I fight battles everyday. Today was no different. But I seemed to be fighting consecutive battles. So consecutive it's not even funny. Raised my voice more than a couple of times today, something I'm trying to do less of. Have you ever realised how the more you try to be good, the more situations emerge to entice you to misbehave??? And so I'm praying that the Holy Spirit's alarm clock will ring louder whenever I'm in difficult situations so I don't get too impulsive in reacting to things. It's helped.
Had some sort of an accident yesterday. Classic. We were having a photoshoot in one of the rooms on the 8th floor and I stepped out to get some stuff. As I was turning a corner in the corridor, I heard one of the housekeeping girls laughing and running. To warn her of my impending presence, I cleared my throat loudly and coughed a little. Apparently, she took no notice of that and kept on running at full steam until she turned the corner and BAM! ran straight into me. And let out a bloodcurdling scream at the same time. I should have been the one screaming man! She was no cushion!
So anyhow, I tried very hard to maintain my composure and told her very gently (more so because I was in pain) and in very broken Mandarin that she should watch where she's going. Although from what I said, it probably came out as, "you should see clearer". Which is utter nonsense lah. But she apologised profusely and I was actually quite amused but still, she shouldn't have been laughing and running in the corridors. What if she had collided with a guest instead???
Also had the opportunity to talk to an Australian couple in the lift. I asked them where they were from and they said they were from Perth!!! HOME!!! Only managed as brief a conversation as 8 floors via an elevator would have allowed. And they pronounced it "Puurth"... just the way it's meant to be!! So there, I got my nostalgia kick for that moment.
It's only Tuesday and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Not good is it?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
She's feeling:

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