. Actually I don't really get mad at people who suan me but that's another story. You know, you're a friend, an equal, yet somewhat of a big brother to me. That reminds me of the time I was down with stomach flu in early 2002 and you took me to the pharmacy, got pills and water for me, drove me home and basically made sure I was alright. I'm not sure I ever thanked you properly, so I shall do it now. 11 months late but thank you so so much. I really really appreciated your care. It made being sick a lot less yucky :) One last thing - if I ever play Monopoly with you again, you had better be my ally.
Lil: Lilly Willy!! You can't get mad at me for that, it's Christmas :) 15 years, my friend. We've known each other for 15 years. I saw you when you were a pudgy little kid (haha.. again, it's Christmas, I can get away with things) and look at the gorgeous chick you've blossomed into! It was kinda the reverse for me... I was always skinny as a kid but.. we shall not go there... YOU, my friend, have been such an integral part of my life. You're there at every milestone, albeit not always physically. You've seen me through ALL my relationship crises from college to uni and after uni. You know the names of those who've broken my heart and I know who's broken yours as well. We've been apart for 3 years but still talk like the old friends we are each time we meet. We've got a groovy thing going girl! At the risk of sounding corny, thanks for bringing your sunshine into my life. And I promise not to ever drag you all across London looking for shoe shops again. Cheers to our friendship :)
Mei En: Did I ever tell you I was intimidated by you? Haha.. it's true :) You have such personality and you're also probably one of the most introspective people I know :) I don't know if you've found yourself yet but I do hope that you will be comfortable with just being. At every stage of your life. Just be. Don't get cynical ok? It ages people. And there's too much in you for age to overcome. I'm amazed at your heart for the people and for your desire to be genuine. Your faithfulness to the ones you call friends is inspiring. You're someone with a lot to give. But I also know that giving is tiring and that you want to receive too. Why can't someone else give for once and stop expecting you to give all the time? I'll try but I don't have much to give you now except very special Christmas blessings with all my love. Take care woman :)
Terence: Before I continue, let me first say I'm soooo sorry for forgetting your birthday. I wrote it down in my diary you know, but I still forgot : ( Sorry about that. It doesn't mean that you're any less of a friend ok? :) You always make me laugh. I don't know why. It's the combination of you and me I think. Always ends up in something hilarious :) I'm glad we have this friendship even though I didn't really know you well throughout our school years. Were you in Primary 1E? I think I've also known you for 15 years then.. hahaha.. :) You're a great friend and I'm glad you're available when I need a listening ear. Some male insight is always good ;) Thank you for being a friend and for looking out for me. I appreciate it :)
To everyone else who's just popped in, have a blessed Christmas and a fabulous holiday. God bless you.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
She's feeling:

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