Today was Dad's birthday :) I made use of my staff privileges and got him a cake from the hotel. Dad said he'd waited 60 years to cut his first birthday cake! We never knew that... and wow, my dad's 60! He doesn't look at day over 45 though ;) So anyway, dinner was at the Guild House and the band from next door played a birthday song for dad. Pretty cool cos we didn't even tell them it was his birthday. Good communication between restaurant staff and band :)
On a not-so-happy note, my hairspray got stolen today : ( I feel kinda dumb saying it cos it's like, who would want to take someone else's bottle of hairspray unless you're really so poor you can't afford your own bottle? But I guess it was my fault too because I left it on the sofa instead of putting it back in my locker. When I came down for my break, I realised I needed to touch up and couldn't find my hairspray. Sigh. And it was a new bottle too. I feel stupid for misplacing it and feel even worse that somebody would actually want to take it : ( Now I have to get another bottle. And I'm not really happy about spending my pay on replacing stuff that I just bought. Oh, I just got my second paycheck, did I tell you? Hee. Nothing to 'Hee' about really but I guess I'm grateful for any money that I earn cos I really need to save for important things.
Now back to happy news :) I felt a dull ache in the fingertips of my left hand. And I realised why. Ladies and gentlemen, Samick has come home :) And I'm happy to report that he's well and sounding better than before. In fact, when Ian passed him back to me, he said, "this is not the same guitar anymore". INDEED. Samick now sounds smooth and buttery and mellow and resonates with such
richness. Ooooooooh! My beloved Samick is in such good shape! Except one or two strings vibrate more than they should and produce a buzzing sound that is really annoying. Ian said it's got to do with the wear and tear of the strip at the neck of the guitar. I don't mind it so much I guess, because Samick sounds soooo delicious! It's a really nice rich sound, yet a little light. Good good :)
Overall, I'm a happy chappy.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
She's feeling:

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