"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Sunday, March 09, 2003

I've been getting a lot of flak at work lately, from being told that I don't have enough makeup/lipstick on my face, to housekeeping calling me about a wrong work order that I keyed in, to one assistant manager who seems to keep picking on me. At times, I ask myself why I'm doing all this when I could be in proper clothes instead of a costume, sitting at a desk instead of standing 8 hours every day, applying as little makeup as I want on my face. 99% of me is saying, "You shouldn't be doing this, just quit! All you need to give is one week's notice!". 1% of me is saying, "Hang in there, Mel. There's a purpose for you in this job. Don't be a quitter at the slightest setback". And you know what? I have to listen to that 1%. Because I think that 1% is right. Don't you hate it when reason wins out? :)

There are highs in the job too. It's not a total nightmare. Last night, an elderly couple came to settle their bill and I asked them if they'd enjoyed themselves here. They said that we all made their stay very enjoyable and they were so grateful. It's such a joy to know that you've made someone's stay memorable, that you were able to take care of all the nitty gritty just so they could enjoy themselves without a care, that you went beyond simply checking them in but doing it all with a smile. They are what makes my job worth doing. After a month in the job, I've seen really unreasonable guests, guests with bad attitude who think they're kings and queens and we should bow to them each time we see them and impatient guests who won't tolerate a 5 second delay in the printing of their bills. When you finally meet guests who appreciate what you're doing for them and thank you for it, it's enough to erase the unpleasantness of all the others who've brought your day down.

At the end of the day, each job brings with it unique challenges. I'm grateful to all those of you who've told me that it's not embarrassing to be working in front office and that it's a proper, decent job. I've really had to struggle with the fact that I'm doing what I'm doing. Each day, it weighs heavily on me that I didn't go to university to come back and be the highest qualified front office staff on the board. Every day, it haunts me. It knaws at me. And I laugh it off. I make jokes about it. But I cannot deny the fact that it's taken a lot of courage for me to step into this position. And it's a daily struggle.

And so I've had to be humble. And push my paper qualifications aside. God knows my capabilities, my intelligence, my qualifications. And I'm reminded that these have to be used for Him, for His glory. Not mine. So please pray along with me, that I'll be able to find joy and purpose and meaning in the humblest of tasks (btw, it's not as easy as it seems in front office), that the Lord's favour will be upon me and that He'll give me the strength to take whatever difficult things (assistant managers included) come my way. Will sign off now. Having lunch home on a Sunday. Haven't done that in eons.


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