"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Monday, March 24, 2003

Had coffee with Paul after work on Saturday. Was one of those rare opportunities when we got to catch up and share stuff that's been happening in our lives. I had a really nice time, although I was dead tired having been on morning shift the entire week. We talked quite a bit about my life and what I'm doing with it. I told him that I don't intend spend the rest of my life climbing the corporate ladder. Heck, I don't even want to climb it at all. He says he sees me doing humanitarian work and asked if I'd ever considered working for the UN. Very, very interesting. You know, when I first started working, I decided that I wanted to do something that made a difference, that benefited others. The first organisation that came to mind was WHO (for the very, very uninformed, WHO is World Health Organisation. It's part of the UN. For the even more uninformed, UN stands for United Nations). So you can imagine that Paul telling me to go work for the UN really made me sit up. My dad, though, laughed when I told him about it. I was kinda hurt and I asked him why he was laughing. He said I have very high ideals. I asked (just for the sake of it) if that was bad and he said no, just that most people don't think about doing things for other people. I just don't like it when my dad laughs at my ideas or things I have to tell him. It's highly demoralising and brings my world crashing down.

That aside, I'm giving this UN thing some thought and praying about doing humanitarian work. You know, perhaps you do need idealistic people to do such things. People who believe that they can actually do something to, cheesy as it may sound, make this world a better place. Whatever it is, I'm definitely not going anytime soon. There are still things for me to do here, a church to settle in and be equipped by, and if I go now, I know my mom's going to faint. And my dad will kill me because he will have to bear the brunt of my mom's constant exaggerated worry. Anyway, it's not something I'm ruling out completely. Definitely something I'll do in my lifetime.

So as I said, I've been extremely tired. Remember my wonderful double days off? I haven't had a day off since then and my next one's on Wednesday. Might be heading down to the Botanic Gardens then to chill out with Paul. Looking forward to that. I need a mini-holiday :)

Oh, Cheryl, I watched a little bit of the Miss Singapore Universe pageant when I was at Modestos. Paul and I were laughing our heads off! I can't believe they have a prize for "Miss Beautiful Eyes"!!! I mean, if you want to narrow it down to body parts, why not a "Miss Beautiful Thumb" or "Miss Beautiful 4th Toe On The Right Foot"? How about a "Miss Beautiful Elbow"? Or a "Miss Beautiful Ear"? Ok, ok, I'll stop here. But how ridiculous is this?? I will smack their heads. While we're on that topic, maybe they should really have a "Miss Beautiful Brains". I wonder if any of the contestants would have won that one.

Ok, that's enough for the day. Toodle loo dahlings.


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