I've got this nagging itch in my throat that manifests itself whenever it feels like it. It would be nice if I had some prior warning of course but nooo, it just comes when it wants to.
I decided to stay home today. Not because I'm a good girl but because I didn't feel like going out and getting crushed by the mob. Over the years, I've developed severe adverse reactions to crowds. I know it's probably not going to be crowded in town today, seeing as it's a Wednesday. Still...
Was rudely awakened by my doorbell (which sounds a whole lot like a constipated car horn). It was the cable guy. In my semi-conscious state, I let him in to do whatever he had to do (which he didn't in the end, but that's another story). So having been suddenly jolted out of bed, I decided to do the same to another poor soul whom I knew was definitely still in bed (we're talking past noon here). After doing so, I tried (albeit not very hard) to get her to go to town with me. But I think Miss Cheryl was too zonked to comprehend my jibberish. Miss Cheryl later asked me over ICQ if I was crying earlier or if she was just dreaming. I rest my case.
Nowadays, you can't get people to go out with you simply by calling them and asking them to meet you in an hour. Nowadays, you have to call a week in advance. Arrange time, place, activity. In the last few years, I haven't been able to get any of my friends out for a coffee or a lunch or a catch-up session, unless I arrange it at least a week in advance. I'm not sure if that's saying something about my popularity ;) What I'm really saying, though, is that I miss the spontaneity of going out with friends. Everything has to be arranged like some sort of business meeting. What happened to, "eh, let's go out for coffee. see you in half an hour" or "bored lah, wanna go out?" It's more fun, I think, going out without an agenda, knowing you don't have to be pressured to do anything or rush so that you make the next movie time. What happened to just chilling in the park or relaxing in a cafe, enjoying a little chat or simply the comfortable silence of your partner's company?
This is the way our lives are going, unfortunately. Once everyone starts working, spontaneity will be almost unheard of. Schedules have to be adhered to, deadlines met, money earned. Oh well, such is life. Just received a call to go down to the hotel for a second interview. I don't think I could take anymore interviews. Ugh. Icky-poo. But I should be grateful that I'm getting interviews at all right? Right.
Sigh. More updates tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
She's feeling:

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