For those of you who were privileged (or not) to read the last post before I deleted it, things are fine now.
I'm currently on mc, resting at home from an annoying gastric flu. I'm grouchy cos I can't eat the things I want to eat and I never realised being restricted to non-dairy products could be such a pain. I take a small carton of milk each morning so that's out of the question now. Cheese, yoghurt and even butter are on the doctor's no-no list. Fruits are banned as well cos of their acidity. So that leaves me with bread (which I hate), meat (which is too heavy for my maxed-out tummy) and vegetables (yay me...)
But back to the milk. I have colleagues who think I'm a baby for drinking milk every morning. I don't think it's childish. I think milk is very healthy and keeps your bones strong. And then people say, "oh, I didn't know your bones were still growing!" Har. har. Don't come begging to share my calcium when osteoporosis hits, baby.
The one brand of milk I don't get is HL. I mean, it's not even milk. It's made from milk. I know people who claim it's the best-tasting milk in the market. These people have obviously never drunk milk. It tastes like vanilla juice! I mean, milk should taste like milk (kudos to Masters, Brownes and even Magnolia).
But in any case, Dad still loves to buy small cartons of HL for me to take to work. Maybe it's because it's one of the few brands that come in small cartons. But oh, how my eyes light up when I see Magnolia in the fridge....
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
She's feeling:

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