"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I had an awesome time tonight at Tiff's housewarming. It's always wonderful to meet up with my fellow prefects from secondary school. Come to think of it now, it's a little shocking that I was a prefect. Then again, being the geek I was back then, it's probably not such a shock.

It was a really great evening of catching up over food and wine. And it was good wine too. I had two glasses before my head prefect reminded me that I was driving and probably shouldn't drink too much. Good call there.

I'm really happy for my friends and how they've turned out. Tonight, I was in the midst of 2 doctors, an architect, a banker, a teacher, a researcher and 2 IT people. And of course there's me in PR. I think we've done pretty well for ourselves and I'm proud of us. I think our teachers would have been proud of us too.

That aside, I was a little taken aback when I found out that almost all the girls of a particular department were taking diet pills. Having to be presentable to guests is one thing but to be taking diet pills is another. And these girls are not fat. Sure, they aren't stick-thin but they certainly do not need to be on diet pills. And even worse, they have been encouraged to take the pills to help them slim down.

I was just having a discussion with my male friends this evening and I asked if it really mattered to them if girls were skinny. Personally, I think most guys really don't care and while us girls think they're quite shallow sometimes, I do think they're more interested in personality. Because that's what's going to make it go the distance. That's what will last. I honestly believe that. The pressure to be slim comes from ourselves. We think others will like us more if we look good. It's classic. Well, my male friends responded that it's true that they like to look at girls with good figures but they wouldn't want their girlfriends to have good figures cos they're not comfortable with other guys looking at them. So basically, if someone asks me to be his girlfriend, does that mean I have a bad figure? Haha.

So that was an interesting discussion but I'm still a little disturbed about the diet pills thing. My doctor friend says there's no evidence that diet pills work. He believes they're just placebos. I don't know. I won't ever resort to pills though, unless I'm obscenely overweight and the doctor recommends it. Otherwise, I'll stick to exercise. Pilates, jogging and swimming should work out fine. D is for Discipline, not Diet.


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