"I believe in Angels because the Bible says there are Angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God" - Billy Graham

Sunday, January 22, 2006

So the other day, my auntie and her friends came over to the Cafe for lunch. Being the dutiful niece, I made my way down to say hi. After the usual niceties, the aunties asked which department I was working in. My auntie also proceeded to tell them that my brother was a teacher and graduated from Raffles. In jest, I mentioned that all the brains went to him. To which one of the aunties said, "It's ok for girls to not be working in such high positions. If not, very hard to get boyfriend. Nowadays, guys are quite scared of girls who earn more and are in a higher position at work."

Apparently, that is not true :)

Anyhow, here I am updating again after a loooong while. Will probably be out of action again soon so you guys just hang in there and read other blogs for the time being ;)

Love lots,

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So I didn't cut my hair in the end. Long story.

I'm probably not the only one who's noticed it's been raining and raining and raining and raining these past few days. It fact, it's raining as I'm typing. Just last night, I asked Dad why it was raining so much and what natural disaster was looming. I'm such a pessimist. We then proceeded to talk about tsunamis, earthquakes and the like. Such uplifting dinner conversations we have.

I've also noticed that people are getting a bit edgy in the office. Like nobody's happy to be where they are. I think it's the rain. I think people really want to be outside playing in the puddles and sticking out their tongues to feel the raindrops patter down. I think they really want to be jumping in the wet grass and splashing water on unsuspecting passers-by. Or maybe that's just me.

And some itchy-fingered person stole my pretty pink umbrella. So upset.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm cutting my hair tomorrow!!! I think this is the longest my hair's ever been. Ever. So I'm a bit nervous about cutting it. I know it'll grow back but I'm still n-e-r-v-o-u-s. Anyway, he's said he won't have second thoughts even if it's a complete disaster, so I'm good :)

Things are coming along nicely and I'm really really blessed. I don't just feel blessed, I know I'm blessed. Hmm... I actually wrote a whole chunk of other stuff here but didn't know how to end it so I deleted the lot. Besides, I'm getting chased off to bed by a very persistent fellow. I really should be getting off to bed though. I haven't been sleeping enough :( Will update more when more stuff comes up :)

Goodnight lovely people!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006!

And so it goes. 2005 was eventful. I won't deny that I approach 2006 with a certain trepidation. The global situation just seems to get worse and worse with each year. This year, I'm wondering what other natural disasters will take place, which wars will break out, what epidemic will surface, how much worse Mum's condition will be.

But my job is not to worry about these things is it? I'm simply struggling to live out the rest of my life the best I can. I realise that I'm speaking like someone with a terminal disease. But in a sense, I do have a terminal disease, as do all of us. It's called life. It will eventually end someday. But when it does, I hope to have left something of worth behind. A legacy for those who will come after.

And so at the start of a new year, it is with sobering thought that I look upon the rest of the journey ahead. There will be much celebration, revelry and excitement. There will be sorrow and gladness, fear and boldness, strength and moments of weakness. But I will live and I will laugh and I will love.

And life will be at its most awesome. Because no matter what happens, there will be God and family and friends. And awfully chocolate ice cream ;)

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