"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Thursday, July 18, 2002

I'm in such an incredibly atrocious mood. Ridiculously atrocious. I'm so exceedingly irritable now that I feel a latent desire to reach out and strangle someone.

Welcome to the world of PMS.

Other than that, my day went extremely slow. I did absolutely nothing at work today. I mean it. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Boss was away at a meeting till 12NN. Didn't give me anything to do after that. I just sat at the computer, looking at different theatre websites, doing research for his paper. I figured I should make myself useful since they're paying me. Waitaminute, they're not.

Received an envelope from Murdoch University today. Seeing as it was large and flat, I presumed it to be my results. But nooooo... it was my Orientation photo. FROM 1999. Efficiency is something I would suggest for the agenda of the next Senate meeting. That's not just all. THREE years ago, when I went to collect my orientation photo, the girl looked at me blankly and gave me the one on display. Cheryl and I looked at each other, wondering if the girl knew what she was doing. So there you have it - proof that she didn't. So now I have 2 copies of the photo - the display one and the one I ordered. I guess 2 for the price of 1 isn't bad if you think about it. If only Murdoch or Australia Post had handled the photo nicely. I received it bent and almost folded. Not happy. Not happy at all.

Enough griping for the day. I've indulged enough in my woes. I think I'll go unwind and hopefully, this horrid mood will pass. It's not making the people around me very happy. It's not making me very happy. I need a caffeine fix and a sugar high... Then again, as my boss says, I'm from Singapore and we don't do drugs. Check in again later.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Absolutely dreadful weather today... got caught in the rain on my way back to the office from lunch. After work, the wind was so strong that I actually lost my balance a couple of times. It was tremendously difficult to walk in a straight line. I must have looked like an idiot.. haha...
Cheryl - gosh, I'd forgotten about those photos. You know what? Those memories are something that you're always going to have and it's impossible for anyone to take them away from you. That's the best part isn't it? Locked and stored shut in your heart :)
My colleague gave me some of her stir-fry for lunch today. How nice :) I'm going to miss her when I leave. She goes to church too - this Catholic church in Pinetree Gully. That's really near FCC and she goes to Foo Wah for meals too... haha..
Was at a Youth Strategic Planning Workshop today with representatives from various youth organisations in Fremantle. Met Greg there - he used to work for the Student Village in Murdoch. He's chopped off his locks and opted for a short 'do. Nice.
Agenda for tonight - yet another meeting. Campus Zone dinner and dance. At least this meeting should be relatively interesting :) Don't really want to go out in this awful weather though.. and I'm feeling a tad sick from eating day-old peanut butter sandwiches. Ugh... will keep that in mind.. no more leftover peanut butter stuff...

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Had a dream last night. I dreamt that I was leaving Perth for the last time. And it was a major rush, very last minute. I didn't have time to say proper goodbyes and I was just running all over the place, trying to pack the remainder of my stuff. Most vividly, I remember that I didn't manage to say goodbye to the people I really wanted to say it to. Woke up feeling extremely tense and sad. And reality sunk in - 8.35am. Time to get out of a cold bed and set foot on the cold floor to splash freezing water on a cold face.
So I was thinking about this at work today (in between falling asleep - which I managed to do for a few seconds every half an hour or so). There's this bittersweet feeling resonating in me. It's getting louder (don't ask me how a feeling can get loud, I don't know). I do know though, that I refuse to let this dampen my spirit and ruin my motivation to live to the fullest, wherever I am. I've spent too much of my time waiting in fear, being paralysed by things that aren't even there. Live life. And live it well.

And now it's time to go make myself useful in the kitchen :)

Friday, July 05, 2002

Life is funny. Sometimes it's so irritating you want to grab hold of it and strangle it. Sometimes you just want to smother it in kisses. Other times you want to push it aside and hide it in a dark closet.
Life does that to you. Makes you gasp for air but hold your breath at the same time. It's confusing yet understated. You don't understand it most of the time yet you don't need to. I think you don't need to understand most things. You just need to know where you're going. And Who's leading you there. Take the Father's hand and hold it tight. Cheryl, you know how I told you I didn't know what to say to make you feel better? This is all I can say - hold on tight to the Father's hand. He won't let you fall. Bro, you too. Hold on tight.

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