"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Thursday, March 27, 2003

It's a quiet night tonight as I sit and type. It's a quiet morning actually. Just felt like some company so I decided to blog. All is still. And I realise my facade is slowly melting away. Indeed. Isn't it strange to put on a facade when you know the rest of the world knows you do it? Sometimes all it takes is the tiniest of triggers to whip the facade off and expose the raw, inner self that's cowering in fear.

I have my fantasies. Of being on my own. Anywhere but here. Sometimes in my mind, I see myself sitting at a cafe under the warm mediterranean sun, by the aquamarine water lining the beach. A man pedals by on a quaint tricycle-like bike-thing. He smiles, creasing his leathery face. I smile back and take another sip of my (I wish I could say coffee but you all know what coffee does to me) hot chocolate, with the breeze stroking my hair. A grubby looking boy with dirty brown curls totters up, ice cream smeared all over his face. He looks up with the sweetest grin and then trips and tumbles to the ground. He picks himself up, gurgles and runs off to a waiting adult. I look around me. The day is perfect and I'm getting a great tan ;)

Then there's the other fantasy. I'm in a thick winter coat strolling down a street in Europe. The cold has blushed my cheeks a rosy pink. My hands are in my pockets, warm and snug. It's not winter but it sure is cold. I cross a road and wander into a park where people are walking their dogs, couples are lost in their own worlds and solitary figures are reading the morning latest. A stray leaf floats down and brushes my shoulder before meeting the ground. I walk into the city centre and pass a collection of stores in the city's market square. Now and then, a curious trinket calls out to me and I move closer for a more careful inspection of the intriguing object. The smell of cinnamon perfumes the air, along with the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread. I close my eyes, stick my nose up in the air and smile. Paradise. Well, almost :)

There you go, some of my fantasies. Made a little more real by Sinatra crooning on my computer :) Just needed to escape for a moment. Maybe someday they won't be fantasies anymore. Until that day, I'll keep my imagination healthy and alive. But for now, the bed beckons, with the possibility of stepping into another fantasy location. Goodnight, my friends.


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