I'm ok. I will be seeing the doctor tomorrow. I promise :) Thanks, those of you who msged me. Your concern is much appreciated. :) I'm sorry for giving you a scare yesterday Paul. Thanks for hanging around in case I keeled over and fainted :)
I had a really bad day today. I wish I had something nice to blog about but the truth is, I had a really bad day. But that's ok. Because once today is over, things will be better :)
You know what? I've come to a point where I recognise regular hotel guests and they recognise me too. It's really cool when they call out to you and give you a wave. Little things like these make my job worth doing :) And in retrospect, I think I will miss this job. I mean it's got crappy working hours and you have to take a lot of nonsense from guests but at the end of the day, it can be quite satisfying. Today though, there was a really really rude Singaporean (were you expecting anything else?) who wasn't even a guest. He started yelling (and I mean YELLING) at me and every time he yelled, he used my name. The counter was really busy and I was trying my best to help him but he made such a ruckus that my patience finally wore out and I got pissed. I mean, I got really pissed. I glared at him and as I calmly tried to kick some sense into him, I went into some sort of Ally McBeal trance where she's staring at someone but thinking something else altogether. So there I was, explaining that I WAS assisting him but in my mind, I was actually hitching up my skirt, climbing over the counter and wringing his chicken neck. Man, that guy really tried my patience. And then he started yelling at everyone else at the counter. What a jerk. He epitomises "jerk". And it was incredibly irritating that he kept using my name. I was on the verge of, "Don't 'Melissa' me, you horrible man!"
Anyway, tomorrow will be better. I am counting down to the number of days I have left in the hotel. I want to go on a holiday to Vienna. Europe would be a nice change from Singapore and Australia.
Alrighty, looking forward to tomorrow.
Monday, June 16, 2003
She's feeling:

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