My whole Sunday was spent pretending to be an athlete. Today was the heats for the Singapore Hotel Association Inter-Hotel Athletic Meet. That's quite a mouthful isn't it? In fact, that's probably a workout on its own, saying it in one breath.
Anyway, I was down for 2 events - the 100m and the 4 x 100m. At this point, I want to just say that EVERY single one of my friends was in total shock and disbelief when they found out I was going to be involved in some kind of physical activity, much less a RACE. You know who you are, those of you who gasped in amazement in person, over the phone or via sms. You know who you are. I have such terrible friends who have so little faith in my ability to do sports. Or anything remotely physical, for that matter. Then again, I probably earned myself that reputation, what with the spas and manicures and bimbotic laughter. Hahaha.
Even more funny - this Four Seasons girl (who was a trainee) started talking to me as we were taking our places for the 4 x 100m (we were both the 3rd runners) and she asked if I was nervous. She said she was because she hadn't run in 2 years. I replied that I hadn't run in NINE. She said, "Really? But it's ok because you look like the really active type". !!!!!!!!!!! I look like the active type?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
My first event, the 100m, was at 10am. The night before, I was thinking, "It's a race among the hotels in Singapore. How many fit people actually work in hotels??? I'll probably be running against aunties and middle-aged paper pushers." Oh boy was I wrong. When I got to the stadium, there were actually cheering contingents, various hotel banners, and the athletes were actually warming up on the track! And they wore spikes!!! I mean, this was supposed to be an amateur thing right?? RIGHT??
The Conrad team was out in full force, as was The Regent. Other hotels there included The Fullerton, The Sentosa Resort and Spa, Pan Pacific, The Oriental, Shangri-La, Sheraton Towers, Grand Plaza Parkroyal, Four Seasons, Hilton, Hyatt, Meritus Mandarin, Traders Hotel, Raffles Hotel and the Raffles City Hotels (which includes Raffles the Plaza and the Swissotel properties). I was so intimidated that my only goal was not to be last in my heats. In fact, last night I was wondering why they would even need heats. You mean so many people would actually take part? Guess what? There were 4 heats for my event.
I didn't qualify for the finals of the 100m in the end but let's just say I also achieved my target of not being last in my heats. And I beat a Conrad girl. Which made my very happy indeed. Hehe. I mean, these hotels were sending all their trainees from Shatec and the Polys. We only had about 6 of us and we were all full time staff! Not young spring chickens anymore, unlike the young healthy trainees.
However, our 4 x 100m relay team did qualify for the finals, so that was quite good. It means, though, that I will have to give up another Sunday on the 28th of August. But I'm sort of looking forward to it. In a funny kind of way. I bet none of my friends expected me to be in any sort of finals :) Feels like school sports day all over again. But this time it's much cooler 'cos I'm actually treated like an athlete (!) with my own track pants, running shorts and singlet with the words "Carlton Hotel" emblazoned across. I've NEVER had any sportswear with a team name on it before. Never ever. So I actually feel quite pro. Haha.. cheap thrill but I like :)
So at the end of the day, I left with a sunburned face and body (I was in the sun from morning till 5pm!) and a place in the relay finals. I think I'm quite happy.
Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Except I have to go back to work tomorrow. And that's a major bummer.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hmm. Apparently, God doesn't want me to give up.
Since my last post, I've gone to take a shower and make some preps for tomorrow's sharing session in cell. Tell me, how does one prepare for a sharing session when one is so agitated? So I had to make my peace. With myself and with God. I picked up my guitar and started playing the first song that came to mind:
You make me lie down in green pastures
You make me wanting for nothing
You fill my hunger with honey
From Your sweet, sweet Word
You let me worship before You
So I will love and adore You
You are my Shepherd
You are my Jesus
You are my Lord.
There we go. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Or in other versions, I have everything I need. I shall not be upset about not getting my increment. Because I was made to sit at my Father's feet and worship Him and dwell in His presence. I wasn't made to be a millionaire. If so, 99.9% of us would be miserable failures. And we were not created to be failures. I was suddenly humbled. And a little ashamed of myself. I do not lack anything. I really don't.
Then as I thanked God for speaking to me, I sang the next song that came to mind:
Make my heart tender and pure
Make me strong, help me endure
In this hour, let me stand
Hold me close, with You I can
So lead me on and I will go
Lead me on and I will follow
Lead me on to where so few have gone
And I will go, I will go
Lead me on
Doesn't it speak so perfectly of how we can endure by God's grace? See, that's what we mean when we say God speaks to us. It's not always in an audible voice but He encourages us through His Word, through songs and through people. I have truly been humbled. And I'm so blessed by what I've experienced tonight. It's God at His Daddy best :)
I had a horrible day at work. I cried. Again. I hate my job. I hate my job so much. As I was telling my friends from church this evening, I hate my job more than I hate tau gay. And by golly do I hate tau gay. For the non-dialect speaking (or reading, in this case), tau gay is Hokkien (I think) for beansprouts. I abhor beansprouts. They make my hair stand and my stomach churn. But at least standing hair and a churning stomach are far better than my awful job. Tell me, which job expects you to be properly groomed and digitally-enhanced but gives you a laundry allowance of 1 jacket a week? Do they want me to smell?? (ok, enough with the s'mel' and s'melly' jokes already.. they're a bit stale) Which company's HR department would LOSE your pay increment form??? And not apologise or do anything about it! Tell me?? Which company??? Which job would make you go back to work on the FIRST day of CHINESE NEW YEAR and not allow you to claim time off?? I'll tell you. It's the SAME job that will make you go back to work on NEW YEAR'S EVE and countdown to the next year but, you guessed it, not give you time off!
As you can probably tell, I've just about had it with them. If all this compounded isn't enough, I have to put up with the people. Oh man, I don't even want to go there. I will stop short of judging people because I know how imperfect I am myself. But I'm just so fed up with my job. I've been fed up with it since April 2004. And I've hung in there for more than a year. But losing my pay increment form??? That was the last straw for me. And if I hadn't brought it up to the director after getting my payslip (which didn't reflect any change), the efficient HR department would have kept quiet. Nobody would have known that I STILL haven't got the increment. I am SO upset. SO VERY UPSET.
To all who are reading this, I'm sorry. It's not directed at you. I'm not angry with you. I'm just so tired. And so drained. And so disillusioned. I just want to give up.
I just want to give up.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I miss my Daddy :(
This morning, Dad and Mom flew off to begin their Alaskan cruise holiday. They're flying to Taipei, transiting for 4 hours, before flying to Anchorage. Following that, they'll be on board a cruise vessel for 7 days, making occasional land stops, and then ending up in Vancouver, where they'll fly back to Singapore.
I miss my Daddy. He's the bestest Daddy in the whole wide world. He helps me iron my clothes, makes me breakfast EVERY morning, sends me to work and picks me up after. He is the most awesome Daddy ever. Lots of people say I'm pampered cos Daddy chauffers me around. But they don't understand that I really enjoy the time spent in the car with him. Even though we don't talk much, I have his presence there and sometimes on the way home, we have little conversations. I do love those moments in the car. It's nice to start the day with a car ride with Dad and end it in the same way. I don't think I'm pampered. I'm just very blessed.
My Dad is also the best cook in the world. Not because his food is always superb (most of the time it is) but because he lovingly cooks for his family every day. I always look forward to a nice home-cooked dinner at the end of the day. And often, my first question to him in the car on the way home would be, "what did you cook today?"
He's not just any old Dad to me. He's my Dad.
He's Pa. I love Pa :)
Dear Lord, please grant my parents journey mercies and safety everywhere they go. Bless them with good health, good spirits and a great time. Help them to remember to take their medicine and not to get lost. Watch over them, Lord, as you are watching over me. In Jesus' name I pray.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
I woke up past 10am today. The latest I've woken up this year. It's pretty amazing, considering my uni years saw me going to bed at 4am and waking up past noon. It's an awfully decadent lifestyle isn't it?
I've been meaning to catch up on my reading. There are, at present, 3 books waiting for me to pore through. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is still bookmarked at chapter 5. And it's been bookmarked for the longest time. I really have to finish it before I lose his train and have to start from the beginning. Following that, I have Kazuo Ishiguro's An Artist of the Floating World, which I'm really looking forward to devouring because he's my favourite author. I mean, anyone who can write in a Brit voice while being Japanese gets two thumbs up from me. And finally, for my book review, I have to read Jack Hayford's "Taking Hold of Tomorrow". Pastor selected it for me when I said I wanted something easy. It certainly sounds very Oprah. I hope it reads that way too.
Will be heading down to church later for some missions thing. Ironically, it's never really been my thing. Although there was this very, very brief period of time in Secondary School when I toyed with the idea of working aboard the Doulos. As we all know, that idea sailed to the outer regions of Hahaiguessnot-land.
Righty-ho, I'm off to the books. On that note, I have to say I'm royally pleased that the National Library has finally opened its spanking new premises and is so wonderfully near my workplace. I forsee many lunch hours spent in the tropical cool comforts of Nerdlandia. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, dahling.
Boy am I glad the week's over. It's been a most stressful week, especially with my Valium sitting by the computer at my desk, begging to be popped at the first sign of stress. But I got a lovely surprise last week from dear, dear Kelvin, who always has my interests at heart :) I received a package alllll the waaaay from Purrrth, Western Austraayia, and I burst out laughing after furiously tearing the bag open. Here's half the present:
It's not the actual cover design cos I couldn't be bothered to take a picture of the book, download it and then upload it, so I searched for it online and this was the cover design I found. The other half of the present was another book - "The Little Black Book" to be precise. Basically a dating how-to book and diary. I have cool friends :)
Mmm... Saturday tomorrow and I don't have to work. Sweet.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I had an amazing time last night over dinner at Villa Bali with school mates from way back in secondary school. We were all prefects then and used to have an annual gathering going but ever since different ones of us packed up to fly off to other parts of the world in pursuit of degrees, our gatherings somehow ceased.
Last night was the first time in a long while that a substantial number of us came together and it was over good Indian food, great alfresco atmosphere in a Balinese-inspired garden, but good wine and fantastic company. It was also a little overwhelming to learn of who's married, who's with child and who's flying the friendly skies. And it was also very interesting that everyone's partners were from different parts of the world - India, Indonesia, Wales, Malaysia, UK... I say, by golly, we're making our mark in the world!
Photos of the evening will be up as soon as the ones responsible for sending them over do so. I know I also promised photos from Ernie and Wen's wedding soooo long ago. Well, I've finally downloaded them so here are a few:
Eileen, Queenie, Me, Aileen
Shuen, Eileen, Me
Ice, Crystal, Me
Me and the beautiful bride :)
Sunday, July 17, 2005
It's funny. I just looked at the time on the toolbar and it said "9:11". It's been almost 4 years now but the impact that it left is hard to ignore. I think our lives are forever changed. I don't remember, as a child, ever having to think about terrorist threats when travelling. There were no posters in MRT stations telling us to alert the authorities if we saw any suspicious-looking parcel. Heck, there were no MRT stations then (but that really is another story). Bali was just another exotic destination I had yet to put on my agenda. Madrid was our "almost-went" tourist spot that we switched to Switzerland and Paris instead because Singapore Airlines flew there. London was my favourite city in the world and one of the few places I've visited more than once.
But these, and many other places will never be the same again. And people around the world will not be the same. My children will not grow up with the same sense of freedom that I had. They will read of 9/11 in their history books. They will read of Bali. And Madrid. And London. But it will not just be history. They will read about such things in current affairs. They will be witnesses to the tragic unfolding of catastrophic disasters that are born out of the deceitful heart of misguided idealism.
There will come a point where we are no longer appalled by the extent of destruction brought about by senseless acts. But there will never be a point where we will no longer hurt, no longer cry and no longer experience the piercing devastation of intimate loss. And that, perhaps, offers us a glimpse of what we like to call, hope.
"... And we rejoice in the hope of glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." - Romans 5:2-5
Friday, July 15, 2005
I like to deal with bad news first. So here are three things that went bad today:
1. I had a nasty headache.
2. I found out my eye for a guy was a bit off. He has a girlfriend.
3. I have a mountainous load of work I'm supposed to clear by Monday.
And here are three things that were not so bad today:
1. I had cell group (awww....).
2. Ummm....
3. Hmmm....
I wish I had more interesting things to say but I don't. So, goodnight!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I fainted today.
It was quite a hilarious incident (as are most things involving yours truly). I was at the WyWy office attending a product launch. This guy was demonstrating the functions of the copier/scanner/printer/fax and halfway through the demo, I realised he had only about a quarter of his middle finger on his left hand. Basically it was a stump. I knew it was game over for me when I started feeling queasy and seeing spots. I struggled to stand there and wriggled my toes to help blood circulation.
After that demo, he led us to another machine and as I walked, I knew I was in for some trouble. So I asked the Purchasing Manager who was with me if it was alright for me to go sit because I was feeling giddy. She said to go ahead. I made my way to the seminar room but just as I got through the door, everything went blank. I literally could not see anything and collapsed into a heap on the ground. Drama mama right?
But no worries, I lost consciousness for just a few seconds. Some knights in shining armour helped me up to a chair and offered me warm water and medicated oil. My Purchasing Manager was so shocked and she came over and started fanning me with a stack of paper. I was, at this point, both giddy and embarrassed. Everyone was asking if I was alright and I told them that I was and asked that they please continue with the demo for the rest of the group. Of course, I also apologised profusely to everyone but they were so sweet and kept making sure that I was ok. I think they were afraid I was going to die because I looked awfully pale.
Anyhow, I couldn't tell them the real reason I fainted so I just attributed it to low blood pressure. When I went back to the hotel and saw the doctor, he laughed at me and said I shouldn't tell others about this or they would laugh at me too. He said there's nothing wrong with me even though I told him this is not the first time something like this has happened. He just pinched my cheek and said I was merely traumatised and was just being silly.
So that was my day. Oh, and I also had a nice dinner with Jasmine and her friends. It's good meeting new people from time to time and widening my social circle.
Right, I'm off to bed now. Before I faint again.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Been feeling giddy these few days. Losing my balance easily. I attribute it to the late nights and early mornings. Which probably means I shouldn't even be up blogging.
Last week was just crazy. This week, I seem to have booked myself on every evening. And next week is filling up fast too. It's not that I have this amazing social life. It's just that... gosh, I don't even know why I'm so busy. It's unnerving because I feel like I don't have any control on my schedule and I don't like it that way. I want to be in control.
And that's about all my brain can come up with at the moment. I'm way too tired. Goodnight all.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
So the Regional Director of Sales and Marketing called me into her office yesterday morning. She asked if I was happy with my job and if everything was going ok for me. I said yes, everything's fine (except I'm getting paid so few peanuts a monkey in Africa would be a king compared to me). Then she said that's good. I'll bet she didn't hear the peanuts part. Maybe I should have actually said it aloud.
Anyhow, she proceeded to say I had too little makeup on. And that I could do with more lipstick. Then she asked when my birthday was because she wanted to buy me a "ruby red" lipstick. Yes, those were her exact words. Ruby Red. I grimaced. She seems to think I would look nice with a fat dollop of scarlet on my mouth. I beg to differ. Anyway, I'm very happy with my current staple - MAC Lipglass in Lust. It is the most wonderful shade of lipgloss I've ever come across. And it looks positively gorgeous on anyone. And I'm starting to sound like a complete bimbo.
Having said all that, I do think the RDOSM is a nice person. She's a little eccentric at times but she has a good heart. And she cares for people. I mean, she wants to buy me lipstick, for crying out loud! Sweet lah... touched me deep deep...
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I think romance is over-rated. I think warm fuzzy feelings are over-rated. I think the electrifying sparks between two people are over-rated. Having said that, I was recently a victim of a warm-fuzzy-tingle-down-my-spine affair. It's making me a little uncomfortable. Because I'm suddenly opening myself up to disappointment again. The pessimist in me is working overtime. But yes, someone caught my eye. Someone I know nothing about, whom I've had less than three conversations with, whom I never knew existed till a month ago. But you know, having made six mistakes, I'm hoping not to make a seventh. And Mel the Pessimist is saying I'm gonna make a seventh. I like making self-fulfilled prophecies.
Anyway, in my feeble attempt to not make another horrible mistake, I'm going to steer clear of him. Which will be difficult because we're working together on a project. Sometimes I wonder if God likes to poke fun at me. But I know He doesn't, He loves me too much for that. Still, I feel a bit of teenage angst. But maybe now a little more worn-out kind of angst. I really need a very level head now. But you know how hard that is when your emotions are all over the place.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of my life...
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I know I promised photos of all the excitement, so I'll share just one photo first :)
Are the British absolutely charming and gorgeous or what?!?! PM Blair was so wonderful! And Sebastian Coe was such a gentleman as well. Seriously, I don't think I've ever been this starstruck in my life! :)
Here's a picture of me supporting the London bid:
We went to work in sporting gear today - track shoes and all - and, after we were given the cue, ran into the ballroom where the press conference was being held, and shouted, "London, here we come!!!" Our GM presented Sebastian Coe with a huge bouquet of flowers and a poster of the London 2012 logo, which we all signed congratulatory messages on. It was heaps fun. Especially getting to wear sport gear to work (but we had to change after that) and being in the presence of sporting stars and international press. It's an experience I'll probably never ever forget.
That said, I abhor the attacks on London today. Nothing to do with the Olympics but the attacks were senseless and cowardly. And very, very cruel.
CHERRY GARCIA! You scored 70% SWEET, 48% CHUNKY, and 66% UNIQUE! |
cherry sweet cream base with cherries and fudge chunks are one of my personal favs: Cherry Garcia. You fall in the middle on all measurements- sweet, wild, and unique, but not overwhelmingly so on any of those. You make a good friend, able to share your unique perspectives on things, and able to have fun without winding up in jail or something. Good job. |
![]() |
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I just came back from work! And the reason for that is that..... LONDON WON!!!!!! By now, you probably know the British delegation is staying with us so we've been super busy the whole week with numerous press conferences and all. I got to meet Mr Tony Blair, The Princess Royal, Sebastian Coe and... get this.... David Beckham!!!!! Don't blame me for getting a little starstruck here... I'm overwhelmed :) I can't describe exactly how I feel because I've been in a daze since Monday. I have to say, PM Blair is sooo gorgeous and charming! Very very media savvy, very very suave. I like :) And I count myself very fortunate to have come within 1 metre of David Beckham when the rest of Singapore didn't get a chance to see him cos he wasn't allowed public appearances (which he did anyway actually).
Tomorrow will be hectic for us. Press conference again and the place will be swarming with local international reporters. The past few days have been crazy enough but I think tomorrow will be CRAZY.
And I'm so very happy!! I was at Raffles City watching it on the big screen with my boss and we both screamed when the results were announced! After much screaming, we ran back to the hotel to start preps for tomorrow with some of our other colleagues. Gosh, I tell you, this adrenalin rush is like no other. It's amazing!! I feel so blessed to be a part of this :) Go London!
I'm a happy chappy :)
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
So I am back. Was I away? Yes. I had another retreat to go to. It seems all my weekends are taken up by retreats. I should be very well retreated now but I'm not. Shucks. I need a break. Anyway, here's the nicest photo of me from my latest retreat:
In case you're wondering, I'm the one in orange. Ok, so it wasn't that great a picture. Maybe this one works better:
I always seem to have a cheesy grin on. I don't know why. I was born with a funny face I guess. Anyway, here's another photo I have, taken as we were boarding the ship for our weekend crusie last Friday. I actually quite enjoyed myself on the cruise. Oh, notice the two chicks posing with us. They're performers on one of the shows on board. Which I didn't watch.
Ok, enough photos for today. I actually had quite an exciting day because the IOC is currently in session. Will reveal more once the whole thing is over so I don't breach any security codes or anything. But I will say that I had an exciting day and it's the first time I got up close and ok, maybe not so personal, but definitely up close with so-and-so as well as so-and-so. Will post pictures after everything :) More excitement in the works :)
Final note - Cheryl, I hope my pix don't screw up your screen again...
She's feeling:

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- So hello one and all! I'm back again from yet anot...
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- I have been so tired of late and so in need of som...
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