First up, thanks Cheryl, for still reading this blog faithfully :) And no, you didn't have to clarify that it was you who left that comment. No one else has raced me to a word count every 5 minutes :)
So I had this really strange dream last night. And I can't talk about it here because it's really sensitive. All I'll say is that it stirred up some long-forgotten, swept-under-the-carpet feelings. And I'll leave it at that.
My boss knows my blog address now so... haha... Chris, if you're reading this, I wasn't really all that upset about the 1st anniversary thing. And I really hope I didn't write anything on this blog that isn't career-enhancing.
On a separate note, I'm truly mortified at the Virginia Tech shootings. Maybe I shouldn't be, because it's becoming all too commonplace in America. But that's precisely why it's so mortifying, isn't it? And the whole Asian thing? What gives?!? It's sad that the Asians there have to fear a backlash when the US is supposed to be a country that accepts and celebrates cultural diversity. What if it had been a local blonde-hair-blue-eyed gunman who committed the crime? Would the fair-skinned be threatened then? Would there be a racial backlash? Obviously not because that would be stupid. It would mean turning against your own kind. Which brings me to the point that colour STILL divides. No matter how much you choose to think otherwise, you will always be a second class citizen of a country you're not native to.
However, I must clarify that I am not disturbed by that. It's only natural that people herd with their kind. There's nothing to be ashamed of with feeling more comfortable with someone who's the same as you are. The problem I have is with the hypocrisy of saying that you accept another person when you really don't. That's when it hurts.
The bottom line is, we all need to be honest and motivated by love. If I'm starting to sound like Oprah, it's because I'm getting sleepy. But regardless, I find myself asking everyday, "Why can't we all just get along?" The answer eludes me time and time again. Just like love.
Hehe. That was just me being melodramatic.
Friday, April 20, 2007
She's feeling:

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