I had a tremendously busy day at work today. So busy that by the time I had time to read the papers, it was already old news. I usually like to start the work day by going through the papers. Which is part of my job in marcom anyway. But today was just wham bam all the way. And I got pretty annoyed with some people too, which resulted in me shooting a couple of rather bitchy emails to scold them. Before you think I scolded them out of pure bitchiness, let me assure you that they screwed up. And that pissed me off. I don't send bitchy emails for the sake of it, much as there are those of you who suspect I do. But there are also those of you who know that I am, in essence, a sweet, docile, gentle spirit. Really :) So when I heard my boss laughing behind her desk, I knew she had read my email. She's always saying I'm too nice, not bitchy enough, blah.. so she's happy when I shoot these emails. I'm a dormant volcano. Usually nice but don't be a bitch with me. I will match you.
In other news, my good friend Charis is getting married!! Congratulations to him and his lovely bride-to-be, whom I shall meet for the first time next week :) Soooo many of my peers are getting married! I am going to be broke. But happy :)
In other other news (and this is really cheap thrill news), I was at Wala the other night with Derek and gang and this photographer came round to all the tables to take pictures. It's not the kind of situation I usually find myself in but it's a cheap thrill anyway. So here you go - token pic:
Jon, Derek, Me
Ok, that's enough for the night. I am going to CPF building tomorrow to file my taxes. Yes, so terribly last minute but I have really been trying to do it online without success. I'm going to be kind and not gripe about the online screw up because I think the rest of Singapore has already done that. But it is indeed screwed up. Bleah.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I renewed my gym package yesterday. Lil says I'm such a tai-tai. For the life of me, I can't figure out why. Do tai-tais go for pilates lessons? Lil, you really must enlighten me. The Favoriti has gotten into my brains. And arteries. But it was yum, wasn't it? ;)
I've got U2's "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" ringing in my head. Well, if push comes to shove, I know I can make it on my own. But I'd rather not. It's just nicer to do life with someone beside you.
I'm breaking out. My face is like a... ok, I'd rather not describe it.
I'm losing my wit.
I'm running out of things to say. I'm blogging just for the sake of it. But I really have nothing to say. I should stop doing that.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
I feel old.
Tonight, my good friends agreed to marry each other. He proposed, she said yes. I'm so happy :) I am. I really am :) Of course, the fact that I will be attending yet another wedding alone does not faze me. But I do feel the clock ticking. I honestly do.
And there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing at all.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I was at Thumper again tonight, for an event. So different from the last time I was there. Last time I was at Thumper, I left with a guy. This time, I left with a manicure. Sigh. It's getting depressing.
Anyway, we were invited by the media agency that handles the SIA account cos we advertise with them. There was a manicurist on hand (no pun intended), food, music and booze. Was relatively boring. Except that now I have yet another shade of brown on my fingernails. If you read my previous posts, you will have realised that I already did my nails. Which was kinda a waste of money since this one was free. Aaaanyway, you don't want to hear me rattle on about such bimbotic matters. That's reserved for when I'm high on alcohol. If I'm not dancing around with strange men, that is.
So tonight brought back bittersweet memories. More bitter than sweet. Actually, it's sweet with a tinge of sour. Aaaanyway, you don't want to hear me rattle on about that. That's reserved for when I'm high on alcohol. If I'm not talking about manicures or dancing around with strange men.
I didn't drink tonight. Really, I didn't.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
So I'm back on drugs. Valium, to be precise. After a long period of memory lapses, heart palpitations, breathlessness and chest pain, I decided that enough was enough. I needed to get back on medication. I mean, it's not like I'm dependent on it or anything. I know when to take it and when not to. But it's really funny how I become happy after I pop a pill. I'm like the Energizer Bunny. Boss thinks it's funny. In case you think I'm depressed, I'm not. This is not like the last time when I was crying like it was the end of the world and when I had suicidal thoughts. It's different this time. I've just got anxiety issues. But I feel like I need to reassure everyone that I'm ok and I'm not a drug addict. I just need medication now and then.
Anyhow, I'm putting myself on this strict exercise regime. I will attempt to work out 3 times a week from now. 2 pilates classes plus one hour of jogging or swimming. Just came back from the jogging track actually. Did my 2.4 for the first time in about 4 years. Jogged 2.4km and walked back another 2.4km. Of course I feel like my body has turned into jelly but I'm sure it'll get better from now. Won't be able to go for pilates tomorrow cos we're attending an event at Thumper, so I'll have to make up for it on Sunday.
Today, I also got my nails done and bought the book, "He's Just Not That Into You", thanks to Cheryl. Great book. Very empowering, I must say. There's more to life than waiting by the phone and hoping it'll ring your socks off. Don't waste the pretty.
Alright, off to take a shower now. And maybe get an early night.
Monday, April 18, 2005
I had a terrible day. It seems like every guy in the world is just interested in messing around with me.
I had a fantastically horrible day. Just thought I wanted to let the world know that.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
A long week at work culminated in drinks at Rouge last night. Actually, it was just cranberry juice for me since I was driving and I am a responsible citizen. Later today, I will be playing chauffeur and driving down to Pasir Ris with some colleagues for a barbeque at Costa Sands. Knowing me, I will get lost somewhere, so I've already factored in the time needed for that.
At this present moment, I am waiting for my oatmeal and raisin cookie batter to thaw (I made it some time ago but didn't have time to finish baking so I left it in the freezer) and hopefully complete the baking so I have something to take to the barbeque. I know cookies and barbeque are slightly incongruent but I say, "Meatballs to you!!"
Ok, back to the kitchen.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
The Gmail Account
It's very interesting how I keep checking my gmail account. It's interesting because only 2 parties know my email address. Therefore, there is an extremely low chance of me receiving any emails at that address. Still, I check the account relentlessly because the 2 parties that have my address are extremely important to me. And you never know when they might decide to send an email along my way. Of the 2 parties, one is an HR department. Yes, I am waiting with bated breath for a reply. As to who the other party is, if you even have a clue, you're probably right ;)
So I went for my Pilates class yesterday at 2pm, then rushed over to the opposite building for my aerobics class at 3pm. I've got terribly sore arms and legs now... exacerbated, no less, by a morning swim today (in replacement of the jog I mentioned previously). Strangely, it's become sort of an addiction for me. Once you start working out, you want to do more and more. Let's just see how long this lasts. I'm pretty surprised by my determination this time round though. Actually it's more out of vanity than anything else. I won't pretend to have noble reasons for exercising. It just boils down to the very simple girly ambition of wanting to look better. Well, and also because it happens to be my new year's resolution for 2005. Exercising, that is. Not looking better. Looking better is the by-product. A very good by-product, I might add.
Alright, time to hit the weighing scales...
Friday, April 08, 2005
Apologies for the absence. She's been a busy girl...
Went for 2 consecutive pilates classes yesterday... at the end of it, I was like, hello, I didn't know so many parts of my body could ache. Heck, I didn't even know there were so many parts to my body. Anyway, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I'll be going for another two classes tomorrow. I am hoping to supplement this by going jogging on Sunday. 'Hoping' being the operative word.
This evening, I went to the launch of Esprit's new Spring/Summer collection. Apart from getting there late and having to squeeze with the other billion invited guests, it was an ok event. Mark Zee was the host and since this was his maiden hosting gig, I shall spare him the scrutiny. But I have to say that he struck me as very vain. Then again, that's just my opinion. The other peeve was this middle-aged rotund man standing next to me, speaking at the top of his voice in classic heartlander Hokkien and leaning back at frequent intervals to bump against me. ANNOYING. And just as annoying were his STUPID comments throughout the fashion show about how the models are definitely Russian. You can tell by their faces. And he said all this in Ah Beng Hokkien to his fellow heartlander mates. D*** bl***y f**king annoying.
Then there was the NIPPLE thing. So all the models were strutting their stuff in beachwear, walking up and down the runway right? This male model walked to the end of the catwalk and, lo and behold, we got a full frontal view of his NIPPLE RINGS. Ow Ow Ow. From what I managed to see before I started cringing, it looked like there were 2 metal rods stuck through his nipples. This guy is perfect for those Thaipusam rituals, I tell ya. He'd probably be the first ang moh to do it though. Oh, and in a totally unrelated incident, this lady fainted right in front of us. Well, near enough anyway. Ok, more like to our side. See, I told you there were too many people around. Poor lady. Must have been bimbofied by the lack of oxygen to her brain. Ok, terrible joke. I apologise.
That's all for today though. My multivitamin recovery mask is due for removal now. Yes, I am sitting in front of the computer with an orange face. Am heading to the bathroom now before my dad sees me and freaks out...
She's feeling:

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- Sometimes I think I think too much. Everything wou...
- I don't get it. The Thais overthrew Thaksin in a m...
- Now everyone's been talking about the incredulous ...
- The hub-to-be (henceforth 'h2b') and I have had ye...
- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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