My Eye. It is swollen.
These few months have been horrible health-wise. I'm on MC again. I swear if I continue taking all these drugs, I'm gonna need to check myself into rehab after I've recovered from my ailment.
Anyway, the latest problem is (as wimpy as it is) - sore eyes. So I'm sitting at the desk right, minding my own business when my left eye starts itching. So I do what any normal human being with proper hand-eye-mind coordination would do. I rubbed. And rubbed. The eye.
And so the story continues and eventually I end up with a swollen eyelid. Oh, and my colleagues chased me home cos it's contagious. Anyway, the doctor gave me an eye cream, eye drops and.... *drum roll*..... ANTIBIOTICS!!! I've been on so many different types by now, my body is practically a pharmacy.
And no contact lenses for 2 weeks either.
And in case anyone out there is wondering, no, I was not surfing porn...
Monday, October 13, 2003
Monday, October 06, 2003
The Sun. It is hot.
I am officially sunburnt. So sunburnt that someone remarked I look like a crab. Another colleague hurriedly gave me her brand new tin of Nivea products (I'm actually not supposed to say that 'cos it was a present from someone to her). In fact, I look so horrible that I asked my dad for a lift to work today so I would be spared the humiliation of being seen in public.
So the moral of the story is - don't play Captain's Ball on a hot Sunday arvo without any sunblock.
I repent.
She's feeling:

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- I don't get it. The Thais overthrew Thaksin in a m...
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- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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