"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Has anyone seen the latest Nike reincarnate ad with the Chinese dude? How yummy is he?!?! I do think my tastes veer towards the Asian man. Notice I didn't say Singaporean. We all know how disappointing they are. Ouch. Heh. My friends are all excluded from this remark, of course.

So I know this topic has been done to death but here's my two cents' worth on why I think Singaporean men just don't cut it:

1. Gentlemen, gentlemen.

Now, before I get hammered by guys who insist they still open doors for ladies, I'm not talking about that. That is sooo Level One. And that is exactly it. They hold the door open for us and they think it's a heckuva big deal. Being a gentleman is all in the attitude. It's about the outward shows of respect and the inward mindset of placing the interests of your date before yours. Mind you, it's not about wimpy concessions. It's an active process of choosing to do what's best for her. Like perhaps not staying out too late because she has to work the next day. Or going to a restaurant nearer her home so she doesn't have to travel too far. These are examples. I'm not saying they should be put into practice. Merely examples.

2. Big money! Big money! *cue whirring of Wheel of Fortune*

The ego is a fragile thing isn't it? Especially when it comes to our men. It's kinda sweet how they feel they MUST provide for their woman like Tarzan kills deer for Jane. Boys, listen up. Have you been paying attention to the UOB Lady's Card ads? Or perhaps you've seen the DBS Woman's Card ads? You see, boys, the average Singaporean woman is becoming increasingly self-sufficient, complete with high spending power and a chequebook she could whip out as fast as you could shout "Referee kayu!!". We don't need your money and we don't need you to prove that you've got money. So relax and give us more of your time. We'll take care of the cheque ;)

3. Say what??

Our boys are very good at making money (see point number 2). However, they're not great at much else. In other words, they're not very clued in. It's one thing to be hardworking and quite another to be intelligent and well-versed in general knowledge. And I'm not talking about memorising the capital cities of each country on the map, or knowing by heart the names of each President. And, God forbid, I'm not talking about spewing Shakespeare. I couldn't think of anything more revolting. Actually, I could, but that's another story. Boys, you gotta read up more. Take a more genuine interest in the world around you, rather than the paycheck you're gonna get at the end of each month. Or whether Chelsea will bow out with their tail between their legs and their manager's foot in his mouth.

I think I've said just about enough. Any more and I'm gonna get hate mail (I think I might already get some). Once again, I stress that these are MY views only. The rest of the Singapore girls out there are probably sweet and subservient and nothing like me. So don't worry guys. Keep doing what you're doing. It'll keep crazy girls like me away from you.

Alright *retracts claws* here's a last minute attempt to salvage the situation. I think our boys are endearing. Yes you are. You are sweet in a totally clueless way. There, don't say I didn't stick up for you. If anything, you're all so honest in such a heartlander way. It's truly endearing. Makes you genuine.

Ok, I'm starting to feel the dagger stares. It's really freaking me out. I should shut up.

Mmmmpphh... zip.


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