"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Went for FOP tonight. Festival of Praise. Seeing as I hadn't gone for 3 years, I thought I'd like to go and relive the good ol' days. Boy, was I in for a surprise. Firstly, there was no snaking queue. No queue at 5pm, no queue at 6pm, no queue at 7pm. Basically, you could breeze in through the doors just like that. The indoor stadium was hardly full. This time round, there were chairs on the floor (you know, where they would usually have tambourine dancers). I would say the stadium was filled to half capacity. There were no spiffy decorations either. Just plain white, hastily put up banners over the stage.

In the past, you'd go to FOP expecting to meet heaps of people (yes, I know, should go for the right reasons) and I remember when my JC class would go together, and we'd go down to pray with one another during altar calls. This time, I didn't meet any one familiar at all. Except for the COR people. But then we went together so that's not really counted.

Let me now explain why FOP was so early this year and why it's only for one day. It's early this year because the guests, Tommy Walker and his team, could only come during this time. And the reason it's only for one day is because at the indoor stadium the day before was the Cliff Richard concert and the week beginning tomorrow is Disney on Ice (!!!).

Nonetheless, I had a great time. The presence of God doesn't come only when stadiums are jam packed with people, where there are fancy decorations and graceful dancers. The presence of God falls when His people come to Him and seek His face in earnest repentance. It is awesome to be in the presence of God. Absolutely amazing.

We sang the song, "He's turned my mourning into dancing again, He's lifted my sorrows...". It's a fast song but I started tearing. And I was afraid I wouldn't stop. Because it was so painful. And I was so moved. And there, everyone was clapping along and I was brushing the tears from my cheeks. Thank God they turned out the lights and had coloured ones on stage instead. Reminds me of the "Splattered" production :)

I'm so tired now. Woke up at 6.15am today. Was almost late for work. Came back at 11.30pm. So, so tired. I have to sleep soon. I'll leave you with a little song:

Little by little, one step at a time
He's changing our hearts and renewing our minds
Teaching us how to be patient and kind
Little by little, one step at a time.


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