Had a fun, albeit tiring, day. We went to this photographer's place to do a photo shoot. By the time my colleague and I got there (3 bags of props in each hand), the model and stylist were already preparing for the shoot. So when everyone was ready, we let the photographer work his magic. And work it he did. He got some pretty amazing shots. The model (who bore a striking resemblance to Fann Wong) was really professional and had her smile all prepared. I hated it when she stood next to me though. Or rather, when she towered over me. Gosh, how can someone be so tall and pretty and have straight teeth and perfect skin??? I don't get it. Anyway, here's the exciting cheap thrill part - they took a picture of my hands and the model's hands one on top of the other. It's for a friendship story the magazine's doing. So my hands (and a little bit of my body) are going to be in the magazine! Haha... I warned you.. cheap thrill *grin*
I also have a new boyfriend. I can't remember his name though. Well, it's not really that I can't remember it, I just didn't really catch it when his mother introduced him. Everyone at the shoot was teasing me about him 'cos he kept looking at me and smiling. And every time I smiled at him, he laughed. I'm serious. Every time. His grandma said he'd never been like this before and that he was totally taken with me. Oh, did I mention he's just got his first two teeth? He's adorable :) Yeah, I'm a baby magnet.. hehe... And the cutest thing was this - he actually leaned towards me from his mother's arms and stretched out his arms to me. And when I carried him, he leaned forward such that his forehead came to rest on mine. That drew "awww"s from around the room. And everyone started referring to me as his girlfriend :) Babies seem to like resting their foreheads on mine though. My nephew did the same thing when I carried him at Christmas last year. Or maybe it's just the male babies eh? ;)
I'll tell you though, organising and overseeing a photo shoot is TIRING. 4 hours of it leaves you ready to flop onto the nearest bed and go to sleep for the next century. It's extra tiring when you're trying to shoot babies 'cos you have to entertain them and try to make them laugh. You should have seen us all - 5 adults doing ridiculous things and talking babytalk just to make my model boyfriend smile for the camera :)
Can't complain. I had a good day (which actually started with me being 1 1/2 hours late for work because as I was nearing my office, I realised that I'd forgotten to bring some stuff for another photo shoot. Had to call my colleagues and then rush home again...)
But yeah, I had a good day :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
She's feeling:

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