SARS is getting nearer and nearer. I don't think it would be wise of me to reveal anything on my blog. All I can say is that there are occupational hazards where I'm working. And it's very natural that there would be such hazards for people working in this position, in such an industry. Today, I learnt something which sent my heart racing and, I suppose, I shouldn't broadcast to the world.
We've started spraying the counter area with disinfectant. Like every few hours. Cos we're paranoid :) You know, every one of us at the desk is so edgy about the whole SARS thing. I wish I could take a month's leave or something. Even if it's unpaid leave. You know, I'm thinking, I really don't want to catch the virus because it will be so terribly inconvenient for the whole family. Everyone will have to be quarantined and the apartment will have to be disinfected. I don't even want to think about the people at work who'll have to be quarantined. And all the guests I meet everyday. See how it can spread to so many people? Seriously, all you can do in such times is depend on God. And entrust Him with your life. I'm made so acutely aware that my life is not my own. It's not for me to hold on to or demand an extension for. And you know what? Your life can become your idol. You know, when you're so obsessed with making sure you live till a very very ripe old age (and hopefully delay death for as long as possible) and somewhere along the line, become a hypochondriac (is that how you spell it?).
Well, if any good's come out of this mess, it's that people are now becoming more health-conscious. I know I've started eating more fruits, taking vitamin c pills and drinking lots of water. People used to have to force me to drink water. So I guess there are good things that have evolved from the bad. Even if it's just a very thin, barely-there silver lining.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
She's feeling:

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