Today was an awful day. My boss is in hospital with dengue fever. You know how I was complaining in my last post about running the whole department alone? Well, now it's going to be extended for more than a week.
Plus, today I got screamed at. Yelled at. For not being at the photoshoot on time. I refuse to take the blame because:
1. I was in a meeting with the RDOSM (Regional Director of Sales and Marketing) discussing details of a room package which my GM questioned (he's on MC as well).
2. I was 5 minutes late. Is that a criminal offence? 5 minutes. Really... I don't get it.
So the RM (Resident Manager) shouted at me and the RDOSM shouted back at him and it turned into this ugly shouting match which I didn't care to stay for. I got my butt downstairs to the photoshoot and, in between the supervision of the shoot, went to the toilet to cry.
As I locked myself in the cubicle, these thoughts came to mind:
I can't take it anymore. I want to quit.
No, you can't quit over every little thing. You've got to hang in there. You're made of sterner stuff.
Why is it so difficult? Whywhywhywhywhy?
You can do it. You've got to persevere!! You're not a quitter.
God loves you.
And so that was my little conversation with myself. But I had a pretty black face for most of the day and walked around with a frown plastered on. One of my colleagues said hi to me but I just stormed past him (this was immediately after the scolding). I later apologised to him and told him I was really sorry and I shouldn't have done that. He was really nice and we had a little chat with another colleague (the whole office heard the shouting match and was wondering what in the world went wrong).
But by the end of the day, I had cheered up a little. The RDOSM assured me that she was on my side, which really helped. I managed to go to cell with a bit more of a smile on my face. Was horrendously worn out by then but I needed a break. Needed to chill over supper.
I dread the upcoming week. I have to attend another meeting tomorrow on behalf of my boss (I really hate Saturday meetings) and I don't know how I'm going to survive. I'm also pretty worried about getting dengue fever because on the day my boss got sick, I was bitten by a mosquito on my leg. Read the previous post.. or the one before that.
Do keep my boss and I in prayer. Tough week ahead for both of us. I'm sure she's feeling terrible now as well :(
Saturday, January 15, 2005
She's feeling:

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