D-Day is slowly creeping up. Listening to Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach's "God Give Me Strength". It's a pretty depressing song and I don't recommend it if you're depressed. I'm not depressed so it's okay :) And in case you think it's a religious song, it's not.
It's interesting how I make decisions and then sway from one extreme to the other. Just a while ago, I thought I had made up my mind. After a while, I was more inclined to the other extreme. Now I think I'm going back to the original extreme. Which kinda lands me nowhere. I was frustrated for a while but now it's just amusing to me. I smile at how I can be so convinced about something that I would impusively take action. No action's been taken though.
So I'm facing the impending deadline. I know there are decisions to be made and it's high time some decisions were made. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I anxious? Yes. Am I playing it cool? Some people will tell you I am and some people will tell you I'm absolutely freaking out. Hahaha..
I remember the first time I seriously freaked out. That was when I was collecting my PSLE results. I literally froze. My fingers were completely immobile, stuck in a sort of stretched out position. I seriously thought I'd fail Maths. To the relief of my teacher and myself, I got a C!! Yes, I know a C at primary level sucks but that's how bad my Maths was/is. I was pretty impressed with the rest of my results though. I won't post them here but I just need to say that I got an A for Chinese. HA!
Another time I freaked out was when we had to take a blood test in primary school. I can handle injections and I can handle the ant-bite sensation but I can't handle blood being withdrawn from me. Even if it's a drop. So when the nurse did it, I semi-blacked out. And the last time I had a tube's worth of blood withdrawn from me (um.. 1998?), I felt so woozy I had to lie down in the clinic's waiting area before being well enough to walk out. I like my blood IN me, not OUT of me, thankyouverymuch.
So anyway, the most recent freak-out episode was when I went out with Terence. Frankly, I was quite glad it was Terence (ie. strong guy who can carry another human being) I was out with because seriously, I was quite ready to faint. Ask him and he'll tell you that I was really pale.. haha... ok, it's only funny on hindsight.
Not freaking out anymore. At least I hope not. I'm gonna keep smiling. HEE.. :) I once asked an old lady, in an Albany retirement home, how she stayed young both in appearance and at heart. And this is what she said:
Keep smiling, love.
Saturday, November 30, 2002
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Going up the bus today. Crowded bus. Caucasian couple in front of me. Caucasian male's ez link card doesn't work/has insufficient credit. Digs for coins in his pocket. Is short of 30 cents. Passenger 1 enthusiastically offers to help. Caucasian Man declines and says he has coins somewhere in his bag. Passenger 1 puts his hand into his pocket and takes out a variety of coins. Caucasian Man declines again. Continues searching for coins. Passenger 1 insists that he can give him 30 cents. Caucasian Man politely declines. From somewhere behind in the crowded bus, Passenger 2 comes up the front and asks how much Caucasian Man needs. She then proceeds to push her transitlink card into the machine and punch in the required amount (all this done with a semi-scowl). She says "never mind" to Caucasian Man and recedes back into the crowd. Caucasian Man is stunned. Does not look too happy.
Melissa thinks that Singaporeans try to hard to please the Ang Moh. Let's recap: Passenger 1 was extremely polite, very smiley, very helpful (ie. "how much do you need, sir? *helpful smile deserving of the courtesy award this country offers). Passenger 2 thought she was doing Caucasian Man a big favour.
Let's just say that if I had been the one short of cash, I don't think there would be any helpful smiles or, "how much do you need, ma'am?". I would probably have had to approach the least threatening passenger and malu-atingly ask for some money. Please, Singaporeans, have more confidence in yourselves. Stop trying to be extra nice to white people. They are normal people too. Why don't you try being nicer to your fellow Singaporeans?
Needless to say, I was tremendously irked by the entire incident. I was disgusted too. I thought Passenger 2 was being really rude. I was ashamed of being a Singaporean at that moment.
On a lighter note, had a nice dinner and coffee with Lilian at Holland Village. It's still a safe place to me. Ironically, it's not the barricades or police cars that are making me feel safe. It's just that, well, I grew up in that area and that'll always be HV to me. Not some potential bomb target. Anyway...
Thanks for the Ketchup Song Cheryl. Groovy.
Monday, November 25, 2002
My stomach's having a ball, my head's heavy. You guessed it. I had coffee again. Some people just don't learn their lesson... tsk tsk..
Was at Holland Village for a short while today. They've certainly beefed up security. The back road where coffee bean and all are, has been closed with barricades that prevent traffic at certain times.
Tommy Wee is my FAVOURITE columnist now (and he's mighty cute too!!). Why? Because he thinks women who wear glasses are just as attractive as women who don't. Readwhat he says. So thank you Tommy. I like you very much :)
Coffee still in my system... I feel awful...
So this is what the world looks like at 11.15 in the morning. Well for those of you in some other part of the world, 11.15 am this morning looks like this - grey, grey, grey. The weather's nice though, it's cool and calm. Nice.
One of the worst things about waking up is the state of your tresses. They always seem to magically transform overnight into some mass of incredible wonder. A work of art. Some of us end up with asymmetrical pieces that stick out one side, while others' simply scream Picasso. Today, mine's telling me it's not over till the flat lady sings. Ok ok, bad joke.
But back to the topic. I'm RAH-ther perplexed with the state of my hair. It's not long, it's not short. It's an overgrown bob trying to pass off as a, as a, umm.. a VERY overgrown bob. Eee... what's wrong with me? If this is me in the mornings, I shall endeavour not to wake up so early next time. Right, after much consultation with myself, I've decided. I will not wake up so early next time. There you go.
Cheryl's just reminded me how we used to sing along (or rather, scream along) to The Corrs' "Radio" when we were in her room.. Hahaha.. "SO LISTEN TO THE RAY-DEE-OH (listen to the ray-dee-oh) AND ALL THE SONGS WE USED TO KNOW-OH-OH" Hahahahaha... I'm cracking up here... hahahhahaa...
Ok, you know that means it's time to go... check in later!
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Nearly got myself disfigured today. Was going to iron a top to wear to church when I bent down to switch on the iron and realised that someone had left it on. How did I realise it? No, not by the switch that was in the "on" position but by the heat that I felt near my cheek. Yes, the metal plate of the iron was mere inches from my face. My right cheek, to be precise. *shudder*. In fact, the same cheek got hit on Friday by a soccer ball at point blank range. Are you amused yet? ;)
Cheryl asked me today if I sat at the end of the aisle again. I believe she used the term "row hogger"... haha...
So no, I didn't have a good day. Coupla factors contributed to it. Won't go into details. You know, I think I like immersing myself in a world of music courtesy of bro's headphones (which, I suspect, are on permanent loan *grin*) because you can't hear anything else around you. It's good. Ignorance is bliss. Except I can still see everything around me. It's like one giant living silent movie. Hahaha... this is nice. I'm amusing myself. Hahaha.. I remember the time I was sitting with a friend outside the hairdresser's at a remote part of Takashimaya. There were various customers and very bored, unfortunate husbands. So we sat outside and did the dialogues for the people inside. It was hilarious!! The strange thing is, I don't remember who I was with. So if you're that crazy friend, kindly let me know so I can get some sleep tonight :) Actually, I think it may have been you, Mark. Hahaha..
Other news: I opened the pack of ba gua today and found 2 pieces!! TWO!! A whole packet was reduced to T-W-O pieces! Of course, I soon made that one piece. But I was shocked. Mom had eaten almost the entire packet in a few days!!!
Okay, enough food horrors. WHOA.. the sky just lit up in a lilac-y, lavender-ish purple!! (er, it's 11pm) Love the rain, love the thunder, love the lightning. I say, keep 'em coming!!
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Hmm. After concerned friends asked if I was ok, I realised that I sounded pretty bad over the last few blogs. I'm better, thanks. Sleep is a fantastic antidote for most things. It's good to be unconscious at times.. hehehe.. (no, I do not have suicidal tendencies...).
Ok, so I took another emode test. This one's the Colours of Love test (how cheesy does that sound?). Anyway, it says:
Melissa, when you reveal your true colors in love, you're a Committed Partner
You are a devoted person who feels the greatest sense of security when you're in a stable relationship with a dedicated partner. At times when you're not part of a couple, you're likely daydreaming about romance — at least during the moments when your mind isn't focused on advancing your own personal success. You have an easygoing, approachable nature that can make you a great mate and friend. It's a trait you can surely put to good use in any romantic relationship.
Translation: I'm boring.
I don't necessarily agree with the test results although I think that's what I tend to come across as. So anyway, I decided to put myself to the temptation test and here's what it says:
Melissa, when it comes to temptation you're a Saint
Yes, it's true, you are a living Saint. Where you come from and how you do it, we're not sure. But, we can confidently tell you that you're highly evolved when it comes to resisting earthly temptations!
Unlike most of us, you probably eat only when you're hungry, buy only what you need, and "lying" is certainly not part of your repertoire. And if you ever come face-to-face with a fleeting temptation, you're one of those people who can dismiss it quite easily and get on with the rest of your disciplined, good-hearted, well-intentioned day. The more people like you in the world, the better it will be — (and the more cookies for the rest of us!).
Sigh. That's it then. I'm boring. Yay me. BUT, I'd rather be boring than mean and manipulative. So there.
Ok, that's enough tests for today. Byebye for now!
Friday, November 22, 2002
Hey Kelvin, thanks for being concerned. I don't feel very much better. Actually feel hangover-ish. Strange huh? Will feel better soon :)
And why aren't you coming back in summer??? Who am I supposed to annoy now? ;) Well, you take care and have a good time of contemplation, introspection and simple R&R.
The day's just begun for me.
The last post was abruptly ended because I realised that I had to leave the house in 10 minutes and I hadn't changed or decided what to wear to the musical. Not that it mattered.
Carrying a heavy heart. I absolutely hate that. As I've said before, it's incredibly difficult to love in difficult situations.
My day has been cr** (when you think about what that word means, it's really quite vulgar. Hence the asterisks. Mel doesn't do vulgarity. Well, except in very extreme circumstances. And even then, they're relatively mild terms. Gave up using the potent F word a few years ago. Cheryl, you may actually have been the lucky last one to hear me say it. Remember the tense dinner at your flat in Perth? Actually, that means the entire dinner table heard it.. haha.. so you're not lucky last after all).
The highlight of my day was the musical itself. Other than that, it's been a terrible day.
I find myself saying, "Forget it. I'm not going to care anymore". And that scares me. I think it's scary when someone stops caring. It means that person has given up. On the subject of his/her care and on himself/herself. Giving up on people is something I've had to deal with in recent years. What do you do when your cell members don't respond? When your work as a cell leader is less than pleasant, is drawing criticism, is seemingly fruitless? What do you do? Believe me, the temptation to give up was so real, so very very real. Worse, it was easy. So easy to give up. I didn't want to though. So I grudgingly hung on. Held on to hope. Continued believing. Taught me a few lessons although one should never do anything grudgingly. I had to learn to love. And I learned that I could dislike someone but still love them. THAT was very difficult.
So now I'm here again. Back to square one. I want to give up. I want to let go. I don't want to care anymore. Why am I doing this to myself?
Because I am flesh and blood, made in the image of my Father.
I really don't want to come across preachy ok? It's just that I'm clinging to my faith. I need it to help me get through this. I need HIM to help me get through this.
I wouldn't be surprised if none of you know exactly what situation I'm talking about. I realise that I am being vague. But like I said, Mel doesn't comfortably discuss issues of the heart online. Especially when my family may be reading this.
ARGH. I feel like bingeing. On ba gua (Mom bought 2 packs after watching "I Not Stupid" over and over. She's still at it. Day after day after day she's watching it. Again and again. I can memorise the actors' lines now. And the subtitles. BOTH English and Chinese). I know I shouldn't though. Eating because you're depressed really perks you up (don't know about you but I get perked up) but it's not healthy. And my body and face will scream when I look in the mirror tomorrow.
Ok, I'm going to end my post here because I don't forsee my fingers running across the keyboard to produce nice, meaningful words. I need my sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Thursday, November 21, 2002
I think I'm getting cynical. The notion of love seems very hard to grasp at the moment. Gosh, the power of a blog. I'm afraid of what I might type. God give me wisdom and restraint.
I feel like I'm baring my soul for the whole world. Which is fine when it comes to day-to-day activities, whinges or sharing a testimony. But when it gets deep down personal personal, it's scary for me. I mean, some people in Perth know I'm very defensive and private when it comes to such issues. In fact, some have been victim to cold stares and don't-pry-into-this-area-of-my-life looks. The only people I've willingly shared this part of my life with are the people who actually know a lot about it; people who will not judge me. People who honestly, sincerely, genuinely care for me. Not people who do it out of obligation. In case you're wondering, yes, there are people who care out of obligation. Because you're under their wings, because they promised to, because you were at the right place at the right time. I'm not saying it's good and I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying that I share with the people who truly care because they care and not because they have to.
Rambling. Sorry. I get carried away when I talk about things that affect me.
Loving someone is hard work. And I mean 'love' in all senses, in all situations. I think that if you want to love someone, you have to be prepared to hurt. The more you love someone, the more you're vulnerable to hurt, and the more painful it is when you actually do hurt. Imagine the pain our Father must feel each time one of His children hurts Him.
Loving someone means sometimes you just have to stand in the sidelines and watch, regardless of how much, how very much you want to run out and help and dispense your care. Love is when the Father sees us making a mistake but doesn't interfere because we need to learn to deal with stuff.
This is so not me. I don't write about these things in my blog. Mel does not discuss such personal emotions with the rest of the world. Yet I feel such a great need to release all the pent up hurt and sadness.
I have not mastered love. I press on.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
This girl is so tired... I think my stamina needs to be trained up. And I've realised that travelling backwards on a bus makes me sick. I shall endeavour to always sit facing the front of the bus...
Anyhooo, had a nice time chilling out with Lil at the ProjectShop cafe. I'm still reeling from the after effects of the iced mocha. Anyone who knows me knows I drink coffee at my peril. Add that to the reverse bus journey and my stomach's really having a party.
Other than that, it was nice catching up with Lil again and listening to the woes of an Honours student :)
I am sooo tired... Melly Melly Melly... IamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybumIamnotalazybum
Hmm.. ok, other news. I thought the new Siemens 8008 looked yummy on TV but when I saw it in the shop, I realised that it was PUNY. As in, really tiny. I was a bit disappointed... thought it'd be, well, BIGGER. So now I don't have a phone to drool over. As such (what a uni essay term!), I changed the cover of my current phone. It is now a funky coffee brown (yes, I realise this is ironic after having whined about coffee 3 or 4 paragraphs ago). Well, it's not really coffee I suppose. More chocolate. Yes, definitely.
I've got an awful ulcer in my mouth. You know, where your lower molar meets your upper molar and the flesh from the side of your mouth that could get caught in between when you chew? Well, yeah. Ulcer. Not a nice feeling.
1 day to Singing in the Rain.
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Today in church, I committed the cardinal sin (excuse the pun) of sitting in the aisle seat of an empty row. What followed was a series of, "excuse me", "uh, sorry ah", "um, so sorry" throughout some part of worship. I think I speak for anyone who's ever been an usher when I say that you should always, always move to the end of the row.
Anyway, while on the bus home after lunch, some aunties and uncles boarded (at times, when we say aunties and uncles, it does not refer to blood relations. It's a generic term for people who are older... say, in their late forties and above). They were shouting to an Indian uncle, "Eh, uncle, your bag ah! You left your bag!" Mr Indian Uncle shook his head to indicate it wasn't his bag. This led the group of aunties and uncles to hurriedly say (half-jokingly), "Eh, better don't touch ah. Maybe got bomb inside then we all mati!". Again, for the non-Malay speaking people, "mati" is Malay for "die". I was rather amused by the whole commotion. Couldn't resist smiling (something I hardly do on public transport, don't ask me why... defense mechanism perhaps) for some part of the journey :) To set the record straight though, this doesn't mean I'm taking the whole terrorist thing lightly. It's a serious matter and we should be vigilant but not paranoid.
Okay, testimony time. It was (and still is) raining cats and dogs. As usual, I was brolly-less. This led to serious consideration on the bus. What if the rain doesn't stop when I get off (it certainly didn't look like it was going to)? So what do you do in situations like these? You PRAY. Hard. So pray I did. "God, please still the rain for the time that I have to walk from the bus stop to my block of flats". I had faith that God could (and certainly can) do anything. So I arrived at my destination. The bus stopped. The rain didn't. Ok, never mind, once I step out of the bus shelter, the rain will miraculously stop. Ok Mel, go! Move your feet! You can imagine I didn't exactly move straightaway. C'mon, it was pouring!! I felt kinda dumb, standing at the bus stop, looking longingly at my block. Then, that still, small voice that God is so well-known for gently entered my head.
"Step out in faith, Mel. Just go."
"But God, it's really raining very hard you know?" Duh. He made the rain. Of course He knows. Again, the voice,
"Just step out in faith."
"But... but.."
You know, in such times, it's amazing that God can still be patient with us..
So FINALLY, I decided, okkaay... I'll gooo.... And I went. Splish, splosh, splash. Lo and behold, Mom appeared with a BIG umbrella. WELL... He certainly came through for me!
So what's my point? My point is this - God may not always answer your prayers the way you want Him to. He certainly didn't answer my prayer. I told Him to stop the rain but He didn't. BUT, He will always deliver you. He sees the purpose, not necessarily the problem. The purpose was to get to my flat safe and dry. The problem was the rain. He didn't take the problem away but He delivered me from the problem. The purpose was fulfilled.
See, so many times, we just want God to take the problem away but He does even better. He goes beyond that. He delivers us from our problems. That's what we ultimately want, isn't it? He never ceases to amaze me :)
So I got back safely, went into my room, looked into the mirror, pointed at the person in the mirror and said, "You have an AMAZING God".
Saturday, November 16, 2002
This is for all FCC Campus Zone people:
Does anyone still use the message board??? Is it like some ancient site from prehistoric times? The newest member - haha.. little bit of trivia here - is.... *drum roll*.... Miss Esther Sim!!!!
Yah, anyway, dunno why I posted this post. Was just very curious to know if people were still utilising the board. I guess that means I do know why I'm posting this post. Hmm. My brain is working faster than my fingers. Or is it the other way round?
So, yah (I love "yah". It's so Singaporean *giggle*), this was a meaningless post. I hope everyone had a nice day. I certainly did :)
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
It's been raining the whole day. I'm glad for the rain. It's cooling and calming at the same time. The lightning flashes are a little scary though. They're harbingers of explosive crackling and pounding. There's something intensely concentrated and focused about a lightning/thunder episode. Picture this - FLASH, anticipation, THUNDER, respite. FLASH, anticipation, THUNDER, respite. It's predictable, repetitive, yet you don't exactly know when the next lightning flash is coming. But once it comes, you know what to expect. The whole cycle starts again. Haha.. actually it happens to females too (or should I say, it happens to the men who cower in a corner, covering their metaphorical ears in utter fear) ;)
So yes, that's my take on rain, on lightning, on thunder. Rain is good. Unless you're standing in the middle of an open field or holding a metal rod or swimming in any form of water or playing golf - which could comprise all the aforementioned activities. What? Swimming? Oh come on, don't tell me you've never lost a ball in the pond on the course...
Rain is best savoured indoors. When you're nicely snuggled up (with a good book or with someone else, it doesn't really matter). Depending on which part of the world you're in, you would either be in front of a fireplace with rugs and throws, or you would be reclining on your tatami mat, taking in the breeze, or lying on the tiled bench next to the matching chess table in the void deck of your friendly neighbourhood.
Or, if you were me, you'd be sitting on the couch with a laptop on your... well, on your lap, and indulging in some mango ice cream from Haagen Daz. Cheers.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Had a lovely evening at Pete's Place. Dinner was yummy, dessert was gorgeous and the company was exceptional :) Glad you had a good time, Cheryl. Here's a pic of Cheryl and I at the bar counter. For other pics, go to Cheryl's site :) Me lazy.. heheh...
Watched Sweet Home Alabama yesterday. It's your typical love story I guess, but with some bittersweet twang. Or maybe it was the southern accent :) Sushi and pool completed the day. All in all, nice :)
You know what? The strangest thing happened to me between last night and this morning. I dreamt I met God. Actually, we called Him. This girl (I think she was one of His angels) gave us His number and we somehow ended up in His house (Which for some really strange reason, was supposed to be my grandma's old house)! When we met Him, He told us (suddenly, it was a group of us) that we had called Him at His battlefield number. He laughed and said the angel should have given us His home number instead. In case you're wondering what He looked like, in my dream He was a really big guy. At times, He was white (as in skin colour) and at times, black. He had a beautiful accent. It was kinda like a mixture but mostly Irish :) He was a fantastic, fantastic guy... I felt so warm yet so in awe at the same time and rather fearful too lest I make a mistake. Then came a more serious part of the dream but it's a bit fuzzy now. I remember asking Him something and being shown that I had the potential to hurt Him. I remember crying so badly I was shaking. I was just crying and crying and crying because I felt the pain that He would feel if I hurt Him. It was awful. Ok, I might be writing in bits and pieces now cos I can't really remember but I'll try to churn out what I can:
Umm.. we were basically taken to different rooms and each person had one-on-one time with the Lord. Everyone had had a turn except me and I was getting a bit jittery (can you blame me?). God was somewhere in the house and I wanted to go look for Him so He could show me my room and talk to me personally. So I went looking for Him and entered a room which was supposed to be my grandfather's room and he was supposed to have passed away in that room (didn't happen in real life of course... my grandfather passed away in a hospital). I felt a bit uneasy and then God appeared and I asked Him if we were gonna talk here and if it was weird for Him (stupid question right? like anything would be too weird for the MAKER of the UNIVERSE!!). Anyway, I saw a row of pencils (or was it pens?) lined up along a table. On top of the row was a laminating sheet, you know the kind you can buy in a roll? Now's the confusing part which I don't really remember but I think I asked Him if it was possible to roll the laminating sheet all across the pens till it reached the end of the table. And I think He said, "You could if you really wanted to, but see these parts? (refering to the space between the pens.. you know, becos pens are cylindrical so even when you put them side by side, there's a little space on top between the pens?) I'll have to get into these kinks and press them in (press the laminating sheet in)" I knew it would hurt to press those parts in. Those were the parts of my life that needed ironing out. And then I just started crying. God was so conscientious. He made sure He'd covered every detail. It shows how much He cares and how I could really hurt Him.
Whether or not heaven looks like my grandfather's house (I hope it doesn't!) or whether God has an Irish accent is inconsequential. What really moved me in the dream was how sweet, fatherly, warm, kind, gentle, in control, firm, yet that weeny bit vulnerable God appeared to be. And it was not because He said anything to give me that impression. It was just HIM. His being. His presence. And I understood what it was to love Him yet fear Him and be in awe of Him at the same time. I'm telling you, it was an awesome, incredible dream. An experience.
So that was my dream. Feel free to ask me anything else or clarify stuff. And um, no, I don't remember His face. Whoa. Still a bit stunned. Catch you all later.
Monday, November 04, 2002
She gets a whopping 40% discount at GMC (was it GMC or some other health store?) so I'll be getting some Vitamin C pills later! Yay Cheryl!
And of course, we are going for deener and margareeeetas layter... hee heee.... no alcohol and I'm high already... heee... check in again for pics!
Sunday, November 03, 2002
Went to Chinatown for lunch today after church. I was overwhelmed. The hawker centre we were at was some sort of complex, you know, multi-level and the sorts. And there were shops below selling all kinds of things from alarm clocks to shoes. Yes, I'm not quite a Chinatown person and the last time I remember being there was when I had to go buy some ethnic Chinese costume for the purposes of performing with the ACJC Choir. Anyway, yeah, I was overwhelmed because it was such a big hawker centre and there were so many stalls and, looming up in the inevitable distance, I knew I had to order in Mandarin. JIANG HUA YU. So I bravely went to a stall which was least threatening and hesitantly proceeded to tell the auntie that I wanted SHUI JIAO TANG. Phew, that was easy. And I sounded pretty natural too :) But then she asked me, "LIANG KUAI HAI SHI SAN KUAI?" I wanted to ask her the difference between the two and how many dumplings the LIANG KUAI one had. Now I didn't know if I should ask JI KUAI, JI LI or JI GE. Which all basically mean "how many". I think I went with JI GE, which didn't really matter to her because after I said LIANG KUAI DE, she locked that into her mind and didn't hear anything I said after. Anyway, in case you're wondering, the LIANG KUAI one has 5 dumplings. Don't ask me how many the SAN KUAI one had. I didn't get that far.
You see, Cheryl, we have the same problems. But at least you look Eurasian. I couldn't look more Chinese.
It's not that I don't enjoy speaking the language, it's just that I feel like an idiot when I do, so I'm not very confident in articulating the vernacular. Seriously, it's terrifying for me when I have to use the language with the locals. You know, I really don't want people to think I'm a "banana" (which many a kind relative has inferred) or look at me with the "HUA REN BU HUI JIANG HUA YU" look of disdain. When I was younger, I was actually quite proud of not being able to speak the language well. I mean, it was funny! I hail from ACJC and even though the first "C" stands for Chinese, you're not a true ACSian if you speak the language well. hehe.. I mean, we're well-known for our horrible Chinese. It's almost like a school pride thing. Of course I could be totally wrong, in which case, I've just made myself look like a complete fool :)
So there you have it - my Chinese woes. Let's hope it gets better eh.
Still thinking about whether I should head down to Chijmes for the jazz festival. It'll be on till 1am. Hmm...
Hey Kelvin, you old geezer you.. *snigger snigger*.. Or should I call you "ALFRED"? hehehe..
Argh... my eyes are acting up again.. if I only got a penny for every time I rubbed them...
hmm... update more tomorrow yah..
Friday, November 01, 2002
She's feeling:

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- I've just come back from the One Fullerton party a...
- Much has changed since the last time I wrote. I wa...
- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
- I've been trying to keep healthy. To be more accur...
- So it's been that long huh. Couple of things have ...
- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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