"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Thursday, August 04, 2005

No matter what your age at present, as long as you are Singaporean, the Loudhailers Associated Union of Singapore Armed Irritants (LAUSAI) will have you know that you are FORTY years old this year. Yes, FORTY. That's a four plus a tee. FOR-TY.

It seems that I can't escape. There is evidence of LAUSAI everywhere. It has left its traces on the TV screens, radio, newspaper... everywhere! For me, a twentysomething year-old to have LAUSAI stuffing its message in my face that I am FOR-TY is a little annoying. Just a leeeetle annoying.

But I know, I risk being labelled ungrateful, unpatriotic, or worse, un-PAP *gasp!*. I actually have nothing against the achievements and advancements of our FOR-TY year-old nation. I guess the hoo-ha is what the prelude to a big birthday bash should be.

Ok ok, the real reason I'm annoyed is because of the irritating MTV that's being aired over and over and over again, with Rui En and Taufik trying their darndest to sing, look adorable and reach for the skies all at the same time (which is no mean feat, I must say). And that somehow sets off the propaganda alarm bells in my head, telling me that once again, on the 9th of August, my emotions will be toyed with and beat about like a rag doll, akin to what happens when I watch NKF Charity Shows. Which is why I don't watch them.

I don't like to cry. But somehow when I watch the NDP, I always wind up a little teary. And that annoys me. I don't like my emotions all rollercoaster like that. Hmmph!

So ah, don't say I'm not patriotic or *gasp!* un-PAP ah. Sudden thought came to mind - if the good name of the PAP were to ever be tainted, would it be called a PAPsmear? I am actually a closet Singapore cheerleader. Very very closet. But cheerleader nonetheless. And so, as part of my civic duty this year (and also because it actually touched my heart), I have decided to join in raising this appeal for Samsui lady Mdm How to get a ticket to watch the NDP. Please go have a looksee at Mr Miyagi's blog (or rather, 'glob') for the fuller version. Please, if any of you have spare NDP tix, do let Mdm How have one at least. She helped build our country. Literally. The least we could do is to give her a ticket to the NDP right?

So in the midst of all the wonderful chaos LAUSAI is causing, I hope we all look beyond the fanfare and the fireworks and really thank God for the wonderful nation we've been blessed with.

The writer means no disrespect towards the PAP in any way. In fact, white is her favourite colour. In fact, she loves to wear white with white with white. In fact, she secretly thinks they're doing a fabulous job of running the country. And no, it is not a white lie.


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