Was listening to "One Day More" and thought, how apt. One day to Christmas. Well, eleven hours actually.
This year, I didn't buy Christmas presents and I didn't write Christmas cards. First time in more than a decade that I've done this. It feels weird not to be shopping for presents and all but at the same time, I feel more relaxed, not having to jostle with the Christmas crowd which, by the way, is incredible in downtown Orchard Road. For the sake of your sanity, please refrain from straying into the above-mentioned area till after Boxing Day.
I had a lovely evening last night, with dinner at Father Flanagan's in Chijmes. The weather was nice and cool too. If at all you're feeling scroogey or bah-humbugy, make a trip down to Chijmes. Be warned though, that parking at night is $6. Other than that, it's got great atmosphere and is every bit as romantic as it's made out to be. My advice - have a leisurely dinner and take a nice stroll around the compound.
After dinner was my turn for The Lord of the Rings. I have to say that I enjoyed the first one better. The battle scenes in The Two Towers were awesome but I felt there were too many anticlimaxes in the show. There were many points in the movie where I thought it would end, that that was the last scene but no, there was more to go. Also, the talking bits got a bit draggy. The first one was more colourful, literally. This one was more grey and dull. Somewhere in the second half, I was ready to nod off. Probably because we were watching the 10pm show. I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment though. Was on the edge of my seat the whole time, completely and utterly engrossed in the show. The first one got a 9/10 from me. The Two Towers gets a 6.5/10. Sorry about that, fans. I'm a Tolkien fan myself but this one just didn't quite cut it for me.
Anyway, the customary Christmas dinner is tonight at my aunt's place. I've realised that quite a number friends have Christmas gatherings held at "aunt's places". Very interesting. I'm making mashed potatoes with sundried tomatoes but I'm thinking of substituting that with raisins instead. We'll see.
I wish there was a Christmas dinner I could dress up for. Christmas dinners at my aunt's have always been a casual affair. And the fact that they live 5 minutes away accounts for the reason we're usually in only a slightly nicer version of home clothes. Ah well... when I have my own apartment (which will be never, until I get married), I'll have Christmas parties where we'll dress up and have good food and great fellowship with close friends. But that will be in the very distant future. So distant I can't even see it.. haha..
I know Christmas has a different significance for different people. I know Christmas is also birthday for Lilian :) You'll have to wait till tomorrow for my birthday wishes but you can have a "Merry Christmas Eve!" from me today :) Christmas is also birthday for Violet but I don't think she reads this. I also know what Cheryl's looking forward to at Christmas :) I don't know what's going to happen for you but you know my thoughts are with you. And I know this is going to sound cheesy but I'm going to be here for you like you were there for me when I was bawling my eyes out.. hahaha...
Tomorrow, if I remember, I will try to post individual Christmas blessings to you guys on this blog, so check in tomorrow! For now, have a blessed Christmas Eve!
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
She's feeling:

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