The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had yet another fight. I'm incredibly annoyed with him and wondering for the 1ooth time why I had to give up rolling pastures of green meadows for one COW.
Which brings me to the conclusion that men are like cows. They like to stand around and do nothing. Most of their time is spent eating and when they want attention, they ring their bells. When they feel like it, they can be productive and give some milk. But the whole process of squeezing the milk out is such an ordeal that it's hardly worth the effort. Might as well just kill the darn cow and make a good steak.
So yep, I'm not too pleased with the h2b at the moment. And I'm sure he's not delighted with me either. And round and round we go on the Singapore Flyer, not really seeing the point of it all.
We did our wedding shoot recently and it was a ball. But I had fun because I got to do fun stuff like jump around and pose and sprawl on the grass. Not because I got to get up close and personal with the h2b. In fact, those were my most uncomfortable moments. I hated the "romantic" poses. It felt too unnatural.
I used to think I was a romantic person. Not anymore. Not with the h2b anyway. For some reason, I can't bring myself to be romantic with him. It gives me goosebumps. Is that bad?
I will be terribly honest and tell you that since getting engaged, I've found many other guys to be so much more attractive in every sense of the word. That's definitely the devil having a go at me there but in all fairness, if I wasn't weak, he'd have no trump card to play either.
I tell myself that very few of us end up with the love of our lives at the end of the day. Most of us just make the best of what we have. If the h2b were to read this, I'm sure he'd feel sad. I feel sad just saying it. But maybe romantic love is really overrated. Who knows? I'll tell you when I feel that way again. Hopefully, it will happen.
Ok, that previous paragraph bordered on emo so I shall end on a more 'mel' note - I HATE the new Facebook. It's awful!
There, a nice mel ending :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
She's feeling:

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hey :) sounds like pre wedding jitters to me! not that i've been there before but i think it's not specific to you.
just go back to what you like about him- on rational and logic, not on emotions. romantic love has to exist, it's just not going to be perpetual. but maybe it can't be, cos then it would just be an emotion.. right? oh i don't know. who knows. whatever.
steak is good. call me if you kill a cow ;)
and i hate the new FB too but apparently everyone has to change over? i've been sending them feedback like- this sucks!!! old fb back! and crap like that hahahaha
3:53 pm
the thing is, i don't think i have romantic feelings for him... maybe it's evolved into a so-comfortable-i-can-fart-in-your-face thing (not that i have!) which is good but isn't there supposed to be some teeny bit of romantic lurrrrve left somewhere???
aaaanyway, so you know nellie's getting married?
10:31 pm
mellie...we all love you and so does while you absolutely may not like it now...i like to think positive and say, it'll be just alright for you. am having my fair share of traumatic experiences and pissifying moments too and it's probably the same as yours.
11:33 am
yeah, i think you do need that romantic moments- if not, how to make babies!?!! hahaha maybe you guys need timeout from the planning and all these THINGS and just enjoy each other.
it was there before, right? so maybe it's about creating time aside and an atmosphere to let it happen again? don't know.
yeah, i'll be at her wedding.. when's your again? wish i could be there. so tempting babe. but i've put myself on an SG ban until i finish my damned thesis..
2:41 pm
clarence - i hope it'll be alright too. no turning back now!
en - finish your thesis!!!
10:39 pm
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