How interesting is this.. us younger people have been subject to physical mutation of our hands because we use our thumbs so often in messaging on mobile phones and all. Really interesting read. Go have a look.
Will be going for the Campus Zone's Evangelistic Camp tomorrow. Do keep me in prayer, keep the camp in prayer as well, thanks. I also need to come up with an idea for my image lit photo essay as well as my ISC. Thanks, Cheryl for your ideas. Keep 'em coming! Haha..
Take care, ya'll. It's a lovely day today :)
Thursday, March 28, 2002
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Well, life just took a turn for the better today :) Sangeeta's on the verge of agreeing to be my supervisor for the ISC!!! Thank God!! Now I have to come up with a media topic. Suggestions anyone?
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
If you thought my life couldn't get any worse, I've just been given a ticket for breaching by-law number 35 - failing to display a permit. That's going to cost me $20 if I pay after 21 days, $10 if I pay before.
At least I know it was my fault this time. Can't blame no one except the HORRIBLE parking attendant who wouldn't listen to my dear friends (I wasn't present) tell her I was going to get a permit today. I mean, it costs the school NOTHING if I get a permit or not. Whether I get one today or tomorrow or if I never get one, it doesn't cost the school anything. So what's with them? Can't they let it go? She was already told I was going to get a permit today.
So yes, can't blame no one but the Horrible Lady.
Eeep. Having a Horrible Day. Meeting Mr Programme Chair later to discuss my future. Sigh, slightly more than 12 hours till Horrible Day ends. Press on.
Just thought I'd state for the record that I hate group meetings. I really really really REALLY severely dislike them. And I particularly hate those that begin in the early hours of the morning. When people are supposed to be asleep. Like at 9am. Or 10am. I guess by now you all know what's on my agenda for the day. *grumble grumble*... where's the coffee....
Monday, March 25, 2002
Haha... just felt like saying it :) Anyway, the week break's getting off to a slow start. I can't seem to sit still. Doesn't help that I woke up at noon today, pig that I am. Played the guitar for a bit, made lunch, watched "Days of Our Lives" and sat through "ER". Now that I'm back at my desk, I shall resume my studying but as you can tell, it's not going very well and I'm online. That's the problem with flat rates. You're online all the time so you can just turn your attention away from the books any time. It's really bad.
So, the Academy Awards. What's the general opinion? Check out CNN's Awards coverage. Also, Entertainment Weekly's got extensive features on the Oscars. For style and fashion, go have a look at Instyle's feature. For the record, I'm not an Oscar freak. I haven't even read the articles on these websites. Found them at the CNN site. Congratulations to Denzel Washington and Halle Berry though. It's about time.
Ah, back to the books...
Sunday, March 24, 2002
Went to the symphony. The Western Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) is having their "Masters" season. Tonight, the guest conductor was from Russia. I can't remember his name because I forgot to take the booklet back. It wasn't the programme though. That cost $7 and I refuse to pay $7 for a programme. The concertmaster was really good though. He's only 24 - one of the youngest in the orchestra but oh-so-good with the violin. There were times he pulled a note so high yet so gently and softly that the complete silence after that gave me a rush of adrenalin. Needless to say, everyone else was just holding their breath. You could feel the lack of exhalation in the concert hall. Amazing. I wish I could play the violin. Or the cello. I will pick up a string instrument one day and yes, you know I'm not talking about the guitar.
Anyway, it's the Murdoch week break now. I still haven't settled my units yet. I've sent out 3 letters to 3 different ad agencies here asking for a work placement. However, I still haven't found a supervisor for my ISC. That's really not a good thing but we'll see how it goes.
For the moment, I'm missing the rush I used to get from stepping onto stage for a performance. The straight shoulders; the walk, the clicking of heels across wood-panelled floor; the turn of the head; the smile (I used to smile till my cheeks hurt), all done with poise and pride, knowing you had respect for your craft; for the many, many, many hours spent perfecting it, knowing you can never give a "best" performance. Truly phenomenal.
I'm a little light-headed now. I think I shall whisk myself off to a deep slumber.
Friday, March 22, 2002
Lilack - you do have other friends you know. You didn't even complain that much when I left for Perth. You hurt me deep deep man... : ( Plus, it's perfectly natural for him to be behaving the way he is. You know you don't like him romantically so just let it go and be gracious about it. You've got to share him now. That's the way it's gotta be and he's gotta share you too when you find someone.
So enough. It's time to pickyourselfupandgetamovealong.
Strange. I thought this blog was supposed to be about me.
Thursday, March 21, 2002
I am so going to cry. One lecturer's just told me she can't supervise me for an ISC. Plus, I've just found out ISCs must finish by the fisrt day of assessment period. I think I've been handling the whole situation very well so far but this is starting to get me down. I really so do want to cry and not have to put on that straight face. I'm not superwoman. There, I admitted it. It really sucks. Suckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssuckssucks.......
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Saturday, March 16, 2002
Hello... I know I haven't been updating in a long while. I've had my reasons. Been so busy with school work and enrolment problems. Guess what? I might not be able to graduate as planned this semester. I'm short of 6 points. That's 2 units. And the school's only let me know in week 4. That's this week. And now I can't enrol in any unit because it's too late. So yeah, problems. I'll probably not be back in Singapore this June.
Will update more tomorrow.
Saturday, March 09, 2002
Early morning post from me :)
I'm learning new things about myself everyday. It's funny how you're not the person you always thought you were. It's funny how you think you're letting people in when you're actually not. It's funny how you're not all that great after all. It's funny how after having your ego bruised many times, you kinda get used to it even though it still hurts a little. People will be people won't they? You're not always gonna like what you hear. The most precious pearls are usually the hardest to swallow. Haha... that sounds kinda deep... forgive me, it's 2.24 in the morning.
Before I sign off, here's a little note to my coffee buddy. You know who you are - hang in there. You're gonna be just fine :)
The last I checked, the earth was still rotating and revolving.
Friday, March 08, 2002
Today was an amazing day. And it's not because I had great classes or am up to date with readings or have found a way around my radio assignment. Today was amazing simply because I made the effort to stop. And look around me. The most beautiful clouds were above me today. So beautiful and surreal, even, that I had to stop and look. They were the feathery kind - cirrus? And they were in a sort of lattice pattern. Breathtaking. Somewhere above, I heard a continuous whirr and it was coming nearer. I looked up again and saw a flock of low-flying birds swooping across the sky. The whirr of their wings was surprisingly soothing and calmed my stressed out nerves. I'm still stressed but I'm glad my week's over and I took time out to see the things that go on around me - the rest of the world.
Life goes on. It doesn't matter that you screwed up 'cos no one's gonna wait for you. It's up to you to pick yourself up and move along. Life is full of mistakes, that's why it's not heaven. Life is also full of hope, that's why it's not hell. Celebrate your extra layer of fat, your field of pimples, your maze of teeth. And spare a thought for those who have nothing.
Cheers and be well.
Thursday, March 07, 2002
I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm dyslexic. It takes me 4 hours to read one chapter of my marketing textbook. But that's not the point. The point is that I spent 4 hours reading the WRONG chapter!!!!! And all through I was wondering why I needed to know about American laws and their statutory boards and stuff. ARGH!!!!!!! I READ THE WRONG CHAPTER!!!!!! And guess what? That means that I haven't done my readings for tomorrow's tute. Today actually. Yes, I know you Singaporean students spell it "tut" but we here go "tute" so don't bug me about it. And yes, I'm grumpy because I put in so much wasted effort. So now I've got 2 chapters to read. That means 8 hours. That means I'm freaking out.
You must be wondering why I'm freaking out so much. It's also because I'm supposed to hand in an edited radio interview on Tuesday. Problem: I haven't booked the equipment. My friend who booked hers said that she got the last available slot for Friday. I'm waking up early tomorrow to go down to school at 9am and pray that they have a slot open. No equipment = No interview = Don't even have to think about editing (another thing that's freaking me out) = 15% down the drain. So there you have it. I'm officially freaking out.
Saturday, March 02, 2002
Ever had a hangover? Well I feel like I'm having one from a bad week. I just woke up. Yes, it's noon. I've got a headache - not in the traditional sense but my head feels heavy and sore. And I'm tired and grouchy. }:o(
Whine, whine, whine.
Life goes on.
Friday, March 01, 2002
I've had a terrible week. So terrible all I want to do is throw myself down on the bed and cry. It's too tiring to repeat everything on the blog so I shan't. But I've had a terrible week. And the person I want to talk to most about it doesn't even read my blog regularly. No offense to the rest of you whom I love dearly. I wish that person would just read my blog. To see how I'm doing, what's happening in my daily life. You think I'm asking too much? For a few minutes to read my daily posts since you're online anyway? I mean, how much time does that take? The person's always tired anyway. Always tired because of the many many many activities that go on during the day. But has enough energy to check mail yet not enough to read my blog. I know I'm pedantic. I also know I'm about to bawl my eyes out.
I've just had a terrible week, that's all.
She's feeling:

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- Sometimes I think I think too much. Everything wou...
- I don't get it. The Thais overthrew Thaksin in a m...
- Now everyone's been talking about the incredulous ...
- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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