I had a great time this evening, catching up with Leo. I would say our relationship has evolved. Whatever animosity that was previously hanging in the air, wasn't there anymore. Suddenly, we were pals again. I'm really grateful for the way things turned out in the end. I know I was a complete idiot in the way I treated him. He certainly didn't deserve it but I'm grateful that he was big enough not to let it come in the way of a friendship.
Certain things have come to my knowledge. And I suppose in some obscure way, it's put things in perspective for me. You know how they always say God never gives you more than you can handle? I'm beginning to think my God has a lot of confidence in me. To say it's been an easy journey would severely undermine the things I've had to go through. Sometimes, you just want to run to the eye of the storm and find your peace, your shelter, your rest. Hope is sometimes the most difficult thing to hold on to but one of the most essential.
Have you ever felt like you know someone so well and then find out that you don't know him/her at all? Tonight, I've just realised that perhaps I don't know anything about someone I thought I knew inside out. I wasn't disappointed, just a little intrigued. And maybe I'll lose the possibility of a friendship with this person. In any case, I do think that if a friendship (or any relationship for that matter) is worth anything, all involved parties will do their best to ensure that it is not lost. If it is, it probably wasn't much to start off with anyway. Granted, people change over time, dynamics change, people are in your lives for different seasons. But I also believe that there will be those who will make the decision to journey on in life with you. Whatever the season. And yes, like all relationships, it takes effort (at this point, I would like to let Lil know that she isn't the protagonist of my ramble here so don't worry girl).
Life is going well for me at the moment. I think my head's a lot clearer now and I'm thinking straight more than I was before. I realised that I haven't been living. I'm ready now. I'm ready to go live life :)
Hold on tight!
Thursday, July 17, 2003
She's feeling:

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