Had a really really good catch-up session with a friend. Feeling good now :) I love human relationships and the intricacies they possess. Love how they unravel and take you by surprise. Yep, am feeling good :)
Going for a car wash with Jasmine tomorrow. I've never been to one of these stations before. It'll be fun :) Am looking forward to it :)
Week break this week. Lil, am disappointed you can't come to Ozland. You're the only friend who's ever visited me. Cheryl, you're not counted 'cos you used to study here ;)
Tomorrow's the last day of April. Counting down to graduation. To the end of my time as a student. I love uni. I love the uni lifestyle. It's such an experience.
I feel like there's less and less to blog. Don't know, don't seem to know what to write anymore. Haven't been ecstatically happy or depressingly sad. My life's been ok. I'm joyful and content. Not necessarily happy but joyful. Glad.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Thursday, April 25, 2002
Wow. Been six days. Seven. Since I last updated.
Going through an emotionally confusing period in my life right now. You know, could he be The One? For the first time, nobody knows anything about this... haha... kinda cute actually. For once, I get to keep this to my little self. Although I realise that by posting this, everyone else will know something about it. No one knows who, what, when or where though. Or why for that matter. I've never been brave enough to admit that I actually like someone. Yeah, I've had my fair share of crushes and everything, bad mistakes, worse mistakes, you name it. But I've actually never admitted squarely that I might, just might like someone. Like seriously.
Anyway, the long and short of it is that I have no time for these things. BGRs are a luxury I can't afford now. Too many things are far more important. And they're waiting to be done. I'm just rambling about a potential someone because I'm not gonna go into it. But I do at least want the luxury of writing about it. I'm scared. I think I might like him and that scares me. It scares the superwoman in me. It scares the independent-I-don't-need-a-man in me. I'm scared. It's been some time since I felt that tingling sensation, that racing pulse, the heart palpitations. I'm disgusted at myself. Boy germs.. ewww....
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Made the most disgusting fried rice. I think it has to do with the type of rice used. I used medium grain but I think long grain is what you're supposed to use. Anyway, I'm bearing the consequences now - eating it and having to scrub a steel saucepan later. Not looking forward to it. So, Lil and Cheryl, been a bit absent lately? It's the exams now isn't it? Well all the best and do pop online once in a while eh? Cheryl: I met Mike the other day. He's got he's own room the in library! But you probably already knew that eh?
So anyway, Mark, WAKEBOARDING eh? ;) Sounds like you had fun, and edured some um, pain as well? Drop me a mail now and then yes?
Alright all, lunch and study beckon. Later.
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
My flatmate's leaving. He's deferring his studies for a year because of financial problems. I feel really really bad, really really sad. Broke my heart when Tom told me he asked if he could stay on in the flat if he's not a student anymore. So it's just Tom, Fun, Eazy and me left. Eazy was just reminding me how fortunate we are. Indeed. Why is it that it always takes bad things like these to make us realise that we have it good? Maybe we're just a bunch of ungrateful brats. I'm not surprised. Hmm... food for thought...
Friday, April 12, 2002
It is 12.30 in the morning. My flatmate's having cereal and I'm eating toast. We just said good morning to each other. This is toooo weird.... and no, neither of us has been to bed yet, if you're wondering. I'm still trying to get work done. Am inching towards that. Taking a break now. Why am I having toast? That's right, I had a craving. My mind's in a weird state of "huh?". I'm suddenly feeling more awake. Must be the toast. Did I mention it's a PBJ toast? Yum....
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
Nearly set the kitchen on fire yesterday. I left a saucepan on the stove to dry it so I could put my butter in without the water and oil mixing to cause the irritating sputter. Anyway, sat down to watch a bit of TV and when I got back to my saucepan and put a chunk of butter in, the whole thing burst into flames that shot up to the rangehood! I'm like, ok, this will die down right (we're talking serious flames here. More than just a flambe please...)? But nooo... the flames just kept burning. To cut a short story shorter, Eazy doused the thing with another saucepan of water. Bravo. Found out later that you should never mix oil and water.
How's that for an exciting day huh?
Watched the Queen Mother's funeral on TV earlier this evening. I wasn't particularly emotional. I wonder if the British have become good at funerals. They've had plenty of practice these few years haven't they? I didn't see the wailing and moaning that permeated Princess Di's funeral. Didn't see that many flowers thrown at the passing cortege. Was the Queen Mother less loved than Diana. I think not. Perhaps it was the circumstances of death that made one more tragic than the other, more "deserving" of public demonstrations of anguish. Or have they just become accustomed to what's becoming to seem like a regular affair? It's a whole case study in itself isn't it?
Speaking of which, I have tons of work waiting to be done. I'll ramble on later.
Sunday, April 07, 2002
I've just found out that Betty Crocker is a fictitious character!!!! I feel so cheated!! I'm shattered!! Man, I can't believe it... all these years thinking she was some really wholesome Mrs Field's kind of person. Oh man, I feel like an idiot.
Thursday, April 04, 2002
Sangeeta's agreed to be my supervisor!!!!!!!!! *phew* big sigh of relief. Praise God!!!
Now I have to concentrate on not failing the other units (which I've been slacking in). I really need to get motivated again. Work Work Work, Mel!!!
How was everybody's Easter? It's always such a poignant 3 days for me. The death, the burial, the resurrection. How perfect, how bittersweet, how glorious!! There's always this air of reverence and respect. Easter is the reason for our faith.
My condolences to the Royal Family. I cried heaps when Princess Diana died, sighed when Princess Margaret passed away and my heart sank when the Queen Mother passed on. I never knew these women personally but I know that they are sorely missed by those they touched.
Lil, it's exciting corresponding with a cute, famous guy eh? ;) You go girl! Right, I'm off to clean my room now. TTFNTaTa4Now.
She's feeling:

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- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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