My colleague told me today I'm starting to look more grown up now. She said when she first came, I was like a little girl and now I'm all (in her words) "woman". Hahaha. I think it's the stress that's aged me. But we all have to get older don't we?
Anyway, when I heard reports on the radio about Typhoon Nabi, I nearly fell off the car seat. The newsreader went "Typhoon Nah-bay" and I just started laughing. I know, it's horrid to be laughing about such a tragedy but I couldn't help it. Gosh, the person who named the Typhoon must have been very angry. But seriously, I feel awful about all the storms happening around the world. Must keep in mind that God is in control still. I know many people have asked the age-old question - if God is a God of love then why are people dying all around the world in wars and natural disasters? Well, I'm no theologian but I do know that people die. ALL people die. Whether God is a loving God or not, we will all die eventually. That's something that all rational people - religious or not - will tell you. Unless they're from some cult that believes in immortality on earth.
So my point is, people will all die anyway. Why do we blame it on God? When I die, will it be because God doesn't love me? No, it will be because I have completed the work He set out for me to do here and am returning to be with Him in eternal bliss! So on the contrary, it's not because God doesn't love me but it's because He does! That's why He's calling me back to be with Him :) Do you realise that every day you live on earth is one day nearer to seeing God face to face again? It's not a morbid thought. It's actually a beautiful one.
I could go into greater details about natural calamities and war and death but I'll leave that for another time. It's not exactly great coffee conversation (not that I'm having coffee now). So anyway, here's today's list of 5 things to be thankful for:
1. The wonderful dinner Dad made - bangers and mash with mustard and sweet relish as well as smoked salmon from Canada. Yum :)
2. My iPod mini replacement (cos the previous one had LCD problems).
3. My little bolster for drying (or rather, absorbing) my tears last night.
4. Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino.
5. People who have seen me at my ugliest and silliest and still want to be around me :)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
She's feeling:

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