So I was walking through the Arcade to go to the MRT station today, when a man emerged from the loo with his fingers still on his zip, obviously still in the process of zipping up or checking if he was zipped up. Well he was probably not checking his zipper cos his eyes were lost elsewhere and he wasn't very focused on the task at hand. It was almost like an afterthought kind of thing, oh-I've-just-finished-my-little-business-I-need-to-go-to-that-shop-that-sells-tissue-paper-now-where's-that-shop-let's-zip-up.... In any case, I thought it was really unsightly, not to mention rude. If I wasn't so amused, I'd be offended.
Left work later today so that I wouldn't have to mesh with the after-work crowd. Got on the train by 7pm and there was a marked decrease in the number of commuters. But fewer travellers doesn't necessarily equate pleasant journey. Why? Kids. Kids kids kids. Screaming kids. Ok, I'll be fair, it was just one kid. Apparently, her sister was depriving her of something. BIG mistake, sister. The Screaming Girl was so upset she let out a tremendously high-pitched "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" which then evolved into "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!". I could have sworn she was speaking Whale (watch Finding Nemo) but in a very high-pitched voice. It was typical of the kind of scream that shatters glass. And ear drums.
So anyway, I turned my attention to something else. The extremely tall ang moh guy next to me. What do I mean by "extremely" tall? Let's just say that if I turned to face him, I would've been staring straight into his arm. His elbow was at my shoulder level and his head was just about 3cm shy of the roof of the train. He was EXTREMELY tall.
I got tired standing on the train. And I was holding my latest purchase - the funky designer evian bottle with a hole in the cover that you can hook something through? Anyway, the bottle was still relatively full since I had hardly touched it contents. I don't drink water remember? The bottle's a fashion statement. No, I'm kidding :) I bought it to inspire me to drink water. Isn't that terrible? I have to be inspired to drink water! Anyways, I had my middle finger through the cover and my finger was getting tired so I decided to change fingers. And the next finger to have the honour was to be my fourth finger. I figured that since I'm going to get proposed to with a 20 carat diamond ring, I might as well start training my fourth finger now for the weight it''ll have to bear in future ;) Tiffany's, no less :p
Coming home on the bus (I take the train, then the bus), I looked out the window and saw a baby in a child seat in the back of a car. The tiny thing was obviously throwing a tantrum cos its face was wrinkled up, its mouth was open and its tiny mittened hands were flailing about. It was really really interesting watching a baby cry. But without sound. :) How cool is that? It's like watching TV with the mute button pressed. Totally cool :)
Will update more soon. I gotta go watch Ally McBeal now. Such is my social life ;)
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
She's feeling:

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