Looong day today... that's what happens when you cram all your classes into 2 days. had a lecture this morning at 10.30 and 2 tutes later. My day ends and 6.30 for crying out loud! And it's late night shopping today. The roads and stores will be packed!!!!!
And on top of that, all men are idiots. Then again, I mainly hang around boys so I wouldn't know.
Can you tell I'm pmsing yet?
Thursday, February 28, 2002
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
Thanks to Lilian, I've just taken the "Which Marvel Lover are you" test. I guess that's me then. Storm.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?
I know I'm technologically challenged. Because I've just discovered online radio. And it took a radio class to make me realise that. So yay! I have radio! On my laptop! All this while, radio was restricted to the car, Mix 94.5 and Sonshine FM. Now will some kind soul please tell me the difference in music from JJJ, 92.9, 96FM, 94.5, RTR and the rest? I need to know this for class. My lecturer's even gone as far as to force us to wake up early and listen to breakfast radio! Oh well, nothing like Crunchy Nut Flakes and milk to get me through the day (or back in bed). Maybe I'll try some marshmallowy ones. Like Lucky Charms. Or Cap'n Crunch. Or colourful Froot Loops. Or Special K Red Fruits. Or Sultana Bran. Oh, apparently, it's called Raisin Bran in the US. How interesting is that huh? Ok, well maybe not. Time for bed.
Monday, February 25, 2002
Readings, readings, readings. I'm starting to get stressed out by school. I mean, I really want to be the good student and all (I don't care if I get called a nerd or a typical Asian - I hate that, btw. I dislike the common notion that all Asian students do is work their ass off and beat the Aussies to better jobs and places in Unis. So blame us for working hard. C'mon, be fair. We know how to enjoy life too.) So yeah, I do want to be hardworking but it's kinda difficult when you have BORING readings to do. and 30 pages of it too...
Our ex-flatmate, Sandy, dropped by for a visit today. It sure was nice seeing her again. She used to stay in Tom's room (which, i think, happens to be the smallest room in the flat - hehe, Tom..). She was in Melbourne, Sydney, London, Tokyo and Gambia in the hols. Is she one lucky girl or what???
Ugh, back to Martin Lister's introductory essay in "The Photographic Image in Digital Culture". Check back later.
Sunday, February 24, 2002
So the winter olympics have been on for some time now. Are any of you following the coverage? Winter sports have always left me fascinated. Simply because I come from sunny Singapore and winter for us is the office we work at where temperatures are sub zero. I'm thinking we over-compensate sometimes. Kinda funny actually, seeing yuppies in business suits and heavy jackets in our climate. We've got H.G and Roy, Australia's version of Joe and the Flying Dutchman. They are hilarious and currently have a program called "The Ice Dream" - a commentary on the day's events (after "The Dream" during the Sydney Olympics). I absolutely love the way they make fun of the figure skaters :)
Just came back from the Campus Zone Steamboat Night. It's interesting that a whole table of guests were expecting to go on an actual steamboat in the river. Needless to say, they were rather disappointed.
Cheryl, you've like completely disappeared from the web!! What's up girl? And no, signing my guestbook doesn't count :)
Ooh.. guess what? Mom made 8 calls to me while I was driving. And my flatmate tells me she called a number of times too. When I picked up the 9th time she called my mobile (note: this is past midnight), she asked, "You still driving your old jalopy?" I'm like, "What? You called just for that???" And it's not like she didn't talk to me earlier. She called me twice during the steamboat. So she keeps calling me even past midnight, just to ask me if I'm still driving the same car (I REFUSE to call it a jalopy) and she proceeds to ask me if I want to get a better one. Man! I've only got one more semester left in Perth! What is the point??? I'm half amused, half frustrated. *grr*...
Hope everyone's having a nicer day. Cheers.
Friday, February 22, 2002
Tom's fish "Fillmore" died today. He jumped out of his bowl. I'm not altogether that surprised since he's been really stressed the time he was in the bowl. Anyway, rest in peace my dear Fillmore. Oh, he's buried in the sandy, pebbly patch outside Eazy's room.
I've been busy. Typing minutes, trying to come up with a script for the Steamboat night thing which I am co-emceeing. I hate scripts. I don't work well with them. I find them too contrived. I'm an improptu person. Very improv. I don't like people telling me what to do. In the same vein, I don't like scripts. I think I've made that clear enough. I do wonderful without.
So I'm in this radio class. Big headphones, fathead microphone, superscope and all. The fat covering on the microphone is actually called a windsock and it's used to cut out wind noise and strong "p" sounds. You know when someone goes "pretty picture perfect" the "p"s can be a tad powerful and cause the listener a certain amount of distress. So yes, it's an interesting unit but I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of all the equipment, fiddling around with the gadgets and all. And, I stress this, it's an elective. Mass Comm Public Relations students don't have to do technical media stuff but I needed a 3 point elective. I'm a proud Mass Comm student. I don't like being confused with those Media Studies students. So there, ha! Yeah, actually, I'm just frustrated with people who can't tell the difference between students doing technical stuff like radio, tv and presenting and all as opposed to those of us doing marketing, public relations and advertising. Same family name, different first name.
Going down to Freo tomorrow. I'm gonna pig out on oysters and mussels (oooohh.... I know Cheryl's about to kill me now). Gonna walk around, take a stroll, walk the shops, have Gelare ice cream.. ooh no, Simmo's is better... yeah... can't wait. Freo's the bestest place in Perth!! Go Dockers!!
I need a break. My readings are stressing me out already. I need time to do them but I can't if I'm bogged down with stuff like writing a script for the emcee... argh!!! My studies come first. Then sleep. Then the script. I tried. I'm tired. I need a shower. Check in later.
Monday, February 18, 2002
Most embarrassing day of my life today. I fell flat on my face in the ref (that's the refectory, for the uniformed. For the even more uninformed, the ref is a canteen). The move drew oohs and ahhs, from the queue next to me. See, I was trying to go under a railing and while I maneuvered that successfully, I didn't quite manage to stand up successfully. Tripped over my jeans (was sick, lost weight, jeans too loose) and went "bam!" on the floor. Of course, the bunch of keys I was holding added some noise to the already loud plomp. Oh, did I mention it was peak lunch hour too? Needless to say, a few kind friends were present and didn't really manage to hold in the giggles. It was nice of them to ask me if I was alright though, so thanks, Daphne and Vinny. I'm alright. My ego isn't.
Finally finished packing my room. Now it looks absolutely brilliant. The theme this semester is Provence. Heh. Yes Lil, I know you're going there. I've got a wall calender of Provence and it's beautiful. Anyone who wants to drop by for a visit is more than welcome. There are also various scents in different parts of my room. The desk area has a rose scent because of my rose candle and pot pourri. The room has a general citrus tang courtesy of body shop's power surge spray and the bed has a well... umm.. "childe scent" :)
Cheryl, hope grandma's feeling better. Lil, hope your cousin and her parents are feeling better.
Friday, February 15, 2002
Yep, so I drove to the doc's today only to find out they were closed. Hmm... something's going on. I'm wondering when I'll be really and truly free of this awful stomach flu thingy.
Sigh. Paragraphs that begin with a sigh are never a good thing. Just watched My Best Friend's Wedding. Sigh. It's kinda hard to find love ain't it? But once you've found it and you know it, you just don't ever wanna let go. I dunno, I may be wrong. I've never experienced it. I've found what could possibly be the one but obviously I didn't think he was the one enough to hold on tight and not let go. And so I did. Let go, that is. So what happens in the meantime? We have the occasional crush, the big fall, the dreamy dreams... why is it you always have the biggest crush on the people you know you could never be with? Whywhywhywhywhy??? Sigh. It's not fun. Why is it the people you have a crush on are always soooo sweet to you, make you laugh, dazzle you with their charm and seduce you with their mystique? The people you know you could never ever be with. Why do they have to click so well in so many areas and illuminate your life? It's a conspiracy I tell you. A blatant conspiracy. Or maybe I'm just shallow.
I don't think I've ever been in love.
Ladies and gentleman, I've finally decided that it's stomach flu and not food poisoning. Therefore, if I'm still not feeling better, I'm going to go see a doctor tomorrow. I'm still feeling a bit pukey and bloated...
Thursday, February 14, 2002
You wouldn't believe the number of typos I made on the word "valentine's". Maybe it's a sign.. haha.. so anyway, just for fun, I took the Wedding Date Predictor test on emode (hey, it's valentine's!) and apparently, I will get married by Saturday, August 27, 2005!! Hahahaha... well, who would've thought eh? ;)
Today was actually the first time I did anything on Valentine's Day. Was hanging out with Mei En, Kelvin Tan and Derek last night. Went for fish 'n chips at Cicerello's then went for a game of pool. Headed down to Oriel's for coffee and were on our way back at about 12.45am. We were in fact 5 minutes from home when Derek suggested swinging by King's Park. Alright, so about turn and back down the freeway to King's Park. Drove on and on in the dark, parked the car, and the 4 of us sat on the bonnet, contemplating the stars.... hahaha.... how dramatic is that?? Like a scene from Roswell. Us 4 aliens looking up into the sky at the galaxy that was our home.. haha.. it was a nice way to spend Valentine's though - with 3 friends, in a foreign land (well not really), in the middle of a huge park (we seriously didn't know where we were and if the car broke down there we'd be kinda stuck), sitting on the bonnet of a car. Kinda makes you realise that the friends you have mean something and are a part of your life as well. You don't just have to be with the love of your life. Your friends are pretty much a big part of it too.
So to all the lovers out there (and the not-so-lucky in love), enjoy the day as a day to celebrate relationships with your fellow human beings.
Finally, "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God - for God is love. God showed how much He loved us by sending His only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him. This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins" - 1 John 4:7-10.
God bless you dearly.
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Feeling a little better today. Just visited somebody else's blog where he/she was moaning and whining about Chinese New Year and relatives. I used to do that. Big time. Now I just want to cry because I can't be with my family, I can't be pigging out, I can't bear the brunt of the irritating comparisons irritating relatives make. I miss it. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd ever be saying all this. I've actually always found a little thrill, a teeny bit of excitement in dressing up and visiting the relatives just to show them how much better I look now.. haha.. those girly dreams..
I really think I should continue unpacking. It's gonna be such a chore though... chorechorechorechorechorechore.... hmm... I saw Bill Chitty today. I'll try to be a model student this semester and get a reference out of him. He doesn't give those out easily unless you get a distinction or high distinction. Well, I don't think I'm going to have a problem with that if I study hard and do my work consistently. I'm smart. And not ashamed of it, so there. Take that, world!
Still thinking about whether I wanna go for the dinner thing tonight. I'm not gonna eat anyway. Ooh, speaking of which, I had a free lunch today at Hoi's Kitchen 'cos we met Mei En's auntie and uncle and they picked up the bill. How cool is that?! My appetite's picking up but I'm still eating like a bird. Sigh. I hope I start eating normally again. Soon. I miss having dairy products. This whole episode's made me realise how much I depend on milk, cheese, yoghurt and ice cream. Especially in summer... hot, blazing Australian summer...
Slip slop slap, people.
Monday, February 11, 2002
Had a tiny apple for breakfast. Cost me 55 cents. Didn't have lunch. Had soup and a banana for dinner. Am eating half-frozen grapes now. Fries... I want to eat fries!!!!!!! Sigh. I think I've had 2 full meals in 3 days. Hmm... seeing as I ought to have had 9, the numbers are kinda worrying.
Sigh. I wanna be home for Chinese New Year!!!!!!! My first Chinese New Year away from home. I want the melon seeds, the mandarin oranges, the nian gaos, the pineapple tarts, the prawn crackers, the peanut cookies, coconut cookies, every other kind of cookie, the new clothes, red packets, comparisons of height, beauty and accomplishments by eager relatives, shuttling to and fro grandparents' abodes.... sigh...
Every other Chinese in the world (and those who care to join in the festivities), happy Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year, whichever you prefer. I'm just going to sulk. : (
Oh but guess what? Murdoch International's having a "Welcome Dinner, Lion Dance and Karaoke (drinks at own expense)". I wanna go home!!!!! Don't think I could eat much anyway. I'm tired again. My day starts at 8.30am tomorrow. Sigh.
Ugh, still not feeling on top of the world. Orientation started today. My day started at 7am. With the urge to puke of course. Decided I had to go see the school nurse. She kept asking if I was sexually active or had been with any boys lately and I'm like.. er.. no... and of course she asked me about my period and stuff. After some time trying to cajole me into saying I'd had sexual contact, she relented and said, "well, I suppose you know best". Sheesh. She did give me some Mylanta to ease the tummy discomfort though. She thinks it's a virus which should go away after a while. I should eat apples, bananas and plain mashed potatoes for now. "Boring" food according to her but that's what I should do. After all, I haven't had dinner for 2 nights in a row. My only meal of the day would be half a lunch. I suppose that's what's making me weak eh... tired... and it's really really hot here. H-O-T. I'd pay $5 for a glass of ice-cold coke. But of course, I don't think I should be drinking that in this state. I don't want to have to puke again. The toilet's almost my second bedroom.
Well, I've got a jam-packed week ahead, what with orientation and signing up for tutorials, getting my ooks, changing my address, seeing my programme chair... I'm not exactly in the best state of health to do all that. Sorry if I sound like I'm whining. Sick people tend to do that.
Saturday, February 09, 2002
Threw up this morning between 5am and 6am. Woke up about 4.30am and felt really uncomfortable. I knew I had to puke but I absolutely hate doing it because it scares me big time. I can't puke and breathe at the same time so I always end up gagging, choking and desperately gasping for air. 3 times I went to the bathroom. Of those 3, only one was fruitful. The other times I just made gagging noises. It was awful awful awful... oh well, I got to see the sky lighten. Sigh, Mom and Dad think it's food poisoning. That's the last time I'm having tuna from a can. Felt like puking again when I woke up this morning at about 11am. Some of my cell members went to Hoi's Kitchen for lunch. Excellent tim sum. What did I have? Fish porridge... sigh.. I had to look at the yummy food in front of me but I couldn't eat anyway. The porridge came in a huge bowl and Mei En says I only ate 50 cents of it.. haha..
Had some mushroom soup for dinner. Am feeling slightly better now. Earlier this morning, Eazy gave me a bottle of Po Chai pills. Gosh, I've never taken those things and yes, I was wary of any mercury content. I hope it's safe. After lunch, Kelvin took me to the chemist to get charcoal pills. He was really great, got me a bottle of water and making sure I was alright and all... gee, when you're sick, you realise that the people around you really do care and it's a nice heartwarming feeling :)
I'm on worship tomorrow. That means I have to be in church by 7.30am. I do hope I'll be ok. Still thinking about whether I should get someone to replace me. Ok, I've just got Leonard to take over. I think I should get more rest. Man, when you're physically sick, your homesickness is magnified 100x. Sob.. Mom was really nice though (yeah, she was her usual over-worried self but..) she called my grandma, auntie and grandaunt to ask them to pray for me. It was nice hearing my parents' voices. I miss them.
Played Literati online with this 45 year-old man from New Jersey. He was really nice and it was really fun playing too :) Because the time difference is about 13 hours, he'd just started his day and I was winding down. How cool is that?! It's nice meeting nice people online and yeah, that was pretty much the highlight of my day :)
Lil, I'm listening to the cd you gave me. Over and over :) Brings a little of home to me. Hope you're getting through your pms. Gosh, I know what that's like :) I'm queen of pms eh, haha..
Time to go take a shower and rest. My laptop's been working hard all day. That's what I love about Australia. Flat rates. Don't have to watch my time online. BUT, I do have to go rest. Till I'm better then. Bye!
Friday, February 08, 2002
Check out these pics from the airport. Not my best photos - combination of zits and early morning countenance. Ugh, morning flights... So anyway, it was rather hot today. Went to check out book prices at the bookshop on campus as well as the one near Curtin. Gosh, I've a textbook that costs $94! Of course it's hardcover and has colour and full page ads inside... Hmm... I'm beginning to think advertising ain't a cheap unit to do...
Still unpacking.. 10 boxes... just finished putting away most of my clothes. I hate to think that in about 5 months, I'm gonna have to pack everything up again. I really want to do my room nice but I can't afford the time and it'd be silly to do it up so nice only to take it down again in a little while. Hey Lil, I really hope you visit. I don't think I'm gonna go to Spain after all. Too much of a hassle. Oh well, looking forward to the Maldives at the end of the year!!
My back and shoulders are still peeling courtesy of sun and fun at Siloso Beach. Now I can't wear sleeveless stuff here 'cos I don't want to scare people. And boy is it hot when you have sleeves. Even short ones. Once again people - Slip, Slop, Slap. Yes, that's the Australian campaign for sunscreen.
I hope the weather's beautiful wherever you are.
Yep, that's right, I'm here in Perth at last. Got my old room back (Lil, you may convey that to your cousin and all other interested parties). Missing home terribly. Imagine - just this morning, I was in Singapore having a hot chocolate and egg mayo sandwich and now I'm dead tired at the computer in Perth. What have I been doing? I watched Zoolander on the flight back. Touched down, discovered my mobile line was not yet reactivated, checked into SV, went round helping Eazy and Daphne move stuff, went to Garden City (bought a skirt!) went for dinner, went back to Queenie's to get my stuff, found out that my car was parked behind Rod's. Problem - Rod's car was in an accident apart from that, the battery was flat. Had to jumpstart the car, with little success, rolled it forward a bit so my car could inch out the side. Reconnected my battery too. Did it myself and I must say I'm mighty pleased :) So we got all the stuff into 2 cars - mine and a CRV. Went back to SV, moved stuff again, took a shower, arranged some stuff in my room, and then I couldn't resist the urge to come online so here I am. My shoulders and back are sore, my eyes are tired and I have a briefing at 10am tomorrow next to the Tavern.
Hope everyone at home is fine. I love you all lots and miss you all terribly. Know that I've taken you guys here with me. I hope you don't mind :) Tell everyone that Mel's thinking of them and missing them and wishing she didn't have to leave them. Thanks go to Cheryl for the lyrics to "Sympathique". Brought a smile to my face and a lightness to my feet.
Weather ain't too bad here. 30 degrees today but it's going to be hotter. I hope I settle in soon. There's lots to be done and time will go by so quickly I'll have no idea what hit me. Thank God for the Internet is what I have to say now.
Ok, I've yawned too many times. Need to go now. More to come in the next few days.
Thursday, February 07, 2002
So this is it. My final night in Singapore for a while. Mixed emotions - excited, sad, scared (as Lilian and Paul will tell you). Sigh, time passes both slowly and quickly. I can't make up my mind. Glad I came back, if only for a while.
More test results :) I'm both Good Luck Bear and Cheer Bear!! Yes, Lil thinks I'm schizo. I prefer "unique" or "quaint". Heh. Anyway, check this out:
See what Care Bear you are.
See what Care Bear you are.
Well, this is my last update from Singapore. More updates from Perth coming your way. Take care all and God bless.
Wednesday, February 06, 2002
I can't believe I messed up. I've always been very careful about not mixing whites and coloureds (we're talking clothes here please) but I screwed up this time!!! Argh... now I've got a bluish white shirt, a dirty yellow top, a greyish white t-shirt and a very unhappy me. I cannot believe this. Sigh, and now they're in the dryer. It's gonna take an hour. It'll be ready at 3.30am. I hope the rest of my clothes dries real soon so I can pack them in my luggage.
Had my mini cry already. Turned the faucets on immediately after I talked to Paul. Grabbed Childe for comfort. Did the usual - gingerly touched the shelf next to my bed, looked out the window at the view of surrounding condos, looked at my floor, touched the aircon switch, my pillow... sometimes I think I overreact. Sometimes I don't think about it. Sometimes I just cry. I will miss my family. I will miss my friends. My emotions always get screwed when I have to pack up and go, whether it be to Perth or Singapore.
Dinner tonight was excellent. Went to the Hard Rock Cafe (would you believe it was my first time?), had a great time with great company - my JC class. Cheers to you guys :) I'm glad we're still in touch. It's been slightly more than 3 years since we left JC and it's heartwarming to see us hang out together, showing concern for one another and generally having a ball of a time :) Will miss all of you.
Tomorrow will be my last full day in Singapore for some time. I don't know when I'll be back. I really don't. If you see me in July, it'll mean my honours plan didn't exactly work out, neither did my trip to Spain. If you don't, smile and think of me often :) Tomorrow, I'll give my farewell speech. For now, I'll go to bed. The laundry can stay in the dryer till tomorrow. I'm too depressed to face my damaged clothes. Goodnight.
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Had a really nice dinner at Tango's tonight. The margarita was a tad strong though eh Cheryl? :) Finished off a nice dinner with a wicked brownie and ice cream at Coffee Club where the waiter was um.. how shall we put it... curt? Well, maybe not curt but he was all mumbles and jumbles. Mumblemumblemumble... Service was slow. I'm big on service. I expect a lot from service staff not just because I'm paying but because it's only professional. I don't think personal crises are excuses. Personal life and professional life are, to me, 2 different things that, as far as possible, should not mix. It's not easy hey, but it's something to aim towards.
Laughed a lot today. First with Lil, goofing around with the jukebox at Billy Bombers, crooning old melodies, fiddling with cheese fries and malt shakes... went to town and laughed at the stupid things we said. Ok fine, the stupid things I said. Got approached by this apparently pubescent boy trying to sell us Moshi Mori (whatever) wallets at half price. Laughed again this evening with Cheryl when we were relating the stuff we heard on the radio to each other. Laughed when we tried to sing a french song - confidently singing it, complete with accents and all, and then fumbling and trailing off at the parts we didn't know. And yes, we both fumbled at the same parts... hahaha.. oh, and of course, we tried to sing Alegria (Cirque du Soleil) and the only word we knew was "alegria"! We're too hilarious for our own good! Hahaha...
Ooh, 2 days to go. It's quite surreal really. I can't quite believe I'm in Singapore. Weird eh? It'll almost be like I never came back at all. I'm starting to think Perth ain't the place for me. I mean, it's gorgeous and homey and all and I'm in love with it. I could see myself right at home there. I am right at home there. Singapore, on the other hand, is almost completely devoid of charm for me. Yet there is a magnetic pull that draws me back each time. It's not the people. I severely dislike the attitude that Singaporeans have come to adopt - work your ass off, be rude to fellow dark-haired beings, push and shove in public places, and most of all, the NEED to be first in everything. Tuition at Primary One says it all, but that's another story for another time. So no, it's not the people. It's an indescribable pull that you love and hate at the same time. It's like chocolate. It's unhealthy, makes you fat, causes ruptures on your otherwise smooth skin yet you want it. You don't need it but oh boy, you want it.
I"m sleepy now. I hope I haven't been blabbing irresponsibly. That's the danger of having a blog eh? Well, like I said, I'm sleepy now so I'll er, check in again tomorr.... zzz..zzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Monday, February 04, 2002
Well, 3 days before I leave for Perth. Again. Did a bit of walking around town today with Lil. Bought a t-shirt with a really cute heart on it from Marks and Spencer. Ok, so it was a splurge, sue me :)
Gosh, I'm watching ski rescues on the Discovery Channel. This guy had a punctured lung and fractured ribs. Eeeps.. makes me squirmish. I never really got the hang of skiing. Then again, I've only tried once. I think it's kinda dangerous though if you don't do it properly. Well, anything's dangerous if you don't do it properly eh. Wow, didn't know there were things like anasthesia gas. Oh man, now this other guy's hurt his neck and spine and is in danger of being paralysed... man, this is so scary...
Meeting Cheryl for dinner after her class. Scrambling to meet up with people now that I'm leaving soon. Looking forward to going back to Perth where I'll be on my own again, living my own life, answering to myself, going home any time I like, going out any time I like... heh... I'll miss you all in Singapore though. I'm sure you'll all have fun as well :)
Ok, am distracted by the tv.. later..
Sunday, February 03, 2002
So the most frequently used word to describe my glasses today - funky. Heh. *dumbass grin ala Lilian*. Mom totally freaked out at my sunburn 'cos I was developing blisters on my back. She flipped, I flipped. Bugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbug... she kept bugging me to go see a doctor. She'd switch off the tv, look at me (I'm busy on the computer), turn the tv on, sigh, turn it off, look at me... you get the idea. It totally bugged the daylights out of me!! I finally relented and after dinner, headed down to Silver Cross at Holland Village. Not without much protest of course. $33 later, Mom said it was worth the money for peace of mind. Dad quipped that now I would have peace of mind too. I said no, now i have PEACE.
Had a good time at Funorama. Bought car stuff - look out for the huge ACS crest on my windscreen. Hehehe.. Met people. Quite a number of people. Happy :)
Check in again later. Lil, I hope you're going to give me ALL the details ;)
Saturday, February 02, 2002
Grandfather's in hospital. He's ok. Will be warded for observation though. Had a nice day today. Collected my much-anticipated pair of glasses 8) Mom gave me a weird look when I put them on. Dad thinks they're alright, Bro thinks they're trendy :) It's gonna take a lot of getting used to. I think I'm getting more adventurous when it comes to these things :)
Watched "Amelie from Montmartre" today. Very funny. Go watch it. I give it 8.5 out of 10 and that's a pretty high score from me. "The Lord of the Rings" gets 8.45. Okay, 8.49.
Went to this lovely bistro on Mt Faber for a little suppery thing. Nice place... a cafe on Mt Faber.. sounds good eh, except your view is predominantly that of HDB buildings. Worth a shot if you've never been there.
My nephew, Ethan, turns one month old today. Technically yesterday. Happy birthday Ethan!! Hugs and kisses from Auntie Mel :) Haven't had the chance to see him yet actually. Must do so before I leave for Perth.
ACJC Funorama tomorrow! Technically today.Looking forward to that - meeting old friends, looking for teachers and all. It'll be fun. I've always enjoyed Funorama. Except the year I was actually involved as a student. It's hard work!!! We had a stall that sold brownies and ice cream - "Ebony and Ivory" it was called. Gosh, if I told you the horror stories, those of you who bought our food would be feeling very sick right now.. hahahaha...
Ok, I should be off. Cheryl and Sarah, have fun at the Zoo :) Wanna hear about it and we need to meet up before I leave yah? Ooh, wear sunscreen....
She's feeling:

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