I got run over today. Actually, my foot got run over. By a pram. I have to say that I suspect this is not the first time. Because this is actually a familiar experience *coughing noise in background. mel realises it's warmsocks. mel hears "loser" in those coughs. or is she just dreaming? find out on the next episode of 'Days of the Bold and the Restless'*.
Apart from that, I had a pretty okay day. Got talking to a nice old lady from Perth. Yes, I always chat up these Perth people :) So anyway, she wanted to change some money and she handed me 2 green Aussie bills. My heart nearly broke. So nice to see Oz money again. Anyway, I changed the money for her. In case you Perth people are wondering, the exchange rate is something like A$1 to S$0.990066 or something. And that's the hotel rate, which is usually higher than outside. So Miss Nice Old Lady told me about her 3 granddaughters who are studying at different unis in Perth. Gosh, now that I think about it, she reminds me of the nice lady at the retirement home in Albany.
You know, I'm getting a bit edgy. I really don't want war to break out. I really really don't. And it's not just a selfish thing too. I really don't want millions of people to lose someone they love. I really really don't. I mean, we're not here on earth for a very long time. Why do they want to make it even shorter? And what's this about forcing Saddam into exile? They think it's actually going to help? I think Bush doesn't really know what he wants. All he knows is that he wants to fight. Because he was bullied on Sept 11. I see this as a tit for tat situation. I don't think it's about oil, I don't think it's about money and I don't even think it's about flouting UN regulations and possessing weapons of mass destruction. I think it's about the need to close the Sept 11 chapter. It's about, "if I can't find Osama, I'll just have to kill you. I have plenty of reasons to want your head anyway". I think perhaps a scapegoat was needed, and in this case, found. But that's just my opinion. Which is probably as for from reality as it gets. Or maybe not.
Well anyway, I don't know how I got to this. I just came online to let you know my foot got run over by a pram.
Ok byebye now.
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
She's feeling:

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