I want...
As my last day of work draws nearer, so my list of wants grows longer and the hole in my pocket, bigger. I was toying with the idea of giving tuition while on my internship so I wouldn't have to take money from my savings to support myself. I'm not sure I'll have the time or energy to do that though. But, as I was saying, my list of wants is growing longer. From a miserable "1", my wish list has grown to a respectable "2". Yes, I now have 2 things on my wish list. What? I'm easy to please!
The first thing isn't entirely a want. It's a need as well. My phone is dying. Both in species and function. It used to be cool carrying a phone as small as the Nokia 8210. Now, a phone that size ain't cool unless it's WAP-enabled, supports MMS, comes with colour screen, polyphonic ring tones, radio and camera. Heck, I'm happy as long as my phone has a dictionary! But I am in dire need of a new phone. It takes me 5 minutes to read an sms - one second to press the right button, 5 seconds to shake the phone vigourously and 4 mins and 54 secs to wait for the blank screen to reappear with my msg. My phone also does the matrix thing, you know, with funny characters running down the entire screen. It's possessed, I tell you.
The next item I want is a digital camera. I really really really want to take pictures. I pass by loads of interesting stuff everyday and I keep wishing I had a camera with me to capture the quirks of the day. I love taking pictures. Does anyone want to recommend a good, reliable, relatively inexpensive digital camera? I'm not considering a second-hand purchase. I'm not a second-hand person, not because I'm snobbish or anything. I think it's a youngest child thing. You know, as the younger kid, you get all the hand-me-downs, the old clothes that other people have grown out of, the old cot your elder sibling used to sleep in etc. After all that, you kinda lose yourself and your identity. I guess I grew up just wanting my own stuff. Stuff that belonged to ME and wasn't passed down through the generations. So yeah, if you know a good model at a good price, let me know.
And since my list has grown, I need to ensure that I am able to finance this list. Ok, any of your brothers or sisters need tuition? And er, I don't do Maths. Or Science. Or Chinese. Definitely not Chinese.
Saturday, June 28, 2003
She's feeling:

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