It's New Year's Eve. I spent a cool $500 on suits today. That's right. I've been sucked into the corporate world of conspiracy, gloom and politics. From the 2nd of January, I will be properly initiated into the yuppie world of suitdom. And why do I have to wear skirts to work everyday? It's completely old-fashioned and patriarchal. And why why why can't I turn up to work in jeans? Why? Ok fine, so maybe jeans is cutting it close but why do I have to wear skirts???
You will be hearing about this from me for a loooong time...
But since it will be a new year soon, I shall quit whining and start being a nicer person. Well, I'll try. Maybe.
So what's this thing about making resolutions? Everyone knows you're not gonna keep them anyway. You've still got that extra 5 kilos around your tummy, those cooking classes are still nowhere in sight and that sweater you meant to knit for your friend... well, let's just say you haven't found the right colour scheme. So why do people make resolutions? To give themselves hope for the future? Maybe. Maybe. To push themselves further? Perhaps. Perhaps. To provide a goal (realistic or not, that's another story) so they can feel good about themselves when they reach it? Could be. BUT, I'm a cynic. And resolutions don't work on me. I can't be bothered making them either. But to those of you who can, let me not discourage you. By all means, count your calories and sweat your cellulite goodbye. Me, I'm just gonna sit back and let the waves roll over.
Hello 2004 :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Thursday, December 25, 2003
What's worse than not receiving presents? Buying presents and then having to keep them in your room because people don't answer their mobile phones and you can't go deliver the presents.
It's quite funny really.
Ah well, Merry Christmas everyone :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
I'm having a bland one so far. Hope yours is better. Always nice to see my tiny nephew though. He's not really tiny and he's really heavy but he's still cute :)
I've lost the enthusiasm for buying gifts for people. The only gifts I've bought this year are - 1. Mandatory (ie. for gift exchange thingies) 2. Reciprocal (as Lilian puts it - buying for someone because they bought something for you) 3. Sentimental (for the close friend. Which would be Lilian, cos it's her birthday AND Christmas ;))
So there you go, those are the lucky people that managed to squeeze an ounce of Christmas giving from me. Not that I'm a Scrooge or anything, I'm just too tired to - 1. think of what to get, 2. go out to get it, 3. jostle with the crowds in jam-packed malls. Just way too tired.
Quite a while ago, I stopped receiving gifts. It wasn't that I wanted presents desperately. It was just sad that I'd been forgotten. Or at least I felt that way. Yet all the while, I'd still been giving presents to family and friends. I suppose that's when it got tiring. Much as I'd love to be philanthropic and give and give and give, it's nice to receive once in a while. And much as I want to be a saint, it's tiring to give and give forever. I'm not good at that yet.
But for now, I'm going easy on the presents and on the wallet. I need a break.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Caught up with a friend over dinner at Nooch last night. Nooch is really one of my favourite places for eating and chatting, not because of its food (which is so-so and highly-priced) but because of its feel. It's got a warm-glow-open-zen-like thing going and I like it. Makes it a good place for chatter.
Anyway, so we got talking and I knew 95% of the conversation would be about her work. Simply because she loves it. Like LOVES it. And good for her too. But our conversation made me realise how much things have changed since uni. How our paths have been chartered. Looking at her, it was hard to tell she was 23. She was very much the businesswoman, all corporate and grown-up. Me? I'm still very much a little girl. Call it stunted growth if you will but I'm in no rush to be careerwoman of the year-cum-mother-of-three. Oh, and I just heard that the Government gives you $20K if you have 2 kids by the age of 28, $15K by 29, $10K by 30 and $5K by 31. I don't think I'm gonna make it hey. I might just make the $5K but it seems to me pretty dumb to have kids just cos you want money from the people in white.
So by the time I got home, I realised that I was really fortunate to still be holding on to my ideals. Things have changed, for example, my English is going to crapsville. But I think my basic beliefs are still there. I hope :)
So here we go. And here we grow (told you my English was going bad).
Thursday, December 11, 2003
I went to watch Love Actually last night. It's perhaps the best film I've watched this entire year. Ok, I'm not a film critic and perhaps some of you cringe that the abovementioned movie could count as the best film of the year. But being the incurable romantic that I am, I was totally consumed, drawn into the movie. It's one of the very few movies that successfully made me feel with the characters and took me on highs and lows, as though I was in the film itself. Here's a little warning though - if you're out of love or alone, it might not be a good idea to watch it. Seriously. I mean, I almost cried during the show. And yes, I did look around enviously at the couples who went to watch it together, holding hands and leaning on each other. Oh well. My time will come. One day.
Am writing copy for a website. It's due like today. And I'm suffering from writer's block. Surprise surprise.
I love Hugh Grant. Just had to throw that in. I want someone like that. A carbon copy, preferably. Yum :)
And now, it's back to my work. Yay.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Why is the whole world watching Master and Commander? Now I feel like I have to watch it too to be cool :)
Am learning quite a bit about myself. I'm grateful for these few days of rest where I get to be a bit more introspective. Life surprises you sometimes.
Ok, will update again later. Running behind schedule.
She's feeling:

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- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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