"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Friday, December 20, 2002

I'm puzzled. Suddenly, both Cheryl and Lilian are worried about the possible onset of war. You think that war is such an imminent possibility huh? I'm not so sure about that. I mean, war has serious repercussions (duh), not just in terms of human lives but in terms of politics. And I'm not sure the powers in charge are willing to screw up their political careers. I'm also not sure that they'll go to war just to prove that they're cowboys and gain votes. Then again, I'm not sure. I'm not sure anymore.

I've never had to deal with war in a personal way. The last major war that happened was the Gulf War. I remember the day they declared war. I was in school. In Primary 5. My friend, Jasmine and I were on our way to the office to turn in a ten dollar bill that we found. I remember it so clearly. We were both so shaken. At 11 years old, you get pretty freaked out by the concept of war. I remember crying. Jasmine was crying too. And I also remember why I cried. I was crying because I thought of all the innocent american lives that would be lost in the battlefield. Iraq was painted as the devil's land. They were wrong, wrong, wrong. The media and spin doctors (I may very well be a spin doctor or work in the media in the future... not entirely by choice) had us believe that Saddam Hussein was a monster, that Iraq was a bully and Kuwait was the hapless victim. In fact, they still paint that picture today. Of course, the U.S was portrayed as the Superman of the world.

I don't know enough to agree. I don't know enough to say Iraq is bad and America is good. Or vice versa, for that matter. Maybe Saddam Hussein is right and George Bush is wrong. I don't know. Is it childish and naive to wonder if George and Saddam could ever be pals? I mean, what's the deal? I'm sure that deep down, even in their political hearts (and you'd be gullible to think people are in politics out of the goodness of their hearts, for the better of mankind, rather than for popularity, career advancement and power), GB and SH love people. Ok, maybe they don't love love people but I'm sure they have feelings. And deep down, they are good people. Everyone has some good in them. Right? I just hope, for the sake of mankind, that the good in them surfaces sooner rather than later.

And I hope that GB, SH, OBL, JH, MS and the rest of the world leaders (ok, OBL isn't exactly a world leader) can be friends. I wish they'd come together, say sorry, shake hands and have turkey for dinner. Halal, of course.

'Tis the season for hope right?


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