Tom's fish "Fillmore" died today. He jumped out of his bowl. I'm not altogether that surprised since he's been really stressed the time he was in the bowl. Anyway, rest in peace my dear Fillmore. Oh, he's buried in the sandy, pebbly patch outside Eazy's room.
I've been busy. Typing minutes, trying to come up with a script for the Steamboat night thing which I am co-emceeing. I hate scripts. I don't work well with them. I find them too contrived. I'm an improptu person. Very improv. I don't like people telling me what to do. In the same vein, I don't like scripts. I think I've made that clear enough. I do wonderful without.
So I'm in this radio class. Big headphones, fathead microphone, superscope and all. The fat covering on the microphone is actually called a windsock and it's used to cut out wind noise and strong "p" sounds. You know when someone goes "pretty picture perfect" the "p"s can be a tad powerful and cause the listener a certain amount of distress. So yes, it's an interesting unit but I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of all the equipment, fiddling around with the gadgets and all. And, I stress this, it's an elective. Mass Comm Public Relations students don't have to do technical media stuff but I needed a 3 point elective. I'm a proud Mass Comm student. I don't like being confused with those Media Studies students. So there, ha! Yeah, actually, I'm just frustrated with people who can't tell the difference between students doing technical stuff like radio, tv and presenting and all as opposed to those of us doing marketing, public relations and advertising. Same family name, different first name.
Going down to Freo tomorrow. I'm gonna pig out on oysters and mussels (oooohh.... I know Cheryl's about to kill me now). Gonna walk around, take a stroll, walk the shops, have Gelare ice cream.. ooh no, Simmo's is better... yeah... can't wait. Freo's the bestest place in Perth!! Go Dockers!!
I need a break. My readings are stressing me out already. I need time to do them but I can't if I'm bogged down with stuff like writing a script for the emcee... argh!!! My studies come first. Then sleep. Then the script. I tried. I'm tired. I need a shower. Check in later.
Friday, February 22, 2002
She's feeling:

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