Attended my last day of school today. Had my last lecture and my last tutorial. Had 2 tests today and handed one assignment in. Pretty fulfilling day. I've got this, "now what?" feeling. Don't really feel like talking. Am forcing myself to blog this cos I thought it would be a momentous time in my life. But really, I don't feel like talking. And it's not that I'm upset or angry or anything. I just don't feel like talking, you know?
Friday, May 31, 2002
Monday, May 20, 2002
So Lilian's back from her French/Italian getaway. Welcome back! I'm sorry I didn't really get to say that and all. Started bugging you with my problems the minute you got back. Things aren't yet resolved. The less complicated one is. Bill's problem isn't though. I'll just take it step by step.
That's kinda the way my life's going at the moment. I'm taking each day as it comes. The future's uncertain. My car's in the workshop now. It died on the freeway exit. Can I just state for the record that RAC has really terrible phone operators. Bad customer service. The guy who came today to tow the car to the mechanic was really nice though. Pity about the phone lady.
Autumn. Season I'm in now in my life. Slowing the pace down internally while everything around me is so flustering. Feeling a bit tired from stuff, yet I know there's a strange spark within me still. I refuse to become a cynic. Life is far too precious for me to be cynical about everything. It strikes me that cynical people can be self-absorbed and selfish but I won't judge. That's not my place. I'm still asking for more love to give to people I find difficult to love. Loving is a difficult thing to do. It's also probably the most selfless thing anyone could do. Work in progress.
Well, there's stuff to be done. Will check in again later. Enjoy your hols, Singapore-based people. And my congratulations to the fresh grads :) On to the next phase of your journey. Will meet you there soon :)
Sunday, May 12, 2002
Time flies. Is that the most used cliche or what?? But it does. Fly, that is. I see so much change going to take place in my life that it scares me. I don't like change. I go along with it but I don't thrive on it, engage in it, encourage it or embrace it willingly.
Major changes will be taking place soon in my life. I'm scared.
Saturday, May 04, 2002
Had such a lovely evening. Well, I had a lovely afternoon too. Walked around Freo with Joy who, incidentally, came up with a brilliant analogy about relationships. She said it's like looking for parking lots. If you're willing to wait around, you'll find one. If not, you move on and you might have missed a lot but you'll find one eventually. AND, if that lot was meant for you, when you come back the second time, it'll be there. I didn't put it as well as she did but it was brilliant :)
Right, on to my evening. Went to Ernie's place for dinner. He's moved into this swanky apartment in the city. Not too near the hustle and bustle but not all that far either. It's a beautiful, beautiful place. Really swanky. PLUS, it's situated near a little inlet of water (we shall call it a river) that leads out to the Swan River. There are beautiful beautiful townhouses on either side of its banks and a charming somewhat suspension bridge linking both sides. It was chilly tonight but sooo beautiful. It's Autumn now so the trees are full of dry leaves and when coupled with a vintage-like lamp post and street signs, it's magical. Awesome :) I totally enjoyed myself tonight. Had lovely White Burgundy from Houghton of course (I don't think any other vineyards make white burgundy... do they?). Always a reliable wine though. Had some rose wine after as well to round of the evening. I had such a fantastic evening :)
Lil, you're off to France?? Where and when?? Gosh you lucky girl! I hope you bring me back something. Like a nice French monsieur.. oui oui.. :)
Apart from the lovely evening I had (and the glorious arvo with Joy), I'm pretty depressed because of a little incident that took place early arvo. Don't think it would be too mature to bitch about it here. I do feel hurt though. I must say the evening helped a lot. However, it's also kinda sad to be walking along the riverbank at night with street lamps either side. Alone. Not physically but emotionally. I know, I know... I like my life as a swinging single but sometimes.... you know... sigh.
Friday, May 03, 2002
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
Lil's just inspired me to blog again. Anyway, due to neglect and downright mistreating of my body on my part, I am now down with a sore throat and a cold. Not fun. Was supposed to have started my exercise regime yesterday. Ha! How many times have I heard that? Am so confused now. What bad timing.
Need to sleep earlier today because I have to be in school at 8.35am for some competition thing. I think there will be some company executives of some accounting firm there or something and we'll be presented with a problem in which we have to come up with a solution in 2 hours and then present it to them. Winning group gets $200 (???) and the opportunity to work for the company in Sydney. I think.
Argh, just sneezed again.
We have a new flatmate now. Her name's Victoria and she's from Zimbabwe. She seems a little weird. Not particularly friendly at all. Then again, I was told I wasn't exactly very nice when I first came back :) Oh well, time will reveal more. I miss Jackson a bit. Hope he's doing fine.
Time for bed. Getting drowsy... nite!
She's feeling:

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- Sometimes I think I think too much. Everything wou...
- I don't get it. The Thais overthrew Thaksin in a m...
- Now everyone's been talking about the incredulous ...
- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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