The Hospital
Almost didn't make it to the doctor today. Was kinda tired after work and felt really tempted to just go home. But I guess I was serious enough about my health not to procrastinate. And I'm glad I went cos my mind's at peace. It was nothing serious but stress was one of the factors that caused the problem. Anyway, I've been given medication and will monitor myself for 3 days. The visit to the doctor's was quite an experience though. I had my temperature taken Three times - once before I entered the clinic and twice in the waiting area. The staff at Raffles Hospital were very polite though, very courteous and always "Miss" this, "Miss" that. I guess you come to expect a certain standard from private hospitals but they almost surpassed my standards (I have high service standards).
Following my temperature check, I was given a mask to wear. *groan*. So being the good girl I am, I put it on reluctantly. It's one of those you have to tie around your head. But after half a minute of not being able to breathe through the mask and the breathing fogging up my glasses, I decided I'd had enough and chucked the mask. After waiting an eternity, I finally got to see the doctor. I shan't reveal what happened behind those doors but a chaperone was required. I've never before had any examination done to me that required a chaperone. Even when I was doing my full medical for my Australian visa. But then again, that doctor was female. So anyhow, he did what he had to do, made his diagnosis and we had a few laughs about my condition and medication. Did I mention I thought he was cute? ;) All hopes were dashed when he left the clinic and the nurse called out to him that she'd like to see his baby some time. Darn.
So that's what happened today. Oh, and we got caught skiving from housekeeping duties. LOL. I'm pooped now. Whoever invented skirtings, wallpaper and duvet covers ought to be shot.
Monday, June 16, 2003
She's feeling:

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