Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I was just going through my archives and marvelling at what I've gone through in the 5 years I've had this blog. It's interesting to see my thought processes and derive the stage of life I was at when those posts were written.
So here I am, on the threshold of adulthood. I know, that was supposed to have happened when I turned 21. Or maybe even when I left home to study overseas. Or when I came back and started work. But somehow, the little girl remains. All 28 years of her.
I think getting married is scary stuff. We all expect it to happen sooner or later but when it stares you in the face, it's seriously scary stuff. And then you realise, "hey, this is REALLY happening. My life will be different forever."
But then you look around at the people who've gone before you and they did okay. So I guess it IS going to be okay. Even for a worrywart like me. I worry about everything - a trait lovingly passed down by Mum. I worry that things will not go as planned, I worry that I'll marry the wrong guy, I worry that I'll develop Alzheimer's. Just like Mum.
So will I know if marry the wrong guy? Eventually I will :) But it's not about whether he's right or wrong is it? It's about constant effort every day and entrusting the relationship to God. What a difficult task at times for a control freak like me :)
Will I know if I'll have Alzheimer's later on in life? I don't know. If I do, I do. If I don't, I don't. I've read that children of patients with early onset Alzheimer's have a higher risk of developing the same illness. But I guess that's something I can't do anything about and it's pointless to keep thinking about it.
At the moment, it still looks like I have my whole life ahead of me. Now if only the government would stop increasing the GST, number of ERP gantries, surcharges etc. I promise to have more babies ok!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
She's feeling:

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