So I FINALLY went to watch The Lord of the Rings. I absolutely LOVED it!! It was amazing! I won't pretend to know a lot about movies and cinematography but it was excellent!! The direction was really good as well. It had me holding my breath the whole 3 hours!! I'm surprised I didn't come out blue!!! REALLY good show. I'm raving about it!!!! Ooh, time to rave about the hotties in the show!! Did anyone notice the array of eye candy?? Hello...? Orlando Bloom!! *sigh* :) Viggo Mortenssen (I can't spell names that are too long) was really nice to look at as well :) *gush*....
On the whole, a fantastic show! Best I've watched in recent years. I think. Can't wait for the next 2 parts!!! *gush*
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Was at Siloso beach today. Had a really nice time soaking in the weather. Took a nice (albeit long) walk along the beach and played pool while the guys played bball. A word of advice to people thinking of heading to the beach. Wear sunscreen. I'm suffering the effects of neglect of the aforementioned lotion - sore, red, painful skin.... ouch. Ooh, and we went bowling after that. Had a nice day doing fun stuff. Happy Mel :)
... tired Mel.... oh, congratulations Cheryl on a presentation well done :) Keep up the effort and the good work you're doing! Right, Mel's tired and her skin is exceedingly sore. It's calling for a good rest on a soft bed. I think I shall answer that call. See you all in the morning. Nite!
Monday, January 28, 2002
Sab, I'm encouraged that you want to take that step of faith :) You know, life has its quirks and disappointments but there is always hope. If we don't dedicate our lives to Him and live for Him, obeying His Word, we'll never fully experience His love and grace in our lives. Simply because we haven't asked for it. We can't expect Him to keep fishing us out of our problems and coming to the rescue if we don't even have a relationship with Him. Wouldn't it be a tad unreasonable to blame the Lord for our problems and ask Him why He doesn't deliver us from them when we don't even want to spend time with Him, read His Word and obey His commands? The Bible doesn't say "God helps those who help themselves". The Bible says, "But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong" - 1 John 1:9. Imagine that. He will cleanse us from every wrong. How cool is that?! How awesome is that?! We no longer need to live in guilt and shame. BUT we do need to confess our sins and turn from them and try our very best never to fall back again. We all need a friend. No matter how much your friends say they will be there for you, they can't be there 24/7. They can't be there for you all the time. And it's not their fault because they are only human. How wonderful that we have a God who can be there for us any time, anywhere, any day. It's awesome, people. We've got one brave girl here who's joining me across the platform. I know there are many others who want to do the same. His hand is outstretched. Take it.
~Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see!~
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Hello all. Learnt a very very valuable lesson today. God's mercies are new EVERY morning. Some of you know that spiritually, I haven't been doing very well lately, hence I haven't been myself. Today at Kum Yan, Ian was sharing about how every day is an opportunity to make things right with God. Every day is a new day. That was a great encouragement to me. I've been feeling really low and really lousy. You know how sometimes you should cross the platform to take the other train but instead remain where you are because you’re already on this train and it’s going too fast anyway? It's like I'm so deep in I might as well continue because it's too tiring and difficult to get on the right track again. So here's where the lesson came in handy. I have a new opportunity each day to make it right. You know, it's hard to live your life as a good testimony. Every day is a struggle, a challenge. There were times I hid the cross around my neck because I wasn't setting a good example and I was ashamed to wear the symbol of Christ. The Christian life is not a bed of roses. It is a painful, sacrificial, self-denying walk that can be so lonely at times but we can take comfort that our Father is with us and watches our every step, waiting to gently lift us again every time we fall. Seriously, whoever is reading this, whether you're a believer or not, God loves you. And He cares not just for you but about you. Isn't that amazing? He's interested in us and in our lives. We matter to Him. YOU matter to Him.
I'm gonna cross the platform. Anyone coming along?
I figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can link!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Technophobe makes it!!!
So anyhow, go check out emode's site where all the amazing fun tests are! Go! And have a ball of a time! I'm just gonna revel in my moment for a while :) oh yeah baby, I'm walkin' on sunshine.. :)
Aha! I am back! Cheryl's only collecting the laptop tomorrow. You know how I was talking about karaoke-ing neighbours yesterday? Well today, I come home to crazy people screaming, yelling, partying, running, banging and probably having the time of their lives. AT ONE IN THE MORNING. sheesh. I live with nightmare neighbours. ARGH... they are pissing me off.
Did have quite a nice day though. Watched "Shallow Hal". I must say it made me see people in a different light. Good show. I think Gwyneth Paltrow's growing on me :) I see that smile on your face Mei En... oh, and Sarah's here on a month-long holiday!! The 4 of us, Cheryl, Sarah, Sabrina and myself had a lovely dinner at Marche, joined later by Calvin. Walked around the Heeren. Lil, missed you by hours eh? Ended up at our favourite coffee/drinks/tiramisu hangout - Modestos. Had a great time laughing my head off. The conversation (between Cheryl and I at least) centred around turd. Yep, t-u-r-d. Hahahaha.... Oooh, speaking of which, has anyone noticed the sausage they serve with rosti at Marche resembles umm... well, go figure.
Well Lil, read the bit about being possesive of Adrian. It's a bit like you and me really. That's why your prospective boyfriends have to pass the best friend test first. As of now, I have no opinion though. So far, I haven't seen anything that would elicit a violent objection from me. But you know, no opinion doesn't necessarily mean good opinion. If he knows what's best for him, he'd better start sucking up to me.. hahahahaha *evil laughter*
Ugh, second day in a row I've been having drinks. I'm thinking calories, calories, calories.... ugh... exercise, exercise, exercise... hmm... sudden urge to get a perm, you know, nice waves. Not Felicity-do. I couldn't carry that off. Arrrggghhh..... noisy neighbours.... interfering with my thought process.... mind... confused... blank.... uh.... doh! Darn, they're playing nice music though...
Ok, this girl's headed off to bed. Thank God for air-conditioning and closed windows that lock you in your own little world away from wannabe pavarottis. Anyone say amen to that?
Saturday, January 26, 2002
Couldn't bear to leave for too long... am back with just one more post. I promise, this is the last one. Took another test at - the "What's Your Theme Song" test. I couldn't resist!! Anyway, my theme song is "Walking on Sunshine"!! Yeah-eah.. I'm walkin' on sunshine, yeah-eah...
Melissa, your theme song is Walking On Sunshine!
Your upbeat approach to life makes "Walking on Sunshine" the perfect anthem for you. We can see you dancing down the vegetable aisle with your grocery cart, smiling at all the checkout clerks. We sure hope you've had your Wheaties to keep up with your perky pace all day long. This happy, horn-driven tune carries you to work every day. And even in those brief lapses when you're not fully on your game, "Walking On Sunshine" seems to put things in perspective and get you back to your super groove. "And don't it feel good?" Who cares that this tune was a one-hit wonder for Katrina and the Waves? Even that quality matches your one-of-a-kindness. You're walkin' on sunshine and spreading it wherever you go.
Whoo-hoo!! I'm walkin' on sunshine!!! YEAH!!!
Soooo, I'm back. Strangely enough, I had a fabulous time! We had a girly gathering at Wala Wala down at Holland Village. The live band was fantastic, the pizza was awesome, the drinks were expensive (thank God for happy hours) and the company was nice. Right now I'm trying to figure out why I still smell of cigarette smoke even after a shower. But yes. I had an awesome time. Catching up on old times was fun (and funny). It's nice to see people doing well in life. As for the reported dislike of me by one of them, I think I shall stuff that under the couch. I'm thinking, my relationship with her is my relationship with her. It doesn't involve other people or comments from other people unless I want to verify those comments. See, I sell ideas to myself very easily. I'm a good marketer eh? Argh, someone in the estate is having a very inconsiderate karaoke session... a while ago, they were attempting "Memories". I say, leave it to the professionals. Otherwise, take the microphone away from your mouth. Far, far away... Oh help, it's a new song now. Though vaguely familiar, it's been distorted beyond instant recognition. Help.
Well, this is going to be my last post for a while. Cheryl's borrowing my laptop for her presentation on Tuesday and I'm passing it to her tomorrow. Good luck, girl! In the meantime, have a good week everyone out there. Keep blogging, slogging and um, er.. we won't go into the other rhyming words..
Thursday, January 24, 2002
Firstly, thanks Cheryl for giving up your nap to listen to me. Thanks for being sensitive enough to know that something was wrong. You're a gem :)
Wanted to post my thoughts yesterday. Wrote a whole page of it but Blogspot publishing was down. Perhaps it was good thing. I dunno, I saved it on Word. Sometimes you love the idea of a blog because you can post whatever you want, whenever you want. Other times you're afraid because you never know who might stumble upon your words. Suddenly you're exposed to the world and though anonymous, you possess a certain identity.
So am I gonna post what I wrote yesterday? Maybe I'll just take the drama out of it and sum it up in one word - disappointment. In people, I guess. It's not that I'm perfect myself but that's not really an excuse for expecting less of people. I am someone who expects a lot - from the people I know and especially the people close to me. I expect people to understand, to make the effort, to be generally nice, to love me for the good and bad that I am. You shouldn't only have friends when you're nice, when you're exhibiting your best behaviour. Those aren't friends. Friends understand and accept and don't go out to make you look like an idiot. Friends cover for you. A friend is someone who sees you trip in front of the largest crowd and then puts aside her pride and trips as well, laughing with you so you're not the only idiot there.
~ So I guess my word for the day is - disappointment ~
Going out for dinner with a coupla people later. Don't really want to go. Heck, I don't even know who's going to be there. I'll be meeting up with someone I haven't met for a long time, someone I thought was one of my better friends but who apparently didn't think the same way of me (as I found out through a common friend). Ha, NOT an evening I'm looking forward to. I don't even want to go now. Gosh, I just sold myself out of it. Way to go, marketing student.... cheers mate, I hope I get drunk.
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
Hey Giselle! Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. You were referring to the icon next to the bold and italics icons on the bar right? I think I'm more of a technophobe than you are... oh well, I shall persevere! Am off to visit your site now!
So Mom's out of hospital. Thanks all who've shown concern in one way or another. I really appreciate it :) Turns out she's alright but the doctor's put her on medication which makes her drowsy. In other words, she's not allowed to drive so..... guess who's got the car to herself!!!!! Call me for details.. haha..
Took this emode test - What's Your Flavour (!) Until I learn how to put up links, you'll have to bear with me. Anyway, I found out that Cheryl's Liquorice and I'm Blueberry! Check out the description of a Blueberry person:
"Mmm ... blueberry! Tangy and sweet, you're as fresh as a mountain sunrise and as natural as homemade jam. If you were a Broadway musical, you'd be The Sound of music — we can just picture you twirling for joy in an Alpine meadow. Best with breakfast cereal and pancakes, you're simple and refreshing, with just a touch of tartness to give you an edge. Always a favorite, people can't get enough of your spontaneous nature and easy-going approach to life. Who wouldn't be attracted to your sporty, summery flavor? Fun-loving and genuine, you're a truly tasty treat."
Ha! Pretty cool ain't it? Check it out at:
And someone, please teach me to use links.... shift+ctrl+a doesn't seem to cut it...
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Mom's in hospital. She had a terrible pain in her lower abdomen this evening and Dad took her to the hospital. The doctor's warding her for observation. Apparently, she's got early appendicitis. How interesting. Nice of the apppendicitis to give notice. Anyway, if nothing develops in the next 24 hours, Mom's coming home. So all you people reading this, please pray that she'll be ok yes? Much appreciated.
I've not been myself the past few days. I'm missing everyone already. Slightly 2 more weeks before I head off to Perth again. I mean, c'mon. Do I have to do this all over again? As if the past few times weren't enough. My friends are probably sick of my whining and whinging. Hey, it's a tough deal, being an overseas student. Everyone seems to think it's fun and exciting; a great opportunity and all. I mean yeah it is but it's also tough. What's the toughest part? The emotions. The instability. The insecurity. It's kinda like having an affair with a married guy (not that I've had one). You're with him yet you don't belong to him. You're single yet you're attached. Your relationship seems temporal and you're missing out on other things. It's an unstable, insecure relationship attached to guilt and the pain of not wanting to let go of something knowing that you have to eventually.
But life goes on. And so it should. But oh, how we wish that it didn't sometimes....
Gosh, this web thing is harder than I thought. Argh, will probably learn as I go along. I'm a self-confessed technophobe. Lil thinks I should just go to bed. I think so too. Goodnight.
I'm assuming this page will get many hits from people looking for cookie recipes and the like. Unfortunately, you've come to the wrong place. This is my blog. Melissa Kong. Me. So all you'll see here will be stuff about me and people I know, things I did and maybe, when I get a little smarter, pictures... :) Stay tuned though for regular updates and take a little peek into the life of an ordinary girl. Oh, and if you're nice, I might actually post some recipes...
*Disclaimer* The author takes no responsibility for any medical/emotional problems that might occur as a result of using any of the published recipes.
She's feeling:

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- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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